(Ron )
10 posts
2/17/2006 11:41 pm

Last Read:
3/15/2006 6:27 pm

Are Asian Women Really Attracted To Black Men

A friend of mine asked me what I thought about Asian women liking black men. A little history about myself. I have lived and worked in Asia for 7 years, and of all the women I have loved in my life she was Asian. Now back to the topic.

I think some Asian women are and of course some are not and that is their choice. So what better place to come for information than to an Asian dating site. I have been a member on here for about 7 days now, and have gone through hundread of female ads. I must say that the overall answer would be NO. Then I start to think why is that. There could be many reasons, but I believe it is culture, then I think it is the way black people in general are shown on T.V. mainly the news.

As I sit here and write this, the thought maybe Asian people in general think that people should stay with their own race. Hmmm I wonder. Thinking more about this was the same way white people thought 50 years ago that black people should go back to Africa. Trust me people, it was not our choice to come here from the start. Before anyone starts to think that black people are mean, have you ever thought that we might have a reason. I remember when I was a my grandfather told me a story that when he was living in California, the only time he really felt equal was when the U.S. Government sent many thousands of Asians to the camps.

Anyway, on this site, I have sent a few messages to women and no response. I look at their friends list and see plenty of white men listed there. This may be because their are not many black men here.

In closing, let me tell you a little something about the black race. Not all black men have been in jail, we don't all listen to music, we don't all get government handouts, there are many black executive in major U.S. corporations and if you like peanut butter, you should say thank you to a black chemist.

Overall, black men are very close to their mothers and have better respect for women than most cultures. We believe very much in the family bond and we raise our to have more than we did. We love like other, we cry when we hurt, we have feelings and deserve respect just for the fact that we are humna beings like everyone else.

I read in many women profiles that they are open monded. How can anyone be open minded when you cannot be open to a possible relationship with a man because of the color of his skin. God created us all in his "OWN IMAGE" I am not saying that black men would make a better partner than an Asian or White man.

In closing, this was not meant to offened anyone no matter your race, but it is my way of expressing what I belive is an uneven playing field and as I stated before, every person a right to be attracted to whom they like.

I hope to hear back from many people on this topic, but I ask that if you do respond that you look into your heart and express your true feelings.


Love who you are and not what others want you to be.

(Mike )

2/18/2006 5:04 am

You are right.

The discrimination is there, either openly or otherwise.
I was married at one time, and that mindset you speak of was once voiced to me by my own wife, who was Korean....

The discrimination is cultural in nature, but blacks seem to suffer from the stigma more than whites. When I was in the Army, I saw the separation in real life....the blacks had "their" clubs and then there was everyone else. That was 1989.
One of my friends was a quiet, well-spoken man named Mike. He wandered into a club not normally frequented by black GI's and sat down across from me at the crowded table....I bought him a drink, and asked him to stop and talk.

I'd never experienced what happened next....the crowd that was around my table quickly vanished when Mike sat down, and it confused the hell out of me. I was thinking "WTF, over..."
Where did everyone go so fast?
Mike let me in on the "secret", and it pissed me off...but what was I going to do about it? I was just some dumb Midwestern kid in a strange land; there were no black folks in my home town in Indiana....hell, at 18 I didn't even know what a "do-rag" was.

I don't what to say...but I know where you are coming from.

swallowtsui 51F
1431 posts
2/20/2006 2:09 am

Hi Blkniceguy.

I live in Macau where we have quite some black Africans from the former Portuguese colonies. Our community here has no apparent discriminations to black ppl. I have a Spanish lady friend married to an African and live happily here, and white guys married to black woman. As for Chinese, I have a friend, she is always fond of black guys. Despite of the mother's small nagging, she made African boyfriends and still they r her favorites. Me at AFF, I have a black friend listed in my friend's network. I also have reallife black friends.

We admire black artists, in some fields they'r so talented that u cant count it from artists of other colors.

I'd like to tell you:

1) If ppl still merit blacks w/ diehard concept and outdated ideas, let them update their minds and views.

2) If a woman, no matter what race she is, rejects or discriminize you just bcoz of u'r black. Just click them into dustbin and sneer at them. I think it is not due to cultural influence, but due to personal cultivation. Y should u be offended?

We should believe, love is w/ no respect to race and nationality if there's true love.

eternalheart 49F

2/22/2006 5:47 pm

I believe you can find someone just only for yourself in the world and i have the same dream .Don`t mind too many things except for your happiness and a true love .