(E Moldavite)
52 posts
11/26/2006 5:54 pm

Last Read:
12/22/2006 8:31 pm

The Universal Law of Attraction

A key teaching of the Abraham Group is that achieving your desires is done by feeling hopeful and positive about those goals, rather than fearful . The teachings often refer to vibrations - in the nature of, your thoughts are 'vibrations' that influence the 'vibrations of reality,' and in this way have a real impact on the physical word... If you think positive thoughts, and so align up your good vibration, good things will happen to you. Equally, if something bad happens to you, then in some sense it was your own doing, because you aligned up your bad vibration to encourage or endorse it. An example - when referring to the people who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks, Abraham says "There are no victims, there are only co-creators.”

Abraham, through Esther Hicks

Think back on past and current events and people in your life - both negative and positive - can you admit how much you contributed to attracting them into your life?

That one has been a real kicker for me. Even though I was outwardly positive, subconsciously I wasn't because I still get irritated when I recognise, am reminded by negativity in other people, and often drew the same type of individuals in certain areas of my life. In the immortal words of one Homer Simpson: "D'OH"!

I also know I attracted davinci2rinpoche into my life, for one, because he is here to teach me about patience and tolerance to which I aspire but have not (yet) mastered. He knows which incidents I refer to and received 'counsel' on. Cheers to that, luv.

Image credit: The Law of Attraction, channelled material of Abraham

nikonIII 55M

11/27/2006 8:54 am

Ms. E :

Why so much phiolosophy ?

In some way, the Abraham Groups's philosophy would be seen as insensitive. It almost amount to blaming the victim for negative events in their lives. It also sounds as if it doesn't encourage people to come to terms with their loses, but rather resort to a defense mechanism of rationalization or displacement, something Freud would consider relatively primitive.


E_Moldavite replies on 11/27/2006 9:59 pm:
"Philosophy", Nik?

Most of the time I'm just talking out of my arse.

Not sure I follow you. In the case of 9/11 as cited by Abraham, how is "rationalisation" and "displacement" NOT useful? I hardly think the Abraham group is directly blaming the 2000+ people who died, does anyone?

The people did not die by natural causes. How else would the families involved and your nation come to terms with that except to start addressing the conditions that had given rise to the attacks?

E_Moldavite replies on 11/27/2006 10:16 pm:
Specifically, the conditions they helped create.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
11/27/2006 6:42 pm

Where DVC is around, there's philosophy.

On Sunday when i learnt my friend, an avid traveller, a runnaway of this-worldly reality and practiser of other-worldly ideals, majored in Philosophy in U, i just bursted into a big laughter.

Philosophy is around us, everywhere, if you name it philosophy. Just point yr hands up and down on yr body parts to:

Head - Think
Heart - Connect
Humor (Belly) - Laugh
Hitting (Fist)- Walk Away


nikonIII 55M

11/28/2006 8:53 am

Ms.E :

I guess I am referring to the Abraham Group's usage of generalization of human emotions, such as 'hope' and 'positive', and a colorful usage of words such as 'vibration' to be the solution of problems.

Those usage of words are an amusing means to temporary stimulates the minds, but they are by no means a solution nor concrete answers to whatever needs to be done. Using those non-specific terms could eventually lead to mere preaching, leading to A blind faith and develope an illusions of a solution found.

I'm a practical person. I need to know the logistic and details, not a just philosophical approach.

Likewise, at the 9/11 incident, some blames America for having incited hatred that lead to the attack. What constitue incing hatred is debatable. But I have no patience on those arguemnts. I just know that we've been attack, who attacked, and now its time for a counterattack. No rationalization to justify as to why we were attacked in the first place is to be considered.


You are correct in that the brain 'wears out' when not thinking. In neuroscience, the motto is ' either you use it or loose it '. On a microscopic level, neuroscientist have observed that the dendrites of the nerve cells acturally degenerate when not used.

And I'm not much of a Freudian fan neither. I consider myself to be from the school of a biological neurobehavor, not a psychoanalytical nor cognitive behavorist.

DVC and Swallow;

Philosophy is most fundamental in intellegensia. That is why the highest degree, in principle, is the Doctorate of Phiolosophy
( Ph.D). But Philosophy is way too abstract that often we got lost in the thinking and entered into illusions. I prefer to be more down to earth, like "Show me the Money", or "If it ain't broke, Don't fix it".

Eclectic :

I believe what your son say then is not himself talking. He sings a different tune, a more real and personal tune, when he is stable.


swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
11/28/2006 6:34 pm


I like your son's rhetoric statement -

I no longer fear fear.

What good is deadline when you are dead?

Philosophy is very down to earth, it is daily facts abstracted to theory by the avid thinkers who has lots of time to dwell in thinking. Who says philosophy is not practical? It is also abt money and break-and-fix. Haha...

(E Moldavite)

11/28/2006 8:37 pm


People tested with EEG and MEG have been shown to be affected by energy channelling by practitioners in other continents. I’m sure you have easy access to those. If you would allow me let’s do an intercontinental experiment with a neutral person or people you hook up where you are, who doesn’t know what’s being done, in real time, so you can prove me wrong. Nothing “colourful” about an EEG reading. (Btw, this is not a sly ploy to get you to go out with me, lol.)

Would you be happier if you got rid of Al-Qaeda and other fundamental Muslims? Why not nuke the entire Middle East? It is not a certain leader or an easily defined group. You've got rid of Saddam Hussein but you still haven't found Bin Laden. Have any of the problems they have apparently caused all by themselves abated?

It is a discontent in people that would spring up elsewhere as soon as chop one part down. You’re fighting ghosts. Who’s being philosophical and impractical here?

nikonIII 55M

11/29/2006 8:13 am

Ms. E :

I wish EEG and MEG really can connect with the mind from far away. Unfortunately, EEG can't even connect with the center of the brain.

EEG detects electrical activities from the surface of the brain, but many activities, especially emotional activities, occur inside the center of the brain, in areas like the hypothalamus, Caudate nucleus, etc, So its utilization is very limited. But MEG does have very colorful pictures of the brain, albeit again, only the surface of the brain.

Not a sly ploy on your part ? If telepathy really works, then maybe it would have been a sly ploy on my part.

On those terrorist, irregardless of whether they have legitimate grievance or not, their action is not right, and needs to be stopped. They talk about war, but war is about fighting between solders, not solders vs civilians. So even their declaration of 'war' is illegitimate.

If this was a war during the 1700s, in the height of Imperialism ideology, then nuking the entire middle east would have been done, had there were nukes back then. The sad thing is that the extremist are imperialist underneath, though they would not admit it. They are fighting a quarrel of yester-centuries, using Imperialistic arguments for their justification.

Swallowtsui :

Please show me YOUR money. I promise I'll be your best friend. Deal ?


Thanks for affirming. In a true intellectual endeavor, the means to a conclusion is more important than the conclusion itself. Understanding the means can allow us to expand and apply the same reasoning to other areas. That's what a higher education is all about.

On illusions and lost in thinkings, you are correct. A real student of philosophy would not find himself in a position where he is lost in his thoughts or thinks in an illusional state. When I was in college, I was so overconfidence in my mathematical intelligence, that I thought I could forgo a second year of studies in Advance Calculus, and enter into a course call Numerical analysis. Big mistake. Everything was so philosophical that we cannot even declare that 1 + 1 = 2 unless we can proof it is true using Numerical Theories of Sets and Elements. Yet, I never lost the reality that 1 + 1 is indeed equal to 2. I was not illusional.


(E Moldavite)

11/30/2006 6:31 am

EG, they are “terminal” if they themselves have already accepted the medical doctor's prognosis.

Some people do have an unconscious death wish ie. one might vociferously say something but through muscle testing similar to but not kinesiology it can be shown that their beliefs are opposite of what they voice.

The founder of one of the modalities I mentioned to you in the first private message was pronounced with terminal bone cancer. She healed. So it must be something which Nik would term “blind faith”.

I don't know if your friends are rubbing off on you or not but it sounds like you're mostly talking and making the politically correct or polite noises about possible alternatives from the conventional medical paradigms without actually actively seeking them out.

nikonIII 55M

11/30/2006 8:23 am


I thought you were talking about telepathy. My mistake.

What you described, that the presence of the practitioner in the room with the patient under EEG monitor has affected the EEG result is quite common. Its call artifact. Because the brain's function is to detect sensory informations, its expected that the presence of the physician, either through any noise he made have made, or his odor, or even the awareness of his presence, will alter the EEG electrical potentials. For that reason, EEG's are done in a dark room, insulated from all extraneous stimulations.

As far as any artifact present when the physician is in the other room, this is true only if the patient has some kind of awareness that there is another room and a believe, correctly or not, that someone might be there.

I looked up Gregg Braden. Personally, I wouldn't paid too much attention to what he have to say about many things. He seems like one of the many typical people whom, after a relatively successful career, decided to venture into other avenue of personal growth. Sometimes its into religion, sometimes its about fighting for some causes, and sometimes its about preaching. Whatever it is, I wouldn't take what he is promoting too seriously, because if he had these conviction at such a late age, then I truly suspect there may be some ulterior motives.

It would be a privilege to go out with you. I think its a privilege that you even mention such now. Ya, Singapore is kinda far. Maybe when you visit NYC one day, that would be great. Thanks for considering. Thank you very much .


nikonIII 55M

11/30/2006 10:58 pm

Eclectic :

I believe 'common sense' is the confidence that the things we believe in is also believed by the majority of 'normal' people. Of course, time and time again, we can see 'common sense ' has err, eq. when everyone believed that the earth was flat, or that pretty girls always marry handsome men, and vice versa, or that when 12 jurors agreed on a verdict unanimously, then it must be the correct verdict.

To answer your next question, logical conclusion, I guess, is the answer derived when one answer can summarizes all the phenomena that was observed or all the facts that was gathered. Ins science/academia, the 'logical conclusion' should also be able to accurately predict the next conclusion had any of the factors been changed or added/deleted.

Why are you asking these question since you are well learned in law ? You probably know the answer to them, and even more, than I do.

What kind of 'terminal' illness are you referencing to ? Nowadays, usually only cancer is terminal, unless you also consider being totally incapacitated terminal too, as in dementia, or stroke. Even HIV is not terminal anymore.

Ms. E :

You know of someone who survived bone cancer without treatments ? That would be more than blind faith. That would be a miracle. Maybe they did not reveal the nature of their condition totally. Maybe it wasn't really bone cancer afterall, or that he had treatment and do not want to talk about it. If his bone cancer cures on its own, then his case should be published in some peer review journal somewhere.

nikonIII 55M

12/1/2006 8:34 am


I can almost read between your lines that there lurks a resentment or contempt for those in the field of higher academia.

If you have time, maybe you should attend a session of
'Dissertations Defense'. Those are sessions at the Universities, where a candidate for the Ph.D degree sat before a panel of faculties and they try to defend their thesis from questions by others. They are sometimes open to the public. Many parents or wifes/husbands of the graduate students fly across the country to watch their child/spouse defend their dissertation proudly. In fact, I heard that Bill Gate (a drop out from Harvard) of Microsoft attends those sessions from time to time around the country recruiting for bright minds. It doesn't even have to be a dissertation defense on topics of natural science such as biology or physic, but it can also be from a Ph.D. thesis candidate for social science such as history, literature, or anthropology.

Hopefully, you may then appreciate how 'logics' are presented, and argued, in the world of higher education and the intelligentsia. Hopefully, you may also appreciate how actually modest and open minded, not arrogant nor mentally rigid, are the men and woman whom are among best product of the American education.

Eclectic :

Its regretful that many friends of yours had succumb to colon and breast ca. I trust that their doctors had fought hard for them and not just treat them as a case. I cannot wait to the day when cancer is history too. The good news is that there are many more new medication for colon and breast ca. Lung ca. is still much behind.

If you don't not believe in conspiracy theories, then the question of why so much incident of cancer recently is explained by the decrease in heart disease. The current medical opinion is that many people in the past died from heard disease before they reach the age when cancer is most prevalent. But with the advances in the war on heart diseases, many people lived longer and start to develop cancer, either from enviornmental causes or from their genetic predisposition. Further, the cancer genes gets propagated more to the next generation as older men and woman continue to have babies at an older age.

Finally, the most common cancer due to radiation is Thyroid, and as there doesn't seem to be a higher incidence of Thyroid cancer, the believe is that radiation was not a factor.

Those opinions I mentioned of course, is subject to challenges. But until then, thats the current medical opinions.


(E Moldavite)

12/2/2006 8:28 pm


You believe strongly in what you do and ultimately, you want to be of service to others. That’s an admirable quality. It would be fun to hang out with you if ever we got the chance, so thank you back.

The founder of that healing modality recounts it in her published book. Her name is Vianna Stibal. She used herbs, being originally a naturopath by training and a medical intuitive, but nothing worked. Finally and by accident she discovered a form of ‘prayer’ for lack of a less limiting term. She went into Theta state and “commanded” God/Universal Source to heal her. I am not Christian, have never been. One doesn't have to be in any denomination of organised religion for it to work, just a belief in a Higher Consciousness.

Her leg had been shrivelled and wasted. The doctors were pushing for amputation. Of course that’s just her word, for someone who wants to see hard proof I can understand that won’t count for much.

I have emailed HQ to see if they’ll relinquish any medical records or whatever they may say.

So, hold your horses. Try not to be so defensive and speculative. It’s as if you’re just too incredulous and don’t want it to be true. I haven’t been practicing this particular modality for long (a little over a month) so do not have spectacular cases to report yet. But one client was able to get off her drug for hypothyroidism after one two and a half session with me .

You miss Rinpoche’s point entirely and patronise everyone here by describing what it takes to do a PhD. Even my 10 year old little girl knows that! You will find he has a most healthy respect for academia having been entrenched in it himself. He just has never felt the need to advertise it here.

nikonIII 55M

12/2/2006 11:45 pm

Ms. E :

Your very welcome. When you come to NYC, make sure you let me know. It would be my privilege to host.

Thanks for introducing Vianna Stibal's work to me. I looked her up, and I must admit, I am a big skeptic. I guess her approach to healing almost reverberate my last phrase of using 'blind faith'. I wish it was all just in the mind. But I doubt we really have the power of 'mind over matter', except in a few instances.

I have exchanged several post with Davinci in my most recent blog. He is a well read man, very well read in literatures and histories. But the presentations and arguments are not consistent with the formal structural approach of the establishments. I hope my words are not offensive, Davinci, but this is just my personal feelings after having engaged in the debate with you prior.


(E Moldavite)

12/3/2006 5:01 pm


Was hoping we needn't go into the pharmaceutical argument.

Funnily enough I used that "can lead a donkey to the trough but can't make it drink" quip this weekend on a loosely related topic to a practitioner of another modality. She swore she has no memory whatsoever of me talking (ranting) about an exciting modality last May and is just now coming round to it after the 'magic' was worked.

Pints down at the pub everyone to cool off? Rinpoche, you suggested that to me once if ever either of us were in the other's geographical vicinity, yes?

nikonIII 55M

12/3/2006 11:36 pm

Davinci :

I am so glad that you have left the debate on economics too. The more you try to explain your view, the more it is evidence that you have no formal established education. Everything is self taught it seems, everything was self read, for the logic you tried to put forth were stories of folk tales, not of formal logic as taught at the level of Higher Education.

You confused the Laws of Economics with the laws passed by the government. You did not realized that true economics are presented in higher mathematical equations, using calculus and differential equations, not mere oral articulations. You cited philosophical phrases from Einstein, a man respected for his work in Physics, but whose occasional philosophical opinions are merely for folklore entertainment.

My debate with Mint, whom has a Ph.D. in economics, while I don't, is exactly an example of how diverse minded academicians are, contrary to your misunderstanding that University educated people are just reciters of textbook knowledge. A well educated person is familiar with all subjects of the world, not merely his area of profession. Not being an economist is no reason to blindly accept the opinion of someone who is, but intellectually debating in a field other than one's own is evidence that the learned mind is widely flexible and open.

Do you notice that my exchanges with him are based on the various Laws of Economics, not using folklore believes, pseudo-philosophies, or other social rebellious movements of various irrelevant populist era which you so often digress into ? Cited in the debates are the Laws of Diminishing Returns, Laws of Natural Unemployment, the Inverse 'U'-Curve of Wages and Unemployment, and many others. I know you are not educated in these laws of economics, so in your attempt to disguise your ignorance, you digress by diving into a philosophical questioning into the value of academia, the purpose of science , the virtual of humanity. the evil of government, and other tangential topics of distractions. Simply put, you don't know economics.

What Elmo had just written today in my blog, may be another opinion of economics, but he is aware about the fundamental law of economic which started this debate, that 'Higher Taxes = Higher Unemployment". You. on the other hand, thought that those laws are created by the government to control the people. Furthermore, you have nothing of relevant on that topic to add, so you went on a tangent citing sources from any convenient phrase from any field, other than economics, and then defend your approach by degrading my refuseal to digress with you as not open minded. Now in the above post, you are bedeviling the pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, cigarette companies, and pretend to be defending children, then creating words of self-contradiction in phrasing 'occult science', praising faith healers, all in an attempt to support your position from a disarrayment of irrelevant sources. Don't you ever feel remorseful or guilty that your advice on faith healings can lead someone else to die ? If you don't want chemotherapy if ever one day you were advised to take them, then that is your business, but to promote an arguement that led someone else to not want to take their medications and then die, that is sinister and evil. Isn't that arrogance, and selfishness, at the highest level ?

You never had a formal higher education, from your writings, it seems, for your presentation and arguments are not consistent with the formal structural approach of an educated and intellectual man. Without a strong fundamental of basic knowledge about this world, your gullible to believe that anything is possible. You really believe in 'mind over matter', you really believe in creating something out of nothing, you really believe in miracles, you really believe that the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale.

Everything you learned is self taught. Everything you know is self read. Its like a music writer whom never formally learned composition, or a gymnast whom never had a coach. Your knowledges have no direction nor orders. Your believes are a mix of fades and fantasies. Your can't differentiate facts from fictions. You don't know the difference between hear-says versus evidences.

What goes on behind those Ivy Towers of education eludes your imagination and comprehension. If scientists really behave as you have believed they do, then they would never be able to gain University Tenure. I was kind to have tried earlier to explain to you what it meant to 'Defend a Dissertation' and get a Ph.D. Maybe this time, it is better for you to do research on your own on what does it take to receive University Tenure.


nikonIII 55M

12/4/2006 12:36 pm

Lets just have an amicable departure, Davinci.

The truth about the person can be revealed in their writings. I believe we both have written enough for anyone to know our true colors and backgrounds. And I tried very diplomatically to just look the other way when you have inadvertently exposed more of your character than you wanted to share. But the truth continues to surface as you tried to embellish more and more through your writings.

For sure, I will continue to be gentlemen, I assure you.

As a gesture of good faith, I will not respond in kind to your above cynicism and attempted topic diversions about grammars and spellings.

good Luck.


(E Moldavite)

12/4/2006 5:51 pm


Complementary therapy practitioners are NOT trying to usurp your position or that of any other conventional medicine. That's why I prefer to call it "complementary", rather than "alternative".

The only type of advertising we do ‒ if at all ‒ is to list our services. People actively look us up or come to us by referral from previous clients. There are conventional doctors who have taken up the healing modalities I've mentioned.

Part of our disclaimer is that we do NOT guarantee to “cure” people (do you?) or tell clients to stop seeing their doctors!!! The only thing we do is advise them to monitor their medication intake with their doctor as there’s every chance they may need less of it or be taken off them altogether. Our methods are non-invasive.
