Hopping Swallow 鍋爐焰焰

Hip hip hop hop, dip-dip-dot-dot...

I record my deep feelings sparkled only in some seconds, in simple double languages.

Share with me!

我記錄下靈光閃爍間的思緒和感覺, 盡量用雙語, 希望簡而精, 請進來分享. 記得用繁體字檢視呵.

给我, 春暖花开 - Bring Spring to Me
Posted:Mar 30, 2007 7:43 pm
Last Updated:Apr 8, 2007 8:43 pm
给你, 春暖花开
春意醉人, 春心撩人, 春倦困人"

给我, 春暖花开

蛊惑的人, 酒醒的人, 迷茫纠结的人


(灵感来自爵士乐曲”Bewitched “, 拙文应用蓝调唱出来

(不高明的我想试试许渊冲的文学翻译理论, 请赐教.)


Bring spring to you

Bewitched, bothered and bewildered

Bring spring to me

Witched, sober and sintered


(Inspired by jazz tune "BETWITCHED". This is to be sung jazzily.)

(Thru this chin-eng post, amateur as I am, want to apply a bit Xu Yuanchong's literature translation theory.)

Pic.: Spring Blooms Next to the Sea

--Before our weekend journey--
Yunnan New Film Project - Women's Energy
Posted:Mar 29, 2007 1:23 am
Last Updated:Mar 29, 2007 2:02 am
Pic.: Lola -- Chief Producer for YNFP

Source: Chinadaily

Hong Kong has had its Intl Film Festival. And Macau is waging a mini Intl Film and Video Festival to be presented in April, with the first-ever allout Made-in-Macau dramatic motion picture premiere, directed by Vincent Hui, a persistent movie lover who strides out with scarce financial support.

I surf and meet with this passionate woman Lola and the spur of women's energy. This time, in Yunnan, still China's dreamland and ours.

Let's anticipate these films made by these beautiful women in ethereal Yunnan. Buy their originals, please!


Lola, wellknown in China since her launch of her New Film Project for Young Chinese Directors in 2001, has since devoted to helping young Chinese directors realize their ambitions.

Yunnan New Film Project involves a new team of talented female filmmakers and a fresh take on the use of technology in the creative process, in the hope to stimulate the Chinese film industry and encourage China's growing cultural dialogue with the global community.

Female-made but not feminine

"I hope to see the Project series appealing to the general public. While the films' direction is solely overseen by women, this by no means confines their potential. Rather than approaching the narrative from a particularly "female" perspective or exploring only female-oriented themes, the works embrace a cornucopia of fascinating stories, delicate visuals and elegant music, each suffused with distinct Chinese characteristics. Brimming with the heart of humanism, their language is still one of popular narration. "

Diversity in topic and shooting locations

"It could be a comedy or a thriller, a love story or a musical, a women-oriented film or a family movie¡­ These movies not only take place in the beautiful ancient cities of Lijiang, Shangri-la, and the Xishuangbanna area, but also in Baoshan's once gunpowder-ravaged Tengchong, and the divine one thousand year old tea garden Lincang. Every single aspect of our films' maturation has made us ecstatic, full of expectations and with a thrill in the heart, like a ten-months pregnant mother!"

Films/Directors List of the YNFP:

1) PU'ER TEA Director: Xiao Jiang (Beijing) Shooting Place: Xishuangbanna

2) THE BIG AND THE LITTLE Director: Li Hong (Shanghai) Shooting Place: Tengchong

3) THE WOMAN WITH THE HORSEGANGS Director: Yan Yan Mak (HongKong) Shooting Place: Dehong

4) HERE'S SHANGRI-LA Director: Ismene Ting (Taiwan) Shooting Place: Shangri-la

5) BLOGGERS' JOURNEY TO THE WEST Director: Cao Fei (Guangzhou) Shooting Place: Nujiang

6) CHINESE FATHER Director: Yin Lichuan (Beijing) Shooting Place: Kunming

7) THE CASE Director: Wang Fen (Jiangxi) Shooting Place: Lijiang

SING A LOVE SONG Director: Yu Jiangying (Beijing) Shooting Place: Wengding Lincang

9) THE KINGDOM OF WOMEN Director: Li Guang (Beijing) Shooting Place: Lugu Lake

10) THE PEACH BLOSSOM LAND Director: Huang Ruxiang (Sichuan) Shooting Place: The Peach Blossom Land

What do you fancy?
Posted:Mar 28, 2007 7:45 pm
Last Updated:Apr 16, 2007 12:27 am

What do you fancy?

I fancy ...

I fancy a world that fancies

and allows

our imperishable craziness

What? 'Chinese for Africa'!
Posted:Mar 23, 2007 3:55 am
Last Updated:Mar 26, 2007 4:30 am

Supposingly, if you come across my company offering language services in some African country, with the name 'Chinese for Africa', will you think it arrogantly and stupidly colonial? Do you want to dismantle its signboard?

As a matter of fact, company selling English services, with a similar name does exist here, happily boasting with such a colonial name and patting shoulder wih local officials.

But everytime I see/hear it, it flares not only my ears but head and the remembrance of history.

I will never allow such a fkg stingy stinky colonial name!!!!

Can you guess what is the co. name that outrages me? Ask me for tips. I wonder, will it outrage you as well? Maybe we'll have two camps, the rational and so-called extremist. I dont care labels but substance.

And, shall the society ban the use of offensive language in public?
Lover, proper and improper
Posted:Mar 22, 2007 12:38 am
Last Updated:Mar 29, 2007 1:03 am
I received a snail mail. Opened, attached are two of my pictures, one is a close shot of an expressive face, the other is this (I dont mind showing my legs but maybe Chinese FriendFinder minds).

Also attached is an anonymous note, written in handwriting:

"So sexy babe.

It's a pity that she does not have a proper lover.

But she is brave, if not exceedingly smart, to find her own way out of the current dol-drum."


The 'proper lover' was quite dazzling and capturing.

I really started to pity myself of not having a proper lover, probably at large due to my braveness.

But how if i have some 'improper' lovers?

Gain more than loss? More colorful no dullness? In this dazzling world.

Ladies, you want proper lover or improper?


p.s. How if you recieved such message:

"I want to cry bcoz i cant CU tonite;

my stomoch's fright coz you dont treat me a dinner pie."
1000-p-old Goblin and Bloggers Summit
Posted:Mar 21, 2007 1:58 am
Last Updated:Jul 5, 2007 11:21 pm
WOW! My post exceeds 1000.

Chinese like to describe very old or big thing or uncountable amount with the numeric 1000.

Like: 1000 year old goblin; 1000 miles road; 1000 words and sentences...

Let's make a party for those bloggers who have posted 1000 blogs. My congratulation to you!

I remember mint has made a retrospection for his own blogging, and Davinciripoche an awarding post to send out his encouragement awards to bloggers.

Are you an addict and devoted blogger? Sometimes i ask myself. Comapred to passionate bloggers like toukki,I am not; to erudite and comprehensive ones like DVC, I am not; to soul masseur stevez, I am not; to langueage enthusiast Nam, I am not; to eloquent feminist commentator gourmet , to extremely sharp mold , to earthy naughty goan, to eagle-like but subtle oasis, to lively but duty-conscious dealer , to interesting love quester pest, to always questioning sayhell, to wise humorous GoldHeMa,to experienced traveller SFB...ah! hammer, please! I should not omit energetic big sisster Virgo, murmuring-for-beauty Touch213

Just names popping to my mind right now, there will be many unnamed here. Thank you all for your generocity of offering your mind and heart, your knowledge and perceptions in this cultivating field.

We will have more to explore, anything, any topic: the great yet mysterious dream world, cross cultural comparison, translation, astrology, love, \bsexo?\b, marriage mode, music, travel...Most of all, how to live in full and happy.

Hugs to you all. Make me think of an unrealized Chinese FriendFinder Bloggers Summit, someday? In the middle of Asia or China. I can be the event organizer!

Swallow, Mar. 21, 2007

Pic. Monument of a 1950s Naval Combat btw Communist and Nationalist in Guishan Island, Zhuhai, serving as my Monument of Blogging
Posted:Mar 16, 2007 11:29 pm
Last Updated:May 2, 2024 10:36 am


1. 壤男人让你跌倒?

你在峭坡上腿发抖,想他给你他的手.他不給,还嚷,“恐惧是想象出来的,摔倒, 大不了摔死,怕什幺!…”他郤不疼惜你, 胆敢让你跌倒, 再教你独力爬起来. 你也真的在这样的硬激下成事了. 

2. 好男人伸手搀扶你从不让你跌?


女人, 你喜欢壤男或好男? 

男人, 你要做壤男或好男? 


Good man let you fall or offer you a hand ?
Posted:Mar 16, 2007 8:36 pm
Last Updated:Mar 25, 2007 8:41 pm
This question has been on my mind.

Good man

let you fall or

offer you a hand to prevent you from falling?

1)Is the let-you-fall type a bad man?

What's more, he will shout at you while your legs are trembling on the steep untrodden slope,

"What you fear of? you fall or at worst you die, we all will die one day!


And he showed you how to keep balance, how to firm a stand, how to hike strategically. But you need to accomplish the mountain independently, all by your own.

Despaired and fearful, you want to shrink and stretch your hand in the air, but he never gives his hand. You are pissed off, "Blooded guy!"

You imagine you'd fall but you never, and you finally do it under his provocation and harsh encouragement.

2) Is the offer-you-a-hand type a good man?

He's always walking by your side. Observing, he's all the time willing to take your hand when you shrink on the obstacles and terrains.

His hand's warm and helpful, you feel being loved. He warns you of every step, cuts the blocking branches, pushes you up the rock.

"Be careful...come this way...my hand here..."

Reliable and trustful.
Yet once you lose his sight,and stay trembling on the midway of the mountain. Maybe you'll fall but you havent any clue how to react without his hand

Ladies, you want a bad man or good man? which one gives us more benefit and strength? Men, you are type 1 or type 2? Why?

pic. Swallow Climbing Sky Ladder
Cheap cheap life; Big Big Love
Posted:Mar 13, 2007 2:22 am
Last Updated:Mar 30, 2007 9:07 pm

A Life That Worth Little But Love That Moves Mountain

--The Last Letter of a Miner Died in a Mining Accident

Source: sohu;
tranlated by Swallow

Oct. 8, 2006

Dear Dad, Mom, Bro., Sis,

I am sure I have died when you receive this letter. My dear parents, please don’t cry. It’s me myself want to die. Don’t be sad. Mom, especially you, please never cry. I think dad’s waist pain should get treatments and bro. needs money for schooling. Most important, we can’t delay treatment for sis’s disease. The more delayed, the more suffering for her. If counting only on earning wages to pay the hospital bills, not sure when we would have enough money (for that). If only my death would save you from the hard time, my death is worthwhile.

I don’t know how I would die. If many miners die at a time, the mine proprietors cant conceal it bcoz the governing administration would investigate. In this case each sacrificed miner would get RMB200,000. If, only died me one or two, you could settle ‘under the counter’ with the proprietors. Ask for 250,000 from him. Right half a month ago, (The family of) a guy crashed to death (in workings) reached private agreement with the mine for a compensation of 250,000.

Dad and mom, you two should not come here for it’s too long and difficult a way. Please don’t make a hard time for yourselves. You ask guys like brothers Ming Qi and Ming Fa to come. They have been around. They know how to speak. They are big and look smart. Also, ask someone like auntie III of west house come. They are bold and fierce. They can make a big cry and noise.

Tell them to start with 300,000. Undoubtedly, the proprietors would not agree. Rumble on with them. Then tell them that you’d report to radio and newspaper about the mining casualty, which would scare them. But don’t really mean it, it’s only our trick to bluff them, so that we could ask for a little more money, a minimum of 250,000 ‒ sure, better if we could get 10,000-20,000 more than that. You should stand out for that. Don’t be compassionate with them. They make bloody good money. Is there a day that they don’t make around 100,000?

But they merely don’t want to give (this amount), in order not to set a precedent for miners who'd die later on to follow and surpass. Therefore, you need to tell Ming Qi and others concerned, to manipulate it deftly ‒ make noises when suitable, use both the carrot and the stick. Getting 10,000 more would survive my sis. one year more. However, don’t let them tie the string too hard around the proprietors’ neck. If pressed too much, they have gangster friends. We shan't let Ming Qi and other bros and sis. take the beating.

I don’t know whether my body could be found. Forget it if could not. If found, be sure not to transport it back home, it takes over 10,000 to rent a vehicle. We wont spend undeservedly this unnecessary money. Just ask Ming Qi to burn me here and bring my cremains home. My petty cash is all put in the drawer. The small radio, please take it back for me.

Dad, mom, with this 250,000, you ought to have a good rest. Dad, please do not do coolie work as your waist is weak and you should not climb up and down; mom, you too, please do not rent soil to cultivate. At first, treat my sis’s illness. But don’t smash the money if it can’t be cured even spending 150,000 to 160,000. You two should spare some money for old age, and some for my bro. His education fee in the coming several years must amount to 50,000 to 60,000. Not to mention such things as finding a job, marrying a wife, there are lots of expenditures.

I didn’t have decent schooling yet I must support my bro’s education. Only if he works hard and outstandingly in school, would he be spared from hard laboring and leave our poor rural mountain area. Then pay off all the debts due to aunties, uncles and granduncle. They all have their own difficulties and should need the money. One more thing, some cousins wanted to come work here. Tell them never come here to earn 3000 if they can earn 300 at home. Regardless of the hardship, it is too dangerous. Make sure not to let them come.

Dad and mom, I regret that I cannot uphold the flag and throw the basin for you (at your funeral). Let my bro. extend the generations for you and our family, let him take care of you and attend to you at your old age and in your last days. Here, your unfilial is kowtowing to you. I wish you good life in the coming years, wish my sis be cured and my bro. a smooth life journey.

Also, our old house needs rebuilding next year. Otherwise, the leaking rainwater and flooding would be no good to dad’s waist, mom’s leg and sis’s illness. Also, when it turns colder, every one of you should buy several new clothes. Then a TV set, must be color TV. So sis can finally watch TV. Buy a muffle jacket for sis and leather shoes for bro. You must buy all these things as soon as you return home. Don’t be afraid of the gossips. Who dares sneer at us as we earn this money without robbing and stealing? I would be resting in peace if only you could eat well and dress well.

Your ,

Da Guang

Remarks: On 4 December, 2006, Li Daguang died because of a roof-fall accident in the Xia Mine of Guizhou. After his death, according to the promise set between them while he was alive, his letter was brought back home by his workmates. Based on sources, Li’s family eventually got a compensation of RMB250,000.
贱贱的命, 重重的爱
Posted:Mar 13, 2007 2:17 am
Last Updated:May 2, 2024 10:36 am

-- 一个矿工的遗信

出处: 搜狐博客




爸妈,有了这25万,爸你别去当壮工了,你的腰不得劲,可不能再爬高上低.妈你也别包人家的地种了,你俩可得好好歇一歇了。先给俺妹治病,可真要是花十五六万也看不好,你也别硬往里砸钱了。您二老得留些养老钱,再给俺弟留点,他上学这几年的学费得个五六万吧?还不知好不好找工作,娶媳妇伍的,花钱的事多着呢。我没上出来学,可得好好供俺弟上学,只有上出学,才能不出力,走出咱这穷山窝。再把借大姑、二姑、俺姨、俺舅、叔叔大爷的钱都还上,他们家里都有一大摊子事,都是该用钱的时候。还有,俺姑家的表弟前一阵子也想上这里来干,你对他们说,在家挣300百也别上这里挣3000,这里苦累不说,真是太危险了,你可不能让他们来啊。 爸妈,我不能给您二老打影旗摔老盆了,让俺弟给您传宗接代,养老送终吧,在这里,您的不孝儿子大光给您磕头了,祝二老下半辈子过上好日子,祝俺妹快看好病,祝俺弟事事如意。


儿:大光 06年10月8日


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