swallowtsui 51F
1120 posts
7/31/2006 3:15 am

Last Read:
8/10/2006 10:34 pm

Body Sings a Song

Many a naked body, silently wrapped in brisk water spray,

Many a vibrant song...

(Happy (Lunar Qixi)7/7 Festival no.1 )

水花荡漾中, 一个个宁静的裸体,


pic. Happiness w/ Paper Cranes in Qixi

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
8/4/2006 1:46 am


Same wishes to you!

But it's the magpies making the bridge to link up the long love of cowherd and weavegirl. But if swallows (incl. me) has that strenghth, I'd like to.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
8/7/2006 8:42 pm

swallows are prettier with their scissor like tails

Very nice find and description. May I consider to assemble myself a scissor like tail? How?