swallowtsui 51F
1120 posts
11/18/2005 1:03 am

Last Read:
3/5/2006 9:28 pm

Early to wed may make marriage happy

Survey says.

Nowadays people are waiting longer to get married, but they shouldn't wait too long: The odds for a happy marriage may favor those who tie the knot between the ages of 23 and 27, says a survey out Thursday.

Findings shouldn't create panic among those approaching 30 or even more, the surveyor says. "Those marriages turned out better but maybe not because of the age," he says. "Some people may be just too picky or too choosy or not extremely desirable."
Other researchers worry that the findings, may alarm those unattached and marriage-minded.
"The last thing you want is to have them take this as a rule," says Stephanie Coontz, a professor of history and family studies at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash. "If you're in a good relationship and if you want to marry, there's no reason to postpone it."
Andrew Cherlin, a professor of sociology and public policy at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, says marrying too young or too old carries a greater risk of divorce. But now, "as people wait longer and longer to marry, the definition of what's too old keeps changing."
"In the 1950s, 28 was really old to get married. Now it's not so old, which means there are more unmarried people for a 28-year-old to choose from," he says.
Frank Furstenberg, a sociology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, says the times are so different that past assumptions should be rejected. "The dregs in 1960 may have been people marrying in their late 20s and early 30s," he says. "That isn't true today."
-----Adapted fm USA Today

Yea, what do you think? I have good examples from friends and family. Those couple who married early in between 23-27 really prove to have more successful, happy life both in career and marriage. Those wanderers still wander in the bush. All status keeps the same and there is no notable improvement (incl. myself, ho-hum).

But ….But….

What’s your say?

(torontoduck1974 123456789)

11/18/2005 10:04 am

I guess they didn't survey people like me.

I meet the ex-wife at 20, married at 22 and now just recently divorced at 31.

(yang_jade )
189 posts
11/21/2005 7:34 am


Thanks a lot for your good post and sharing with us.
