swallowtsui 51F
1120 posts
5/8/2006 2:29 am

Last Read:
6/26/2006 11:44 pm

3 Pieces

I have sorrows and pains, but i have joys and funs as well.

My Sky Lake Discoveries

1st piece: For Die?

At the entrance, this spot calls itself on a big board as "Paradies" in English. Fun. In portuguese, para means for; so paradies= for die's? Oh, no. This is Sky Lake, not Sky Heaven.

2nd piece: - Shoot Them!

Inside there's a stand for shooting at the straw man target. Who pays RMB10 can freely shoot at Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Taiwan "President" Chen Shui Bien. Aha. A small wisdom to make money out of mainstream Chinese nationalist emotion.

3nd piece: - Cave Man Climbing Up the Hill

I climb up the hill
in my two pieces swimming suit

People peek at me,
as if they were decent human and
i was cave man
covered only by banana leaves

I climb up the hill
I feel the world is more mine than theirs

My bare feet touch the soil's heat
My bare belly absorbs the sun's kisses
My bare head takes the green's waves

I feel the world is more mine than theirs
climbing up the hill

I reach the real sky lake on the peak
and miss a scarf to ring my body
like an Indian woman on the Peru plateau.

--Swlw--, 08/05/2006

pic: the hill the cave man climbing up

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
5/8/2006 7:46 pm

Your words worth a thinking and some action. Thank you!

(I did it last night, i just copy and paste my Money, Money Post and delivered it at Toastmasters Club, a success. Hehehe, just bcoz i was lazy not to rewrite another topic)

Oho, are you teasing the hair?

In China, we have 3-4 Naked Beach/Camp. But you can still wear swimming suit there, only clothes not allowed. If you nake, you are a cave monkey; if i nake, i am a cave mammal.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
5/8/2006 7:50 pm


I will start saving the posts. Before i thought I could rely on Chinese FriendFinder website, but after you suggest, better trust myself than them. Like photo albums, they will mantain some evolution of time and memories.

After all, my head is getting older and cant remember things well.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
5/9/2006 7:19 pm


Only if virgo stone wash, chemical wash, bleach, dye, spray herself (this is washing treatment for today's vintage jeans), then she could have no odor fm her own.

Everyone smells. That's it. You are smart enough to get it.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
5/10/2006 8:33 pm

Down to words game, ODOR includes both pleasant and unpleasant fragrance and smell. You can even say "The word has an odor of antiquity about it", or "the wine has an odor of vintage about it"?

I do believe everyone has his/her/its specail odor!!

It's a fact. Davinci. A fact that virtuous oriental ladies cant deny; a fact that the degenerated oriental lady tastes everyday.