swallowtsui 51F
1120 posts
5/15/2006 3:29 am

Last Read:
5/27/2006 10:45 am

Your Leisure Romantism, Their Livelihood 你的悠閒浪漫, 他們的生

Your Leisure Romantism, Their Livelihood

In China, when cars are rolling around and push bicycles to leisure and romantism such as a ride in the suburb or a ride w/ your love on a twin bike by the beach road, do you know some ppl are still making their living by riding bicycle in the city's night? while man-pulling carts and tricycles, as exotic icons for foreigners who visited China 1900s/1940s disappeared?

I saw it last night 11pm:

Several dark skinny young guys line up, sitting on bicycles w/ feet on floor, at the exit of a shopping centre in Zhuhai, Macau's adjacent Chinese city. They look anxiously waiting for something. I thought they were waiting to pick up their girls. But, no, fact is, they are waiting for who need a ride across the city in the night with a humble pay.

My Chinese friends, if you are as old as me, remember in the 1970s and 1980s when bicycle was a must-item for wedding in countryside? The bridegroom would carefully rode his bride on the new, shining Phoenix or Forever brand bicycle, back their new how...

When romantism becomes livelihood ....

你的悠閒浪漫, 他們的生計活計

今天,汽車跑, 單車(自行車成了一種悠閒浪漫, 有閒時你踏踏它, 和愛人浪漫是, 你們一前一後騎它.

但昨晚十一點, 在珠海海關地下商場出口, 我看見數個黑臉膛男子, 一字排開,撐在自行車上,臉上有焦慮有等待.

我以為他們在等自己的女友. 哦, 不. 原來他們在等客戶,騎一程在夜裡, 以賺取有限的川資.

如巣你和我一樣"老", 你會記得七八十年代初, 鄉間, 單車是嫁妝. 新郎用單車載新娘回家...


Fantasyroom 54F
842 posts
5/15/2006 9:30 pm

It seems true that people are trying to find something simple as they had before. It is not that we do not want to catch up with the fast pace of the progress of the society, it is that we still find the beauty of the simple and natural things...

Of course it is a pity to see the difference inbetween. Hope it will be the leisure for all one day...

Fantasyroom 54F
842 posts
5/17/2006 12:30 am

davinci, more and more Chinese are using private cars. But many problems have appeared at the same time, of course, including the increasing price of gas.

People now are extracting oil from the used soya bean oil for cooking. It is inspring that we can save much natrual energy this way, and many other alternatives as you mentioned.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
5/17/2006 2:13 am


yes, corn oil or soya bean oil or any plant energy is now under dim development. But I dont think great resourses will be put into the research of renewable energy as it is a profit-driven world, not until all the oil in the world has been drilled up. And those Trust enterprises would try to prevent it if it hurts their biz.

This is an deformed world rotating under evil rules. What we can is to save energy fm now on, by every indivisual. I dont like cars at all, nor gas/petrol, they are smelly! If i had the magic power, i would make them all disappear fm the earth, and build a effective/efficient public transport system.

Being the World Factory, China has paid price substantially and greatly for exchange w/ the economy development. Now, the East has been polluted, goverment starting control and factories are moving to the West and moutainous area. We have had salted, polluted water in pearl river delta and west river area in the last two years. Sad! Ppl here need to pay more and mix tap water w/ distilled water.

Yr word Progress has turned the topic into environment/energy by our Language-sensitive danvici.