touch213 69M
6/16/2006 3:52 pm
Blacks in America

( someone sent me this, I though I'd share it..)

Who can disagree? Isn't it amazing how all other groups have used the centuries' long fight for equality waged by Black people in this
nation to improve the overall status of their groups (i.e. Jews, immigrants, gays, white women), while we, whose people's blood was shed in the fight, keep losing ground. And God knows they want us to forget slavery and the fight! We are a group that is willing to both forgive and forget. Why?

Everyone is willing to HEAR the Jews when they vow to keep the history of the Holocost alive. Japanese immigrants received their "reparations" following the atrocities committed against them (placement in camps). The Vietamese, who were allowed to "immigrate" here in droves after the atrocities our government committed in their country received their "reparations." White women have moved
from the status of "Miss" ..., living lives of leisure as Black women cared for them, their husbands and , to powerful positions
in corporations. And gays, well, let's just say they are successfully pushing their agenda using the civil rights laws of the sixties to gain inroads into every aspect of our lives - politics,
education, entertainment, and the CHURCH. We dare no longer to act like we want to discriminate (meaning speak negatively about) against any of these groups.

But poor Black folks. We are still trying to get our "due" share of the American dream from an America that our ancestors built with their sweat and blood. Mainstream America tells us that slavery ended so long ago that we should be over it by now. After all, we ourselves weren't slaves. No one in mainstream white America is even willing to fairly discuss the long term psychological devastations of future generations caused by our slave history. Listen to mainstream media especially radio such as KFI640). The media can,
and does, tolerate complaints from every group, except Blacks. Yes, they are against the newly proposed immigration laws, but not completely. This is the same media that gives us (Black people) no slack about anything. They "helped" us in the 60's and 70's with affirmative action and now it's over. We should be ahead of the
game by now.

Talk about Black people migrating back to the South. Perhaps we should begin to consider migrating from these United States of America. They never meant us any good, and don't ever intend to allow us our just dues. Face it folks. We were brought here to be on the lower rungs of the ladder that represents America, and there
never was any intent for us to move too far up. I'm beginning to believe that to expect more from America is unrealsistic. But as usual, my personal belief is that we must take personal
responsibility for this. White people are not going to give us anything. And they certainly are not going to give up their "power" for us.

Notice how other groups quietly accepted their "reparations" and built up their communities. And before anyone knew it they had acquired "economic" power that forces the "powers that be" to listen
to them (when I moved to Los Angeles in the late 70's the area on Wilshire from downtown to past Crenshaw was predominately white owned). Now most of the signs are in Asain languages. Where I lived on Third Ave. and Adams was predominately Black owned. Now it is Hispanic owned. I knew this was the direction when Fat-Burger on Western began to employ almost all Mexicans. (I no longer recognize that community )

And notice how Bush is afraid to challenge the Chinese because as quiet as it's kept, they have bought up so much of America that they now have a strong economic base in this country. And notice how many employers now employ workers in India and China from the very soil of this country (ever call into a company for customer service - cell phone, computer help, cable, and have a difficult time understanding the person on the line who is supposed to help you? They don't even live in this counrty. Technology and our country's trade laws have allowed corporate America to buy cheap labor outside of the United States without anyone immigrating here). You all should watch CNN and read some of the books by guest and commentators of that channel (i.e. Lou Dobbs).

This fight over "immigration" may just be another ploy to direct our attention away from what is really going on. America is exporting jobs and displacing Black workers even without immigration into this country. Only those groups who have established sound economic bases will survive this. That would't be us.

Our (Black people) gains have been mostly "social" or symbolic (give us a title - vice-president, manager, etc. and we are
satisfied). There is no power in that. In America it is green (the dollar)that speaks. We have used what green we have acquired in all the wrong ways (buying clothes, cars, shoes and a false sense of status - our have even learned to kill over these trivial things).

Therefore, we no longer have a voice in America.
They no longer hear us. So what if immigration causes an even greater increase in the Black unemployment rate. More of us, male and female, are headed to prison anyway.based on how the system is set up.. The new crop of immigrants will join the white man in being our overseer. They will have employment and make gains we never did. While we were fighting a
social battle, others understood the importance of economics. Can we ever catch up?


but we had to fight the social battles.. to even be considered to acknowledge the economic battles.. thus we are mosr often than not, denied the opportunity to enter the economic arena.. by many many means, that are as real as they are true.. Racism is as alive as it was in 1860's.. it just wears a different costume..

touch213 69M

6/16/2006 4:03 pm

I highlighted various points.. but whom ever wrote it.. did a very good job in expression..

I added the past paragraph.

touch213 69M

6/16/2006 6:58 pm

there are truly many ways to view any point, aspect and factor...and your's is equally welcomed.

touch213 69M

6/16/2006 9:40 pm

If we look about life, you do not see a lot of handicapped individuals working in the generalized industy of america.. they have HR method of filtering or would you prefer discriminating.. they deny many handicapped individuals, jobs, by the clauses in their workman comp policies.. of what is a hazard to the individual, and what is a hazard to the co workers.. when you go to work tomorrow, look around your job and tell me how many physically challenged individuals do you see? tell me how many minority CEO's do you see. and what is the ratio of minorities, and no.. I don't mean black people.. I mean minorties.. which includes.. physically challenged, varied ethnicities and what ever else is a minority.. in the white majority controlled America. slavery and Racism lasted for 300 plus years.. you don't erase that in less than 100 years.. it was just the 1960's since .. the civil rights act had to be enacted.. and it was nearly 100 years, since the emancipation proclamation was signed, in the 1860's.. so in those 100 years.. not much chaged.. we have all about the world, seen the pictures of the dogs being let loose to attack people, water hoses used to fight people, and the many many things that happened less than 50 years age.. you still have states that fly the 'confederate flage in front of court houses.. you have some regions.. that have a problem with neighborhood intergration.. and you have people who rush their kids to private schools as a method of segeration.
turning a blind eye to what is about life.. does not solve it, but acknowleding it, and being conscience of it an have a big help on over-comming it..
the many shades of black you discuss.. is rooted in slave grooming.. the lighter blacks were given the lighter jobs, and jobs within the house.. and this was a slavery method to create contempt..and to give some measure of guilt relief to the white men who impregnated the black women and left them with the mixed babies.. and there was a distinct difference in the treatment.. that is what you see among blacks in theri antaganisms between each other.. about their tint of complexition.. those are reminents from slavery.. but this is not select to balcks.. even in Asian.. there is a difference in how light skinned Asian are treated by other Asians and how dark skinned Asians are treated by other..Asians.
Among white people.. they treat "tanned white people" different than they treat non tanned whites.. very pale southern whites, treat "west coast whites" different ..

the Ironic things.. is .. the white model for .. women is to find a
"tall dark and hansome man".. that does not describe a white man at all. but it describes a man of a minority group.. be it black, Asian, Indian, Latin or some nature of man who has a different pigment in his skin.. but there are many white men who get very upset.. if and when ."white women are attracted to "a tall dark and hansome man"..

have you ever watched a story on the history channel or the discovery challen of the KLu klux Klan.. that's ignorance at it's highest degree. and they claim they have to protect their women from other ethnicities.. but their women..know how to choose for themselves..what they want.. but they can't because these ignorant men.. impose their mentality upon the women.. based on his fears..

there are many black women who like white men, who like Asian men and who like various ethnicities of men.. and man black men how have no problem with it, and there are many black men who do have a problem with it..
white men during slavery could come and take a mans wife, and do as he please right in front of her husband.. and laugh in his face afterwards.... but none of them ccould even deal with the thought of their woman being with a black man..
and some will not even talk to their own race of women if she has been with a black man or any other ethincity of man..

so when you speak of being tired of what you call BS.. we all are probably equally as tired of it.. and it is blantent ignorance.. but it truly exist.. a jewish man will nearly disown his daughter if she is with a black man.. or even with and Asian man or an Indian man.. Asian will some of them dis-own some Asian women if she is with a man of another ethinicity..
We see in this site, some Asian men sling slurs at some of the Asian women because they communice in speaking english.. and try and put the women down.. what is that but racism.. we overcome it by acknowledging it, not ignoring it and hoping it goes away.. now that is exerciese in ignorance.. beacuse stupidity only goes away when intellect stand it's ground..
Ambition is a requisiton of of many many strenght.. but, unto many,it's hard to have such strength, when you have to fight for a meal, or the means to have a meal..

In this country and in many other places.. if it were not for the economic dominance of China and other Asian places.. the Asians wouldhave a very hard time.. in this country.. and history has shown that to be realism.. from the age when Asians were used to build the railroads, and do laundry and cook what some whites considered .. a .. treat of asian food.. it was a novelty activity,for them to go to an Asian restaruant.. some of the Asians caught pure hell in this country.. we still hae the American indian who still catches more hell than many other races in this country.. many black.. are feared, because they don't take shit all the time.. but they have methods of controlling that too, with the incerations techniquies, and the employment managment processes.. it's unspoken discrimination.. by process.. so what is it exactly that you are tired of... and how will you perform in life to assist in the eridacition of such.. BS..

it may well be that you have to acknowledge it first.. and foremost.. and proceed from there..

therefore I welcome you prespective.. and your obeservation and await to see what is your being and doing..and interacting... that's what will tell the true story.. in reality of real time life.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
6/17/2006 1:01 am

The world is flat. There is no color on the ppl but quality. Whoever ppl we are, we need to join the competition in this flat world and get our share.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
6/17/2006 1:03 am

History is a mirror to reflect yet not to be lingered on. Walk ahead fm history and make new history.

touch213 69M

6/17/2006 1:55 pm

what are you tripping on.. did you read the first line of the post..
I said..( " SOMEONE SENT IT TO ME " ).

I don't know if you have persnal situation or what the personalized assessing comparision is all about.. it's as far as I'm concerned a generalized writing somone sent me that I posted.. and I too postesd some generalized comments.. but your's seem to be more concerned with direction unto me and assessing of me..
when you factors, are perfectly fine with me.. of the prespective that you view.. and the variable that are about the world..

but I would be curious to know if you take the same stand, of comparsions, as the writing I posted which somone sent to me.. if the Jewish start talking about what they lost in the "holocaust".. as that was basically from my interpertation of what the writing is all about..

yes, that is a Porsche, and I have a Benz in the Garage, what does that matter.. beyond the fact of the type of car I chose to purchase. the only thing the car represents is that I have a method of transportation that suited my choice of what I cared to have..

I am addressing factors in relation to the posting.. but until you actually live and experience such of what the points are that are discussed in whom ever wrote the article.. you would naturally make your commentary.. and I don't mean to be insulting .. but that's some of the nature of mindset that was prevalent which had segeration snad discriminationg last so long.. people talking, about what they are so unaware of .. but everyone experiences are different, so you as well as I have to actually work from where we are and deal what the factors that present themselves..

touch213 69M

6/17/2006 4:33 pm

whitesummit, I understand what you write and what you say, and people as yourself should not feel bad behind any of the things that were of the past..there are many people who are black, that do not make the best usage of thir time and the opportunities that are available, there are many people who ride the social assistance program and do not utilize them to propel themselves upward, in either economics nor in education.
I'm not an advocate for repritations nor am I against it.. but in reality i don't think it's something that will ever be enacted, and any who sit wating on such.. will probably find themselves sitting for quite some time.. there are factors that I do think are of interest, and that's the psychological aspects, and I have no idea how that can be approached and engaged.. there are causation effects that are prevalent in the society of today...on both sides..there are regions that people still function as if they are in the 18th century, both black and white.. and those regions need something, and I'm far from any authority to decide what that something is.. but for me personally. in reference to this conversation.. I think as the world is today.. it's about self engagment and individualized actions, and not a reliance of blame on anyone or anything.. I don't look at white people and think they are holding me back.. I have had situational events in my life where the obvious factors have been racial prejudice..very overt in form and manner of execution, that cost me a great deal in both economic losses and professional position advancments.. but for those who held me back on the lower level.. I have reached beyond their silliness, and I've been invited to meet with the CEO, been given the assesment for a leadership position, and have been in communication with the CEO and COO and CFO, for the past three years.. a level of assocciation those who sought to hold me back could never reach to aspire to engage even in casual ness of conversation. I have had my ideas distributed to many factions of the corporate culture.. and at the present time.. I am in a holding patter to see what they want to consider me for in the Leadership capacity, and yet, I continue to prepare myself for the event they many not. then I will go forth with my plans ouside of the arena.. I was subjected to being outsourced, by the acts of racial opression at the lower levels, and lost 28 yrs of benefits and positon. but if nothing else comes of it.. I have the success of being invited to meet with the CEO and his staff and acknowledged as being very talented in what I do.. that is a success in and of itself..
so I do understand what you speak, and I understand also your frustration at the subject content, but just as I would and do not take it personal, you too should not take it personal.. it's just an awareness of factors that do exist.. in the over-all of life.. whether it has a greater or lessor effect on the individual is a matter the individual choose to allow it to have.. is about the extent of it..
but it's always good to be aware of the history of things, and the processes of things, and the reality of things.. for the world is of much .. and being aware of much, allows us to navigate our individual procession much better and with greater cautions and awareness .. within helps us have an assurance in our steps..

so you and I need not experience any personal anguish between us to discuss the matter and/ or the differences of prespective about the matter.. we can basically just grow more individualized by the exchange of commentary about factors that are real in life. be them historically or currently and what implications they may reflect upon what is the future unfoldments of is processes.. We each know .. life is truly and individual journey.. and what we get is what we pursue and make real in our lives.. beyond any obstacles and in overcomming any challenges.

smile... it's just life... and we are a part of much more in the big picture that we even have fullness of awareness that we are a part of.. so we live..

touch213 69M

6/18/2006 12:39 am

You each of definately right.. I get frustrated myself, when I see young black kids, who don't speak properly.. and "public school is free".

some factors I can see and identify with since moving to the south, and seeing some of the things, here, but I also see. that it's not possible for people (blacks) to intergrate when they have not made the effort to catch up or keep up. I tell my neices and nephews all the time.. Learn.. and most of all think.. I have seen some of the ost NON thinking people in my life since I moved here, the sad part.. it's both black and white that don't thik equally in some areas.
But I also watched during the Disco era, people strayed from educating themselves to .. being caught into fashion, dance, jewlery and related bs.. and now times have caught up..
there was an Asian faminly in my last neighborhood, the kids did not come out and play right after school, I don't know but I would assume they were studying, and then they go and play.. I have seen some balck kids appear to throw the books in the door, and take off to play.. On Saturday, the Asian kids get up just like weekdays, with their back pack and I assume they go to take some class some place.. but other kids .. get up and watch cartoons..

this is the things that really eats away at me... some of the black parents especially in the lower income brackets, will buy their kids the newest tennis shoes, over $100, and they continually have the next and the next style that comes up.. and the kids don't even have a computer.. now that is one of the most silly things I can think to write at the moment.
We all know there are pockets of racism everywhere, but what I have found is many times, it can be overcome, by simply talking and doing so intellegently with whom ever is dislaying such.. (maybe except with a Klu Klux Klan or a Neo Nazi and skin heads).. those the sign is already up.. so it's not need to engage..
but I myself am prejudice.. and very much so against "blatent ignorance" and that is not relative to color..

but you each are very much right.. the blacks that don't wallow in this are the one's whom we see daily, working, interacting across any and all real and imagined barriers. I have met many many high level executive people, had the pleasure to meet many people who are prominent public figures an I've always found a respecrful interchange .

I've encountered some people who were overt in their racist manner..and as I said I;ve been held back by such as well. and I've had to take legal course with such incidents, and I won the favorable ruling.. because I'm a people person.. hell.. I dont care what color a person is.. just don't be blatently ignorant.. and I don't mess with people.. I'm straight and honest.. and I find most times I get that back..
About the thing of helping family, I had to stop.. it had gone past help, my help was crippling them and enabling them to remain un motivated..because they reach an obstace or problem, they wer on the phone calling me.. NO matter how much I talk with them and ask them to simply think your way thru things.. they kept running into the wall but that wall, work they were doing was draining my pocket and very much frusrtraing my reality.. so I will let them bang away at it..

My motton is, If I run into a wall, I will figure out how to get over it, around it, under it, and if necessary it will have to be removed.. because I will get where I'm headed..

I can empathize with many many thins, as I do with the article someone sent me.. but I cannot wallow in pity with anyone.. and there are a lot of back that will be crying the song for many years.. and there will be many other nationalities that will not interact with them.. because the things they do re-encorce the stereo type, and no one wants to deal with it.. because it's a drag..
me I love thinking, that's my favorite past-time, hell.. I'll ponder "a rat pissing on cotton".. but I prefer to think about other things.

by the way, it's a great car.. very powerful.. and exceptional stereo for long distance drives, or just short runs.. I drive it so rarely, that I feel bad because I need to drive it more, to keep the suspension loose. it stiffens up when I let it sit too long.

but for the assurance of understanding of all.. NO, I don't live in the blame game mentality".. Life is far too beautiful for that..
but I am always aware of many factors of what's within life.. but I cannot and would not allow myself to even attempt to believe .. my life condition is hindered by a race of people"... and any individual who trys to enact any constriction on me.. I will face them in any professional and legal arena that's necessary. I they want to fight, physically.. they can.. I stand back and watch

touch213 69M

6/18/2006 12:54 am

whitesummit, on the second posting.. that is much of reference to things that do exist, in pockets of this country.. and probably about the world.. but some of it, if you look at the principal,s it's not a exclusive black with things, it's a thing where there is certain ignorances about the world in certain places and different enviornments.. to parallel the expressions, look at the Taliban and how they did women and others' and just in the past 20 years of society, there was the south Africa thing, and there are still cultures out that find many many ways to discriminate, some based on religious things, some based on so mahny various things.. and in some regions people are seitll presecuted by the opressive belief of others.. Here in america.. people have the freedom to be and to do.. they so they can work themselves past all the garbage, where ever it's found.. to exist... because there are so many ways to get education.. and even the smallest town in this country has a library.. and the sad part.. is so many of them are nearly empty of people.. I see some that are ins nice quailty and quite locations and some that are beautiful building, and people just pass on by..some make a lot of effort to make them inviting, with histrric displays and etc..

I made a display that was beautiful, when I was going thru the legal issues, it's now In LA, I have to find a location to donate it to.. It was quite costly for what I did.. but I will find some place to donate it.. hopefully when I go out there this week..

to summarize my commentary.. what I really love to see, is mixed couples, that are comfortable where ever they go. and the most delightful things is to see kids paying, especially the babies who just start to walk.. and in two diffent kids of different nationalities, just go up to each other and startchecking each other out and within a few minutes they are playing like natural... wht a great lesson that should and could be to all people. thanks guys for the commentary... I love a good.. expressive exchange..

touch213 69M

6/18/2006 12:57 am

I'm not much for proof reading, and my fingers are either old, or just can't find the keys.. besides, I just finsihed playing the drum machine.

touch213 69M

6/18/2006 10:06 am

I can sum up my stand on the situtation over all..

"If someone tries to gve me something just because I'm blak".. I'll give it back to them.. anything I get, I want to get it by my own efforts and by my own investments of myself in active performance to attain it..

but, that's just me.. I can't speak for others..

( one exception__ if the statesaid they wanted to give all black people $100,000.00 dollars.. or a free 40 acres and a mule, I take that.. but I'd sell the mule)>.