tuisho 71M
7 posts
6/17/2007 1:42 pm

Last Read:
6/30/2012 5:03 pm


Some time ago, I'd met this person, more vibrant than most found in the chat- a shark among small fish, Viva was not easily approached. There were huge walls up, and she was known for swinging the titanium bat that was a trademark. I watched as many tough types were dispatched with a special style. Impressive!

At the same, something spoke from that defensiveness. I took the risk of approaching, got a few bat-swings past my head. I survived, and so did Viva . "The rest", as they say "is history".

It was with some sadness that within a few weeks, Viva announced she was leaving. Some light seemed to fade from the chat.... it didn't seem right. The chatworld I'd come to enjoy would be a lesser place without that cantankerous soul wheeling freely through cyberspace.

Yet, what was one to expect? The emptiness of outer space was reflected in cyberspace... "no-one could hear you scream" to be sure. And those who heard it were more inclined to stay shallow, and look away. The ignorance contained in that lent to a bland time some confused with happiness.

It was this blankness that echoed through when the most vibrant, the most alive were missing from the action. It would seem this drained the Vida from "Viva".... I could see colorless cheeks, and an empty gaze now.

For all the energy, the place was soul-less, and more than I had noted, it drained from the most alive... that would be Viva. How long could one walk open through the valley of the shadows' smiles, and not feel the need to look elsewhere for happier times? It certainly wasn't coming up in most chat sessions I'd seen.

And, couple that with out and out assaults on others' happiness by creeps and blood suckers.... I couldn't say "please don't go" though I in transition, tried.

That was some time ago. I should have written this sooner. Pick any excuse: it was busy in the chats.. it was busy out of the chats...things kept changing... it was hard to sieze the moment... whatever. But here, for the price of a few electrons, is what I had been meaning to say...without cliche's, and with few warts too.

Life is short, the moments in the chat are what they are, for whatever reason. It's a given none of are forever in there, and hopping rooms will forestall some of the crush and the disillusion. But, it'll still be there.

We can run into "the real world" which is as real as the chat for most. If it worked, no-one would want to be chatting, would they?

So there, or in here, it's much the same. the things we want, we gotta bring with us. It won't come from some magic of place. If there is nothing real inside, it won't come to you anywhere. Thanks for being real in my life.

Good luck, Viva, good luck to us all.

johnrick 43M

4/18/2010 8:11 am


flyingfishchina 46F

4/20/2010 8:26 am

so nice to read u!!i think everyone has met or will meet his/her own VIVA. I like your writing.

Casablanca1942 72M
244 posts
5/15/2013 12:09 am

nice to see that you're still at it. if you ever want to chat or swap stories drop by fb zhi chiang. dvc and isabella have joined me.
