touch213 69M
5/12/2006 10:22 am

If you see that glisten in my eyes, or that teardrop that is rolling slowly down my cheek,
Ask me not what is wrong, for it may be a tear of joy, for the many many things of beauty that is real and true, which bring one to feel the tear drops as they are.... making always room.. for tear drops of joy..

We can feel tears of compassion for the sorrows that we have seen and known, and thus have a tear of hope for another.

We can have streaming down our face, tears of such greatness of self revelation, of the beauty within, that has been denied, and when and as it emerges..
Tears that flush out the soul, and thus wash the dimness from the sprit... and thus... the tear.. has removed the darkness of pain and fear..

Look’s to be as glistening eyes...
That have found the true joys of love's reality.... from within..

And be delighted in just being alive... and being themselves... expressively..

If they come, and when they flow... let flow..
And in the ending of their rain... you've been released and free of what some thought ... may have been pain.. let them flow... and it's yourself ....more of you come to know...
And thru tears... we do grow..

Learning to cry and, not find shame.. But finding reasons, to be happy, to speak unto another, and let them know your name..

(next time you are crying, and someone ask you what's wrong, look at them and .. say "Hi" and speak your name.. They’ve already let you know sometimes they have felt the same.. )

and.... each you can "laugh", in a moment of understandings joy's.. Until the tears of laughter.. Share whom you each are.. Into each other's eyes... the look is like then.. a sparkle… as if coming from the twinkling of a star.... showing who you really are.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
5/12/2006 11:21 pm


You give the full content of tears, like a prophet.