Hopping Swallow 鍋爐焰焰

Hip hip hop hop, dip-dip-dot-dot...

I record my deep feelings sparkled only in some seconds, in simple double languages.

Share with me!

我記錄下靈光閃爍間的思緒和感覺, 盡量用雙語, 希望簡而精, 請進來分享. 記得用繁體字檢視呵.

Aging and Love - Two Poems by Yuan Xiang 老和愛- 宇向的詩
Posted:May 7, 2006 9:45 pm
Last Updated:Jan 25, 2007 2:03 am
"if you were a little older, I would be in Macau chasing you and marrying you."

My distant gambling partner wrote this to me. After some understanding laughter, it triggers some thought and thus this post.

(He asked me for a number to gamble on racing, i said 7, but 8 won.)

Below two extracts fm 宇向 Yu Xiang, a post- 1970s female contemporary Chinese poet:

一. 理所當然(節選


1. I Take It for Granted (extracted

When I am in my old age
some people will still come to visit me from afar
while some other
will again abandon me

二. 自閉 (節選)
當我老了, 寂寞是我一身的皺紋

2. Self-confinement

When i am old, lonliness is my all-over lines
solitude is the scar on my belly
It makes me dare not to undress myself,
dare not to love and to be loved.

We can discuss how to understand these lines, or, how to translate. Suit yourself! I understood the first one more on view of TIME?MEMORY than LOVE.
Traditions Fading Away #1 Birds
Posted:May 6, 2006 1:54 am
Last Updated:May 6, 2006 9:04 am
For a light lunch, we come to this traditional tea house Long Wah. It is not only a rarely old style tea house, but also an oldie salon for photos and paintings. You will also see piles of tea rolls ,and Chinese antique porcelains here. Mmh, fragrant tea flavour.

Before there were old fogies who brought along their exquisite birds in refined bird cages. There was a time when we had tea w/ all the birds singing around and the bird fogies exchanging laughters and bird ideas.

Last year, w/ Macau listed as one of the historical heritage locations, the Cultural Institute renovated Long Wah under the owner, Tak Gor's (Brother Tak) consent.

What then? The outter wall of this 2-floor building was painted in Portuguese yellow. And Tak Gor's treasure - some very beautiful golden fishes died.

What's more, birds and the liveliness disappear, plus those old bird fogies. One of Chinese traditions is fading away in Macau, surely, in many places of China as well. (Macau is among the best to keep many Chinese traditions despite its 450 years Portuguese rule).

I think caring birds is much more cultural and elaborate than petting dogs.

Where are the birds? I learn that bcoz of bird flu, bcoz of the gambling on birds, they are not allowed here (even in the parks where their owners used to take them for a stroll). Neither of the reason is acceptable. Macau itself is a gaming city and gambling gene is in Chinese blood. What bothers?

Ha, what we eat? To fit my vegetarian friend, only rice noodle w/ mushgroom and vegetable. On departure, knowing that Tak Gor is going to launch afternoon tea happy hour w/ live Cantn Opera, i suggest him to launch also campaign for Chinese Dressing - only allow Chinese Dressing in.

He immdly asks me to come with high-cut qi pao(cheong sam), the elegant Chinese dress that Maggie Cheung dressed in Wong Kai Wai movies.

I will, that's my topic next time.

pic. love birds in pair by Mr. Kong Yao Lam, my thanks here.
A Bang on Saturday
Posted:May 6, 2006 1:10 am
Last Updated:May 7, 2006 8:06 am

We would instantly disintegrate into massless particles of light.

Is it beautiful if we and the world ends in this way?

Hey folks. When time starts? When time ends?

We think we've known for a certain degree abt the universe through Science. No. Even Einsteins do not.

Interesting article to share to give you a bang on this breezy sunny goodie Sat.


One Big Bang, or were there many?

· New theory tries to solve
problem Einstein raised

· Universe may be much
older, say cosmologists
James Randerson, science correspondent
Friday May 05 2006
The Guardian

The universe is at least 986 billion years older than physicists thought and is probably much older still, according to a radical new theory.

The revolutionary study suggests that time did not begin with the big bang 14 billion years ago. This mammoth explosion which created all the
matter we see around us, was just the most recent of many.

The standard big bang theory says the universe began with a massive explosion, but the new theory suggests it is a cyclic event that consists of repeating big bangs and big crunches -where every particle of
matter collapses together.

"People have inferred that time began then, but there really wasn't any reason for that inference," said Neil Turok, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge, "What we are proposing is very radical. It's saying there was time before the big bang."

Under his theory, published today in the journal Science with Paul Steinhardt at Princeton University in New Jersey, the universe must be at
least a trillion years old with many big bangs happening before our own. With each bang, the theory predicts that matter keeps on expanding and dissipating into infinite space before another horrendous blast of radiation and matter replenishes it. "I think it is much more likely to be far older than a trillion years though," said Prof Turok. "There doesn't have to be a beginning of time. According to our theory, the universe may be infinitely old and infinitely large."

Today most cosmologists believe the universe will carry on expanding until all the stars burn out, leaving nothing but their cold dead remains. But there is an inherent problem with this picture. The Cosmological Constant - a mysterious force first postulated by Albert Einstein that
appears to be driving the galaxies apart - is much too small to fit the theory. Einstein later renounced it as his "biggest blunder".

The Cosmological Constant is a mathematical representation of the energy of empty space, also known as "dark energy", which exerts a kind of
anti-gravity force pushing galaxies apart at an accelerating rate.

It happens to be a googol (1 followed by 100 zeroes) times smaller than would be expected if the universe was created in a single Big Bang. But its value could be explained if the universe was much, much older than most experts believe.

Mechanisms exist that would allow the Constant to decrease incrementally through time. But these processes would take so long that, according
to the standard theory, all matter in the universe would totally dissipate in the meantime.

Turok and Steinhardt's theory is an alternative to another explanation called the "anthropic principle", which argues that the constant can
have a range of values in different parts of the universe but that we happen to live in a region conducive to life.

"The anthropic explanations are very ontroversial and many people do not like them," said Alexander Vilenkin a professor of theoretical physics at Tufts University in Maryland. Rather than making precise predictions for features of the universe the anthropic principle gives a vague range of values so it is difficult for physicists to test, he added.

"It's absolutely terrible, it really is giving up," said Prof Turok, "It's saying that we are never going to understand the state of the
universe. It just has to be that way for us to exist." His explanation by contrast is built up from first principles.

But if he's right, how long have we got until the next big bang? "We can't predict when it will happen with any precision - all we can say is
it won't be within the next 10 billion years." Good job, because if we were around we would instantly disintegrate into massless particles of
Questioning - which part of body you feel most existent?
Posted:May 5, 2006 2:32 am
Last Updated:May 16, 2006 11:51 pm
Pls answer without thinking, the most instinctive answer.

And, which part influence you the most?

I am taken over by two parts of my body. But i dont like this take-over.

What's yours? I bet the answers will conclude some similarity within men's group and women's group; but difference btw men and women.
Shake on - my small poem "Void" 空白
Posted:May 4, 2006 9:30 pm
Last Updated:May 9, 2006 1:57 am

Without poetry, we die; without music, we die. We are ugly,but we have our music; we are shallow, but we have our poems.


CLICK開的文件 空白
猛力敲開的腦層 空白
飄動的樂韻 空白
心中的詩句 空白




The click-to-open document, void
The strike-to-open cortex , void
The floating melody, void
The hearted lyric, void

What makes the voids
What makes the cloudiness and
ceaseless thunder rain
What makes people mournfully expect
a sunny day

-Swlw, 2006-


1) VOID. A coincedence to one of the word we endeavored to find on my yesterday's post.

2) davinci, i dont very much agree on a translator is a re-writer. But I also agree in some degree. The translating of my own things is also kind of re-writing in another language.

3) I will have another Dai Wangshu poem abt Void. Chinese"空白",is it equal to English "void"?
Numbers and 5.4 數字和五四
Posted:May 4, 2006 2:16 am
Last Updated:May 8, 2006 2:41 am
Numbers are quite empty if no meaning given to them.

I look at the number 5.4 shown on my blog page. At first nothing came to me, then, i murmur...then ah! Today is May 4.

Yes, May 4, Chinese Youth Day, a day to commemorate the youths'/students'/intellectuals' movement on May 4, 1919. It's a patriotic movement to fight imperial aggression and corrupted feudalist ruling. On this day, Chinese young ppl, for the first time, cried out the yearning for DEMOCRACY and Science in China.

It is regarded as a mark of the beginning of the new-democratic revolution in China.

Since then, a new page was turned...

A day to be remembered, a number to be cherished.

數字是空白的,如果不賦予其意義. 5月4日顯示在Blog上, 先是空白,然後我默念了數次. 啊! 今天是五四青年節. 青年的節日. 一九一九年今天, 青年學生呼叫"德先生""賽先生", 呼喚民主,科學.

劃時代的一天, 有意義的數字.
Contradictions on blogging
Posted:May 3, 2006 10:34 pm
Last Updated:Jun 3, 2006 9:10 am
Yeah. I have contradictions on:

To blog or not; I thought to quit for a while but seemed addicted to it.

To write this or that, sad post or funny, thoughtful or laughable, poem or article.

To share my little world or the big world, beauty or ugliness.

To focus on what topic, life, nature or love, sex, hair, fashion or aggression.

I have much to say, my heart beats, my mind moves, my sense dances.

I cant say it all and say it out.

Is it the solitude deep inside me makes all these contradictions?

A Dai Wangshu quatrain to share, dont ask me reason:



Between me and the world is the wall,
Between the wall and me is the lamp,
Between the lamp and me is the book,
Between the book and me is the septum(?).



And between you and me?

p.s. Help pls, davinci or mint or or gourmet or anybody, the Chinese 隔膜 means the absence of mutual communications and understanding leading to deep loneliness, but apparently septum cannot carry this meaning. If i put Distance, still unsatisfactory, any suggestion for a single exact word?
Cant live, cant live without you
Posted:May 3, 2006 8:43 am
Last Updated:May 9, 2006 1:56 am
Know these words fm a pop song? sung at the very high desperate key.

Really cant live without you? But without anybody, the earth still turns. Why cant live w/o you?

But some ppl cant live without their he or she. That's why they commit suicide after he/she leaves; they go frenzy and commit crimes or involve in crazy conducts. In this case, men are worse than women, some are desperate after their women walk away (but i am not saying women is greater):

Read below China news:

Police have captured a man from Zhejiang for his alleged involvement in an attempt to derail a passenger train on the Beijing-Kowloon (Hong Kong) railway on Mar. 24, 2006.

He was captured one day after police posted a reward of 300,000 yuan (US$37,500).

Wu Guochang, 43, is a former owner for transportation business.

Wu is also under investigation for his involvement in a series of arson cases in Jiande, also his hometown.

What's his motive? He's not a terrorist. He was just to retaliate against the society. According to him, after his wife ran away years ago, which ruined him and his business, he has had hatred.

He cried in the police station, "i feel most sorry to my 14-y-o , pls pass this only 1000 yuan to her, she wants to buy a mp3."

Still, he is a father The virtuous nature is there.

This is social news, you may doubt if it's 100% true. But i have witnessed some true Chinese cases. Some men cant carry on their life happily after divorce and they blame it on ex-wives. "She ruin me, my family, my future..." They drown themselves in the past details and become sick. If let it develop futher, craziness and disaster w/b bred. Is it that Chinese men are dependent on women? a wife, cooker, cleaner, production machine, educator, face polisher, all in one?

Come on, please, women and men, face it and live by yourself.

You can live, you can live without me, for sure.

p.s. I wanted to post something that can make you laugh, a language joke, but it comes out to be this one. Tmrw, if i have time.
Time#2 Time washes and dilutes
Posted:May 2, 2006 8:15 pm
Last Updated:May 20, 2024 12:11 pm

Time has a great function.

Time washes and dilutes...







Physical beauty


When we are helpless, we say, "give it to time..."

So, time brings forgiveness and forgetfulness as well as peace to those tortured minds lamented hearts.

However, time will not maintain good things such as love, friendship, beautiful memory and beauty for you. It hands back the responsibility to you for maintenance.

And for something deep indeed, time will keep them in a treasure box or safety box, in case you need to search, deliberately or indeliberately.
Time#1 a belated appointment and many postponed dreams
Posted:May 2, 2006 2:41 am
Last Updated:Jun 3, 2006 8:54 am

What's time? It's gold, it's money, it's life, it's efficiency.

We've said too much, "dont wait and regret untill your black hair of youth turns to grey".

Still we wait, we postpone, we cancell, appointments and dreams.

Today, i am happy that an appointment w/ a good friend has been confirmed, after 2 years pending.

Today, i am happy that a beautiful dream is going to break out fm dreamland.

Are we too far fm each other? too busy? no, no. But still it waits 2 years to realize a simple gathering.

So comes this thought. Maybe we live w/too many excuses, and excuse it on Time.

Don't blame on time, blame on yourself! That's what i am telling myself and my dreams.

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