touch213 69M
1/19/2007 4:07 pm
Interesting THINGS..

I was laying in bed this morning and recalling a dream I had about my Bass guitar.. it was rather strange but I do recall it was in color..

so after I got dressed for the day... I decided to go to the music store.. ended up buying a Bass amp.. then putting my guitar in the shop for set up work..

I talked to the owner of the shop.. and he ws very nice and his wife was too very sociable..

they had an amazing store, in the back near his office, they had built a regular living quartes, so when they are tired or business is slow they can fell like they are at home..

I've been toying with the Idea to start a business booking entertainment acts .. mostly musical group.. because the area is sorely in need of entertainment booking... I also discussed with him to list his store on the web site because they have began to shoot a lot of movies here, and his would make a good location shot, and he can also be on the roster to rent equipment.. He liked the idea.. and he's going to hook me up with some people that know all the local musicians.. so maybe I will look a little deeper into this...A friend has been on me to do this for a few months now.. so maybe there's something to it.. I also got invites from some city officials to introduce myself unto them.. so between the city council members and the CAO and other in the city I may get to learn of what assistance they can be and that I can be unto them.. and maybe create something..

I just have to narrow down some of my aspiried desires.. and take them one at a time and one step at a time.. sometimes I feel so full of so many ideas and want to do so much that I get very very hyper motivated.. I got to stop letting the thoughts of what it cost get in the way.. because God always provides what's needed to do what's desired..

and it multiplies with the belief in doing and actually doing it..

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
1/19/2007 7:00 pm

I feel so full of so many ideas and want to do so much that I get very very hyper motivated.. I got to stop letting the thoughts of what it cost get in the way.. because God always provides what's needed to do what's desired..

and it multiplies with the belief in doing and actually doing it..

I am tormented by ideas and actually doing it. Teach me, how to act up? how to make God provides what's needed to do what's desired? Yet, true when we desired for it desparately and was thinking in dead end, something magical happens.

touch213 69M

1/20/2007 4:21 am

Some roads will be wrong but they can give you valuable lessons. Others will be filled with people who are willing to help you along your journey

Goan.. that is so true...

I learn so many things.. and just yesterday.. I went places.. and seems that each person I met offered me an opportunity.. One gentleman we talked in the line waiting for check out, he gave his card and daid call him there is employment in the offering If I care to look into it, I got an email for the CAO with and invite to meet him..

And At the Music Store the owner, shared with me a CD he made, and we discussed Ideas.. I told him I was tossing around the idea of entertainment booking, and he told me he'd introduce me to some people who knew all the local musicians..

so yes.. it's people always willing to help.

I look people in the face and eyes when I talk to them and I make effort to feel the spirit in what they are saying..

and most people are very giving if people listen and give them the regard of regard .. and be simply honest and not afraid to give other people appreciation.. not patronizing, no appeasment.. but genuine appreciation and genuine consideration.. it's let's them know the same as we all know that we beleive in each other as individuals, human beings and person..

I believe God flows thru such people..we just have to be honest enough to see and engage and embrace that reality..

if a scam is in the making most times you can see it...

I say most times, because we all become weak at time, and not as aware as we need be.. to disceern.. as we should.. based on truth.. that's why it's of a good thing to try and keep one's emotions with some governanace.. but have genuine enthuaism... in our living manner.. and relating....

Swallowtsui,,, if you are actually doing it... you are not tormented.. you are blessed with the labors within the idea.. and it's unfolding..

Now what kind of acting up do you want to do..lest it be acting up in being jubilant in the heart as you do what you do..

touch213 69M

1/20/2007 4:26 am

when we desired for it desparately and was thinking in dead end, something magical happens.

read that poem.. " footprints in the Sand"

One night a man had a dream.

He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.

Scenes from his life flashed across the sky
and he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life had flashed before him,
he recalled that at the lowest and saddest times of his life
there was only one set of footprints.

Dismayed, he asked, "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
I don't understand why, when I needed you most,
you would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious child.
I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering
when you saw only one set of footprints...

That was when I carried you.

Let's Walk Together
As We Trudge The Road To Happy Destiny!!
"God keeps watch 'tween thee and me"