Sunflower569 58F
969 posts
2/22/2006 4:06 am

Last Read:
4/27/2006 8:09 am

Learn to Be a Smart and Intelligent Lier

Here are some tips for the people telling lies:

People need lies to make life go on, but what kind of lies you are telling are important: your lies must be smart and intelligent. That is why in my advertisement I wrote: He must be a smart and intelligent lier.

1) When lies are easily seen through, you had better not tell lies. Your telling truth can prove to your friends that you are a great friend to be trusted. If you tell lies, you cannot expect good results. At least 15 years ago, a male friend came to me for a piece of advice about his girl friend, who is my colleague. I told him directly the match could not work, for the girl eyed only money. A few days later, the girl came and asked me about it. I knew what it meant. Guess, what I did. I repeated what I had said to her boyfriend. Don't worry about this girl: she found her wealth at last.

2)Don't lie to those people who tend to be quick-minded. I have never told lies to those who are smarter and more intelligent than me, which will make you feel less awkward. I have a "friend" who is a "good" lier, but his lies can be seen through by me, either the time when he tells lies, or several days later.

3) You must know what kind of person you are: if you are good at telling lies or not. If you are not good at telling lies, don't try to do it, for your lies can be seen through via your eyes. I have told lies, but only kind lies, so I have a good reputation among my friends. One of my friend said to me, "If one day I told a big lie, every one can be cheated."

Conclusion: Learn to be a smart and intelligent lier if you really want to be.

Tanya2046 55F

2/22/2006 7:03 pm

If the little white lie makes you feel better at the end of the day, and so long as your relationship isn't based on deception, then it's the truths in your relationship that make all the white lies worth it.

Sunflower569 58F

2/23/2006 6:18 am

Telling white lies is something I do occasionally in order to save the situation.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
2/23/2006 7:05 am

I remembered my men friend said 11 years ago, "if you dont hv good memory faculty, dont lie." Something conincides w/yr conclusion.

(Roger F)
1334 posts
2/23/2006 11:18 am

Or, you could actually just tell the truth? it is so much simpler and, if people have trouble with the truth, make it 'their problem' - not yours. Sometimes, saying nothing at all is an option. Swallowtsui has the problem well marked - to be a 'good lier' you have to have a great memory - who has been told what lies and when?

Sunflower569 58F

2/24/2006 2:13 am

Good memory! Sweet, Swallow.

gabriola 83M

3/22/2006 5:14 pm

you've hooked me, I had to read through your blog. Before today I didn't know what a blog was!

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please"

"Honesty is the best policy...when there is money in it"

"I have a higher standard of principles than George Washington. He could not lie; I can, but I won't."

"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything."

"When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not".

" When in doubt, tell the truth".

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its' shoes"

"The history of our race and each individuals experience are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill, and that a lie told well is immortal".

"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."

This last you might like:

"In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language"

Yes, you guessed it; all by Mark Twain. One more thing, your friends won't tell you, though they should have. "Lier" is really spelled "liar". There, now I promise to go away and be good.

gabriola 83M

4/4/2006 7:09 pm

Sunflower, please do something for me. Go back to your profile and change Lier to "Liar" !!

gabriola 83M

4/5/2006 7:45 pm

Come on Top gent, surely you can tell her that lier is really "Liar"?

gabriola 83M

4/24/2006 11:50 pm

Read my lips Sunflower....LiAr, LiAr, LiAr, LiAr, LiAr. Got it????

(HI )
119 posts
4/26/2006 1:45 pm

Ever wondered why "liar" and not "lier"? What made it a grammatical error or incorrect usage of terminology? If "lier" is understood as "liar" from the context, let's move on, okay?