swallowtsui 51F
1120 posts
8/19/2006 12:04 am

Last Read:
8/29/2006 10:22 am

How to blog?

Blogging and interacting in discussion/communication is the only criterion justifying my existence at AFF. These days I have gone through some (mental, aha) setbacks, soon after I saw some radical blogs/bloggers appeared b4 me by chance.

How to blog is indeed worth of discussion:

Shall we take responsibility as to what we write in the blog, to their genuineness & contents, and not to do personal, national, ethnic attacks? Not to amplify unlimitedly fm one word to a person, fm a person to a nation, etc.?

Shall we organize our blogs into sub-blogs, like: Politics, love, sex, culture, arts, literature, economy, comedy, games? So that readers will not knock at a wrong door grumbling, and bloggers feel more ease when conjure up subjects?

Your hands, please.

Warning: if no good ideas, hopping swallow would stop operation for some self-inspection. Don’t let it down.

(Well, happy weekend, I'll have live music by a returning musician friend. Roamer, home again.)

touch213 69M

8/19/2006 6:25 am

too much hassel, it's easier to just write what comes to mind to write..
thoughts are inspired by so many varied things..

(Ness )

8/19/2006 10:25 am

Hi ya hun

The Devils Dictionary is a good read. Have a look sometime, you may find it interesting.

Blogging...Hmmmm...I start off with good intentions then sometimes spiral into social comment but that is sometimes the nature of thought. Unpredicatable.

No need to organise. Random is good. Allows you to stumble into places and I have found this quite interesting. Just coming across stuff, having a look and maybe making a comment.

Hope you have a good weekend, enjoy the tunes and come back a little less perplexed.

swallowtsui replies on 8/23/2006 3:33 am:
Thks, mishmash.

You are also a Devis' reader.

Well, yup, that night full of long-parted jazz tune. I was feeling like in a riping autumn, with the nonstopping smile of the returning-home friend, who played bass. Some nice gig! Also by an old powerful Brazillian drummer. Anyway, nice to see these friendly, inspiring musicians, who are contented in music.

touch213 69M

8/20/2006 11:26 am

AFter reading some of the policy's that China has on internet activity.. I can now see why many chinese do not comment on certain topic's.. my goodness the restrictions are horrendous.. and the amount of people they shut down and or prosecute is beyond belief.. but .. it's reality..
I did not know they could not view the BBC site..and many other sites.. and their search engines have such tight controls built into their system.
even the fact they hijack people's computer's at certain times,and shut down Internet cafe's based on what patron's decide to view..

It kinda explains why so may topics go without comment.. I wonder if some of them even make it onto the mass viewing by the chinese within China.. there may be topic's posted that are only allowed to people in other regions' of the world.. and thus filtered out.. on the Chinese section of what's presented..

Well.. today I've been reading about a lot of the restrictions that are imposed upon the people... and much about the widespread of corruptions that seems to be the normalized process no matter what one would choose to deal with or be involved in within China. It's normalized business to "pay the piper", and the "piper's friends as well".. or it's probably going to be a clog in your business transactions..

over-all I guess it's why so few will and do comment on controversial issues.. I'm sure they have thoughts about things.. but it just may not be in their best advantage to voice their thoughts.. maybe even too on variations of things that go on in relations or indepth sexual reality.. I'm sure in their private lives they have their methods of discussing such things.. but it may be a great pressure not to discuss it in any nature of open fourm..

swallowtsui replies on 8/23/2006 3:24 am:

You've inspired a post contributed to you. You read something in US, which is intentionally not true. Things are much better in China. We can access western media. Tens of millions of bloggers blogging on everything - sex&politics. Computers are popular home stuff. Internet cafes were shutdown for cautious fire safety check, and licenses will be given on more strict regulations, after the notable accident in Beijing killing dozens.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
8/23/2006 3:16 am

Hi all morale.

Seems nobody agree w/ me for sub-blogs. Dont you think it's better for organization and classification of our writing as well as unifying ppl of same interest? (joke)

Yes blogging is a free, casual thing. Have fun while the weather and mood is not affecting on us.

I'd invite you all to littleplus's blog "little joy & little beauty". Something fun going on there. Try yourself!

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
8/23/2006 3:28 am

Personally, I had some bad feelings of some beautiful posts that are ended with many rubbish comments. I had some doubts over the quality and value of blogging.


This is more often the fact in blogs written in Chinese. My original intent is to blog bilingually. But now I am only blogging in Eng.. Your observation contributed to this decision.

Some silly hello/hi's are indeed pale, no value. I prefer silence than these.