touch213 69M
5/15/2006 11:13 am

I should and, will never...
find myself asking of you anything,
that I too ... am not willing to give..

if you could know,
of anything...
I ask..
you'd deny unto me thing,
it is of Anything thst is asked by me of you,
it is "tenfold"...
in and of what

I seek to give..


for certain...if it is not, I shall not ask..

for being A cheerful giver...
I would freely seek
"only" to allow me to give unto you, My love
which is the whole of myself..

then ... and only then..

I will ask.. "for your Love"

this is not for poetice purposes, ... it's simply how I feel.


for I .. need nothing, but, of what I may ask for..
if I have not the same to give,
then surely and honorably of myself...
I will ask... of not thing of nor from you.

if it be that I become foolish and vain and lost unto myself, as being myself. and
for any other reasons, of such as vainness, and gains of sorts.. be thime emtional, pleasure and or pretentisions... I ask,
it would be of and unto myself...
to become a disgrace of myself..

This is the speaking of what is my heart...
that you may know me well
before I would approach unto you... to begin to consider to of you, to ask anything...

I must know you, as you know yourself..

for to ask one of something they themselves s are not of...
is to ask of something, they could in no way possibly give...
or be of want to give. and it would be asking in vain..

For if I ask you for Love, you will know whom, I am who is asking

and you would deny not unto me that which is of you..


that.. is simply

( i can write much of love's poetry, but thismy friends;... my love's truth, you may proclaim it as your's, and you may disclaim it as not being your's..

but it remains ...mine..

of which I hold much honor unto it's grace..

so unto any who know me not... by this if you choose still to know not of me, about me and whom I am...

then I shall by no means ask, way nor manner...
Ask of you anything.

yet, you may always remain unto me... A friend..
for that.. is undeniably freely unto all..

but my heart .. is reserved... only for what is Heart of another..

touch213 69M

5/15/2006 11:47 am

In some I've seen .. in these sights.. I shall not name..

their beauty within, is far to great and precious, to remain unsought.. that they may have chance to give and share it feely... but can do so only unto a heart that ask of their heart..

of one... in these sight's... I could " ask" and feel great honor in so doing.

and, they shall remain nameless... for they, not yet, know of me.. as I know... of them..
if times bring's their heat to seek the knowing of mine.. they shall investigate... and stand in the light, that I may freely... approach them ... that I may ask... for their Love..

it shall come to be... this is my belief..

for no man need chase any heart, for heart find their way unto one another... and he who chases, must tooloose much in the chase.. and find himself exhaused, that his strength to love... is diminished..

therefore, I run, not behind you... for I stand ... simply still... that you may pass in the light... to stand before me..

this gift of love .. shall be graced unto me...
I have not a doubt of such truth.

(wanchi kau)

5/15/2006 4:01 pm

All i can say,this is beautiful in words,this is poetic and also romantic all in one.It was wonderful to read .touch.

touch213 69M

5/15/2006 4:28 pm

no poetry intended, nor efforts to arrange word for beauty... nor depict senarios of romance...

all those things are found naturall in "Truth's" expression... if only we take a choice to speak it..

Thank you, for seeing the truth, and acknowledging elements of it's beauty..

my road in life is to live it... not just to speak it, for it is spoken, to share of what I seek to live.. and thru ... how I care to continue in my living... an thus.. when I meet upon one who ... I care and feel of such to "Ask"..... I'm being no different than I normally am. "I am as I am, and how I present myself... in all that I am"... yet, just a man.. who loves beauty, therefore... how can I deny ... in me what is truth..

touch213 69M

5/15/2006 4:35 pm

Wan chiI can say,If I'd choose to, if one like's poetry, I can write such of so... that will touch you deeper than the blood may flow within you. and bring a tear of laughter, and the smile that takes over your whole self... and words that would speak of very love that lives deep within you... and words that embrace each passion in and of it's own distinction... and still find wors... of casualness.. that laughter.. can dance like raindrops upon the petals of a rose..

and just make one feel even more of the beauty they are..

and it is as simple as... just being of truth of what I can see in you.. just by looking into whom is you.. (smile, you'e a delight...)

I'd not find in me words to speak less than the truth... so I can smile unto you... happily..

touch213 69M

5/15/2006 4:43 pm

Wan chi... thank you... for the reading of the expression..

In my living I share much in these blogs, as I hide not my truths... but I must be of select where I place them.. for I am of much that is wisdom in the simpleciy of myself... and being myself sas such one of simpliness of self.

I cannot speak of what is love, and wht I can love, and how beautiful in what I care of love,unto many in a personalized, sense, for they would run with the speed of light, and hide themselves from my sight, for fear's that I would ask of them, more.. when I'd only ask.. that they think.. that they may see in themselves, what I've already viewed to be of whom they are...

so I appreciae you taking the time to read this... in a neutral form.. that it can be appreciated and not feared.

Honestly, Touch

thanking you for the sharing of knowing what is the thought. and complimenting it to be of such..

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
5/15/2006 7:27 pm


You are a perfect giver to your love w/ your sensitive big heart. At least here, you are giving us poems and thoughts.

Ah, the pic is so ...

touch213 69M

5/15/2006 10:58 pm

I'm cool just expressing myself... I'm not a soft touch guy that can be rolled over, nor a figter, cause there really nothing to win... and, I don't argue, because there are too many point, to any subject..

and, I avoid fools, to keep them from hurting themselves..
I avoid liar's for they will show too much of their stupidity..
I avoid... thieves, for they may end up loosing everything..

but, God, I love the beauty of a woman... for the more, she tries to hide it, run and flee... the more I let it go, it comes back to me..

so I only have to be ... me.

nothing of prefection... but, surely much of prefectionate feelings..within what is love... if only we embrace it..

(wanchi kau)

5/20/2006 6:18 am

touch,it would be exciting to read poems here to in your blogs,as i feel you have the (touch) so i hope one day i see some here written by your own guided hand.

touch213 69M

5/20/2006 6:47 am

everything in my blogs is written by my "own" guided hand

I just think it and write it as I feel it.

thanks, Wanchi