(Caragh )
687 posts
7/27/2006 9:10 pm

Last Read:
7/30/2006 6:48 am

I Feel Sorry for A Beautiful Woman

Recently, the trendy news and popular gossip in New York City is a husband cheated on one of the gorgeous women in NYC high society, as some newspaper called her "the most gorgeous woman in New York City".

Billy Joel was her 3rd husband, wrote “Uptown girl” about her. Their marriage was ended because Billy Joel cheated on her. After her divorce with Mr. Joel, with her supermodel background, she was a beautiful, rich, glamorous, single mom in NYC.

When Ms. C.B was 42, she married Mr. Peter Cook, a handsome young non-famous architect who is 5 years younger than her.

They seemed having a happy marriage for 10 years; until one day, Ms. C.B. was told by a father of young girl that Mr. Cook cooked their marriage. Mr. Cook had a affair with a 19-year-old young girl by cashing her out with a lot of money.

This story has become the major news on some of the newspapers. I feel sorry no only because the sad story about Ms. CB’s marriage but also the publicity of such private story to be publicized with many details of the relationship between Mr. Cook and the young girl, and even a woman who Mr. Cook dated before his marriage with MS. CB also came out to add some spicy to the cooked story.

Recently, Mr. Cook is begging the forgiveness from his wife and hoping get back together with Ms. CB. Should her take him back? Could her forgive him? What’s her decision? I’m sure the media will follow the story.

However, as a woman, I have great sympathy for Ms. CB. It’s sad to witness such a beautiful rich woman can’t keep her marriages because of the betrayal of her husbands.

Finding a companion needs a lot of effort like all A.F.Fers have experienced; keeping a long-term healthy companionship needs a lot of nurturing from both partners. I admit that I don't have answers for “how can we do it?”

Do you?

(Stan Harrison)

7/27/2006 9:20 pm

Physically beautiful people have their own set of problems such as others objectifying them and perhaps not taking the time to get to know their inner psyche.

People that are deemed not physically beautiful also find that not as many people are interested in them because they do not have the outer beauty to flag others down with in the first place. However when someone does love them, at least they love them for who they are on the inside because outer beauty will fade with time.

Then one could always debate that physical beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

a student of life

touch213 70M

7/27/2006 10:24 pm

it's all people.. the public acclaim, the money and etc.. none of it is a buffer to the things of reality..

people can want successful people, rich people, popular people and any such things that strikes their fancy.." but they are still just people"..

pretty is no guarantee of anything except, people may like to look at pertty".. beyond that.. "they are just people".. this is were the media makes the assessments.. to think being pretty, rich and etc is suppose to make things "fairytale wonderful"..

but .. reality shows that is only media hype..

not everything last forever.. and not everything is destined to failure..
it's still a day to day thing.. of people-relating with people..

on a person to person level..

I've seen couples who have little to nothing, who have long enduring relationship.. and they never trip on the other about what they don't have or what they did not accomplish, or how successful or unsuccessful the other is..
many of the status natured relations.. have so much phonyness in their demeanor, of trying to fit into this circle, or that circle, or going to the right cocktail party or the right this or right that.. which it's all imagery.. as if they live for the external accolades.. and thus the internal relations is eroding at the seams.. but.. they so called " look good in public".. and some people live for that.. more than they know anything about each other or even care about each other.. they want to be seen on the arms of someone in high society or of status and etc..

the "sanitoriums" are full of them, the doctors love them, cause they can pump them full of pills for evertything, and the "fashion stores thrive on them, because they know their insecurities will make them buy anything.. it's actually sad.. no only for the couple, even their kids, they have to go to the so called "right school", joing the " right" groups and etc.. and the whole life becomes a status pursuit...

so it's not unlikely they .. would cheat.. and when they do.. it's probably with someone who actually lives a bit more normalized life.. or they go for a younger prettier version of what image object they have at home.. and likewise so.. on the side of women when they's either he's got more money, more imagery, higher status position and etc... or she goes the oppostie and looks for a rougher version.. tht is not into the status game..

it's built on lot's of illusionary things.. of media dictates..

but for some.. that's the life they desire... the world is of so very much..


7/27/2006 11:55 pm

When I first met my wife in england in a local soccer match btw man.
utd vs was a blue fan and I was a die hard red devil fan.She was born in ireland with bright red hair and I was born in Singapore with dark black hair.Nothing in common except the love of soccer.For me her red hair was the colour of my man.utd.
The 'Chemistry' btw us at first sight was beyond words...imagine a white girl and a chinese man in 1978 in Manchester/England.
We will married for 22 yrs and has two lovely sons.
She was taken away by cancel in 2001.
She taught me Tender Loving Care (TLC) and Unconditional loves.I taught her Never allows an disagreement goes unresolve by end of the day and agree to disagree,talk over at pre arrange date.She was never a 'door match' and very capable of throwing a good right hook.
Till death do us part.
I'm still searching for woman with similar qualities or at least close to that.........

(andrea )
209 posts
7/28/2006 1:07 am

I have known a couple whos not even rich or average.....they are struggling with daily necessities ie putting food on the table and paying the kids school fees.....the wife is beautiful and the hubby is handsome....yet the hubby still cheat on his wife.....cheater will be matter they are beautiful, rich OR ugly and poor.....nothing to do with the status or appearances....its the character and their of look are just layers of epidermis that fades with time

Viva La Vida

(Brian )

7/28/2006 1:27 am

Vanity and insecurity have conspired to ruin lots of marriages and relationships. Beautiful people, particularly women who are famous for their beauty, can be exceedingly insecure on the inside because they fear men won't see anything else. It wasn't Christy Brinkley who cheated, but how would an aging former supermodel feel after another husband cheats on her with a much younger woman?

Insecure. That's how she'd feel.

As for her husband, he's the guy married to a 42 year-old former model, in a city that's FULL of young models, rising stars, and the men who get to be with them. He's tempted not only by the flesh, but by his vanity, his desire to prove that he still can seduce a young, beautiful woman while being married to an older one.

~ Brian

1196 posts
7/28/2006 9:01 pm

Life of a jetsetter will always be like that...alimony for security reason is part of their lifestyle for a man's side!

With regards to that celebrity, She appreciated all the publicities being written in her behalf...bad or good it always is, a publicity to her.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
7/29/2006 12:28 am


This news also appear here at the entertainment pages of Chinese newspapers.

In this case the husband is Madame Bovary, seeking for romance out of boredom of marriage (I m sure he gets bored after 10 years if they dont add new elements to the conjuntal life). I can imagine it is quite natural - after some time of togetherness you would be challenged by challenge - sometimes women change, sometimes men.

All in a word, human hearts (emotions) is as deep as, and, as intricate as an ocean. Occasionally they would derail by call of desires and dreams. Both men and women. If Ms CB also cheated, what would you say?