touch213 70M
6990 posts
11/12/2008 4:55 pm
The Image Joke"

no matter how appealing, or enticing the appeal... it's probably got less to do with the real nature of the individual.. there are scoundrels that come in the form of every image imaginable.. !!!!

now take that for what it's worth !!!

there's more seductive intent pictures posted all over the internet, some showing legs, some showing as much ass as they can get away with showing, and anything else, they can use as a "hook"... and if you are a hungry fish, and bit, don't whine cause the hook hurt your mouth.. and you got pulled out of the water, you swam in to make your illusion..

many of the thousands of pictures, are so hung up on themselves, they can't be real even with themselves, and the chase for a sucker to take the bait, seem to be the game, of .. "project the lure" and then get delighted about how many nibbles they get...

It's like a big stupid joke, played by a lot of people with more games than Mattel has ever sold in the history of it's marketing.

it's like some site, I've seen where, the same women are on three or four different sites, playing the same game, and it's more about a "popularity chase", than anything, kinda like anything else in life... you take and put these women in an arena, were there is 10 guys to every girl, and the girl will never choose anything, for trying to see how many people will hit on her, or how many will elate her ego.. and the game is probably paralleled by many guy, dancing about, trying to see how many of the game players they can play with..

and none of it is any more than an
"image joke"..

if people had any serious intent, they would probably act with serious intent.. but it's just like a giant "window" shopping mall... with a million and one "image jokes"..

touch213 70M

11/13/2008 4:24 pm

I noticed that, when I read yours and Jen blog..

I'm really fed up with, the "pretty face women" who think the world revolves around them.. the sad part is most of them can't do anything.. and what's even more a trip.. is they are not that functional in bed.. they think.. just because they showed up,.. is all they have to do.. and they they lay there waiting on someone to wind them up.. but in return they don't do a damn thing. it's the greatest delusion that ever hit the world... it's like a big circus clown.. when the face paint comes off.. it's just a sad person.. whom who has to break out of their own delusion.. and then they find .. they are more needy that anything...

there are a mass of so called pretty women, who are some of the rudest and most.. inconsiderate people who walk this earth.. they don't even show human kindness.. as a general format.. they only pander to who flatters them.. and pump up their ego.. and if no one is doing that, they just as easily.. walk around looking at people as if they have a quick "FU' on their lips.. ready to sling it out to anyone, who is not patronizing them... it's the most pathetic thing in the world..

I don't know what kind of trip that has happen to women, some are pure vain struck to the core.. and I've never seen so many "SLOPPY" women, as I've seen lately.. hair not neat, walking around in pajama pants in the middle of the afternoon.. and they come out of the house looking like nothing.. I see women, as I get coffee in the morning, who look like they rolled out of bed, and stepped in the car and have the audacity to come out in public without grooming herself... I see, them talking on cell phone, like they can't even function, unless it's glued to their ear... and some of them, the minute they go home and take a shower and put on some decent clothing, they want someone to act like they have to play sucker just to talk to her.. it's pure pathetic..

women will walk in an elevator, look a person right in the eye, and too stupid to simply speak.. PURE RUDE and with no sense of human decency of social nature...

fortunately,.... here and there, I do enough some women, who are just good genuine people.. who are neat, and interactively mannerable and have a real social nature and demeanor... they are truly refreshing.. to the human experience..

but as to these web sites.. many of the one's with a pretty face.. are full of more bullshit, they can't even be right with themselves, for trying to see how many people will hit on them and she can get an ego boost off of it...

Roxannatone 45F
238 posts
11/18/2008 8:19 pm


calm down ,calm down !!!!!long time no see ,i am a bit busy so dont visit the website , who make you so angry ? neednt ,neednt !i admire you so much ,you insist on writing here for three years ,watching ,post ,thinking ,post ..... just this ,the website should give you a high awards for "longterm contribution " right?

so ,there aro so many good friend here ,neednt angry for some scoundrels!!!!!!!!!

I am unique one! Being as if nothing but everywhere