touch213 69M
3/29/2007 5:00 pm
" money"

what do you think about money... how much do you think about money.. what are the limits you will go to get money.. if the money picture change in a relationship and there is less to spend.. how does it affect your relationship?

if you got expendable cash, how much does it distract your from your relationship?

are you a miser, ??/ are you a waster of money? do you covet money above what is needed in your life? does it matter which mate has the most money?

does it matter who earns the most money?

maybe there may be a million questions about money...

but two people who think about a relationship may be best off.. to learn how each other truly feels about money?

you may not want to tell the other what you have and that's your private business.. but you sre need to learn the attitude and disposition each other has about money>>>

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
3/29/2007 8:28 pm

Make me think about 'Money' screamed nicely by Pink Floy

touch213 69M

4/1/2007 7:58 am

it should be a conversation that couples talk about... more marriages end over money squabbles than a lot of other things.. and that lack of understanding translates into the bedroom, and then reverbrates thru the house and the over-all life..

get a grip on the money, \bsexo?\b and power connection.. and get some understanding about it.. or you may just find yourself in a relationship crash..

touch213 69M

4/2/2007 6:39 am

Money on its own is neither good nor bad.

It is a means to an end. Money is a medium of exchange that is used by all people in a civilized world for product or services. It is used to represent VALUE.

See, it’s just not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless you are rich. In order to unfold the soul and to develop talent, you must have many things to use, and you cannot have these things unless you have Money to buy them with.

What we have to get straight in our heads is that owning the Money doesn’t mean ANYTHING.

It’s the DOING with Money that develops us - it’s not in the having. And when you have more, you’re enabled to DO more.

~ Jack Canfield

Have you been taught that seeking Money is bad?

People who associate Money with greed and evil will NEVER see the good Money can do. Money is a powerful vehicle in helping people and doing good! Especially if Money is in the right hands...