Hopping Swallow 鍋爐焰焰

Hip hip hop hop, dip-dip-dot-dot...

I record my deep feelings sparkled only in some seconds, in simple double languages.

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我記錄下靈光閃爍間的思緒和感覺, 盡量用雙語, 希望簡而精, 請進來分享. 記得用繁體字檢視呵.

They Love and Kiss Openly
Posted:Mar 18, 2006 10:09 am
Last Updated:Apr 14, 2006 7:21 pm

Glamourous rainbow casino lights flashing their cunning eyes in the heavy haze, the open air Fisherman's Wharf's not suitable for tonight.
"The haze is harmful to health." Then Green Spot,which claims to have the best band in town,but the Rave Party squeezes out the band tonight. I'd like to rave a bit (to swing off my pressure) but finnally we go t Cave, to be a cave man/woman tonight.

Chances are that you lose while you gain.

The band is playing Endless Love at cave. A pair of 20-something Chinese lovers come up to dance floor along with cheers. I guess they're a loving couple having birthday here. They hug firmly, face to face, nose touching nose, dancing slightly. The boy even kisses his girl openly,a light kiss on the lips yet very affectionate and powerful. "Wow, yeah" audiences cheer. It's rare for Chinese to show kisses(love) openly. Then the girl starts to shed tears and the boy wipes them away with his fingers on her eyelids, gently. The girl lowers her head for a while (she must be having a small cry) until finally changes to a very sweet, shy smile. They dance slowly in a very affirmative embrace, hands across hands,shoulder across shoulder, exchanging excited,happy eyes. It's like they'r making love openly yet they dont feel the sound echoing, the world existing.

I wonder, why a young pair is so touched/emotional on a birthday. It must have been not easy for them to walk together to this birthday. Soon many ppl come up and celebrate them - oh, it's their wedding day.

No wonder. How difficult and precious for two to be together. How happy and complicated the bride might feel when their hands finally attach to each other's tonight, with a long path hand-in-hand in front,with the hope of "take your hands,till the end."

They keep on dancing. The bridegroom waves his hand to invite me join. I feel like dancing w/them, lightly, to share their happiness in this hazy night.
Zen 3 - Emptiness-A Cup of Tea
Posted:Mar 17, 2006 8:07 pm
Last Updated:Mar 20, 2006 11:24 pm

Fm Zen Flesh, Zen Bones compiled by Paul Reps

a Zen master Nan-in, received a university professor who came to inquire abt Zen.

Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring.

The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!"

"Like this cup," Nan-in said,"you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup."
A Boy Hugging a Girl In the Rain Lightly
Posted:Mar 17, 2006 7:57 pm
Last Updated:Mar 17, 2006 11:46 pm
Last night walking up a slope to home, I saw a boy hugging a girl in the rain, under the street lamp. Dim light on them, rising up toes, they hugged gently, very light, as light as the drizzle. It's a beautiful scene. It's beautiful because their hug's light. The pair of little hearts were just enjoying that moment, feeling like a hug before going home separately. No expectation, no caculation, no speculation, no sense of Love, perhaps. They carried nothing, they were light.

In the rain, some people may make their crying for non-understanding, for parting, as I did once with the heavy rains pounding on me. But, this night, lightness made this pair enjoy the most and hence depicted the most beauty of a hug. It enlightened me.

Coincidently, before I encountered this light hug, I'd had myself an experience of how good lightness will do. Wow! Wow! Wow! For the first time I swam across a standard pool, which before I thought I would never make. But I made it last night. (All good things just happened in one night!)

Why? Because I put myself as light as possilbe on the water, not only the body but also the mind. A friend, a very good water-player (not swimmer), told me under water after seeing my swimming, "It's very important to use the idea of being light in swimming, both body and mind." I closed my eyes and summoned up the feel of lightness and swam. It's true. I felt Relieved in water, I played w/ water, I swam like a small light tadpole. I forgot abt the swimming skills as to how to stroke and breath, I did not exhauste myself in swimming actions. Just being light and swim. The water wrapped me in, lifted me up and I was as light as a flowing petal on the water. I reached the other side for the first time in my life. I swam on, effortlessly, lightly achieved many goals I never would have before. Oh. Inspirational enlightenment is absolutely worthy than 10 years practising w/o guideline.

Friends, be light in every matter, should it be heavy or light. You'll gain.
Zen 2 - If You Love, Love Openly
Posted:Mar 16, 2006 6:13 pm
Last Updated:Mar 22, 2006 2:08 am
From "Zen Flesh, Zen Bones" Compiled by Paul Reps

20 monks and one nun named Eshun, were practising meditation with a certain Zen master.

Eshun was very pretty even though her head was shaved and her dress plain. Several monks secretly fell in love with her. One of them wrote her a love letter, insisting upon a private meeting.

Eshun did not reply. The following day the master gave a lecture to the group, and when it was over, Eshun arose. Addressing the one who had written her, she said:"if you really love me so much, come and embrace me now."

"Will he?"

"Will you?"
1 comment
Travelling Alone in Macau (4 Lines) 獨游澳門 (四行詩)
Posted:Mar 16, 2006 5:56 pm
Last Updated:Mar 16, 2006 6:03 pm
Travelling Alone in Macau (4 Lines)

The morning has wakened up all sleeping,
Old ladies sit in a circle chatting.
I climb up 360 stairsteps to Ruin of Sao Paulo,
I travel alone with beauty and melancholy.

P.s. Last morning I longed for a single travelling, now i've done it in my place. Nice. Also nice to make this small experiment.

獨游澳門 (四行詩

How to Write a Chinese Poem and Apply It
Posted:Mar 15, 2006 11:16 pm
Last Updated:Jun 26, 2006 11:30 pm

How to Write a Chinese Poem
-Quoted fm "Zen Flesh, Zen Bones" Compiled By Paul Reps

A well-known Japanese poet was asked how to compose a Chinese poem.
‘The usual Chinese poem is four lines.’he explained. “The first line contains the initial phrase; the second line, the continuation of that phrase; the third line turns from this subject and begins a new one; and the fourth line brings the first three lines together. A popular Japanese song illustrates this:

Two daughters of a silk merchant live in Kyoto,
The elder is twenty, the younger, eighteen.
A soldier may kill with his sword,
But these girls slay men with their eyes.’

I may try to translate a real Tang Dynasty Chinese poem by Libai, which is known by my 4-year-old niece and many Chinese at very early age:

Silent Night Thoughts

Moonlight shines on the floor in front of my bed,
I doubt if it is frost,
Raising up my head I see the bright moon,
Lowering my head I start to miss my hometown.

It applies the four-line rule, doesn’t it? Simplicity is great! Can we apply it into our talking, debating and living?

(p.s. When I made the first step in the street this morning, suddenly, and strongly, I feel like traveling alone…
Body & Life Trilogy III - When there
Posted:Mar 14, 2006 3:02 am
Last Updated:May 10, 2006 9:18 pm

1) Mar. 10, 2006, Macau. An 8 year old boy's words. He, along with Mama on bed was killed by his kind Papa on his birthday night! The father managed hard to suicide himself and the whole family stays toghether and forever in this way.

"Today's my birthday, today's my last day. When I reach eight, on the first day, my Papa dismays, kills me and Mama at eight, when we not yet eat the cake."

"I have no fault Papa, I have no fault! Papa. I cant see you Papa and Mama. Dont cry Papa and Mama. They say dying this way, we'll have no way to paradise or inferno. No home at both these places. We'll have no way but wait on the way, for Lunar July 14 when people kindly treat the displaced, we are ghosts but displaced!"

The father,an honest, kind gardener work for government park, killed the wife and despite their bodies and lives connect to each other that much before. There's no reason but gossips: the father believes in a "devil" religion and becomes out of control; the mother gambles a lot and has to sell body. No matter, the boy's crying, crying...

2) Mar. 13, 2006, Hong Kong

An ex-husband kills his ex-wife and shocks their and the grandmother to mental disorder.

3) Mar. 14, 2006.
Macau, morning, a husband killed his wife, chopping down her head away fm body in their rented room.

(It seems killing becomes epidemic in our small cozy city after so many glamourous casinos erect up. We doubt the re-claim-land from sea and that many crazy constructions going on have deteriorated Macau's lotus-blessed fengshui status. )

Hohohohoohoo, what a world!

When there's no war, Papas kill more.
Body & Life Trilogy II - Preganant Belly Ad. and
Posted:Mar 14, 2006 2:34 am
Last Updated:Mar 14, 2006 2:35 am
"Francis, 21, auctioned off the advertising rights to her pregnancy on eBay. The winning bid of $1,000 went to a California Internet company, giving it exclusive rights to temporarily tattoo its brand-name on Francis's belly and broadcast the birth of her live on the Internet. The baby is due any day. " -cndaily

And I read before also from China Daily, there's a website to hunt a woman's proper belly(womb) to bear a for those couples who cannot have their own chil but can afford to pay. From ard RMB60,000-200,000 depends on the belly owner's look and wisdom.

Look! Belly is a commodity, so is other organs on the body, so is the body. With price!

The glory of a life-bearing belly fades nowaday! Check your belly, sis. today!
Body & Life Trilogy I - Naked Wed.
Posted:Mar 14, 2006 2:23 am
Last Updated:May 23, 2024 3:43 am
Pls read below.

If you wed, will you take naked pics apart from those fake romantic ones that you look like an actor/actress than a happy bride/bridegroom?

And, will you be like Angel, take naked pics while your body still has some quality on?

Lastly, do you love your body, the thing that carry that YOU everyday? Do you converse with IT? Do you touch it by yourself or roll a ball on it, and converse with it? When you are beautiful, not beautiful, sad or not sad?

We need to pay attention to its existence. It's like a plant, like a flower, growing, withering, (look at babies and grand parents) it has colors and tempers, everyday.

What do you think It is for us?

Do you take it as a corpse or a treasure?



Source: CN Daily

Chinese brides traditionally married in red, the colour of happiness. Then white weddings were introduced from the West, with women posing in ivory silk, supported by grooms in black tie.

The latest fad, though, is simpler - the naked wedding photo - and it has not gone down well with brides' parents.

Weddings are the latest symptom. A marriage certificate takes 10 minutes and costs 70p, leading to the popular "quicky wedding". But marriage spreads costing, in some cases, hundreds of thousands of pounds are featured in magazines.

Like the naked wedding photographs, they are described with a mixture of prurience and disapproval, a reflection of the ambivalence many feel towards changes in traditional values.

The internet has been an attractive venue for the young's competing desires for privacy and celebrity. "Naked chatting" - where people chat online while posing naked for a web-camera is a related and popular past-time, while women have become famous by posing provocatively for their "blogs".

China Radio's website has warned that "private" digital images can be passed on by unscrupulous photo studios. It illustrated the article with a picture of Angel, a bride wearing nothing but a veil, stockings and a strategically placed bunch of pink roses.

Angel said: "If we can record how nice we look when we are young by taking photos, why shouldn't we? People grow older, fatter and uglier."
Good News and Wishes in my Prayer
Posted:Mar 10, 2006 11:58 pm
Last Updated:Mar 14, 2006 3:03 am
Reading below news makes me happy for my country, and countryside people. A beautiful landscape spread b4 me, new schools, hospitals, roads, happy , women, men, along side paddy fields, fields, and green green rivers & mounts.

And it reminds me of the sequence of my wishes and prayers every time I seriously make in a temple. Some other bloggers (Davinci&?) have discussion abt sequence/priority in life for five elements: love, family, pride, career, money. Now my turn but another subject:

First, I wish and pray for myself and family’s good health, happiness and fortune (not much, enough for a happy life’s OK). Friends and relatives also flash into my prayer.

Secondly, I wish and pray for our country and people’s property and safety.

Thirdly, I wish and pray for the world’s peace and affluency.

Selfishness is human's nature. I am not exceptional. So the wishes come by this order all the time - fm the smallest unit of a society ‒ my family, my family is one of the country, China is one member in the world family. Therefore, neither one lacking in my prayer’s good wishes is not proper, because each one exists within and influences each other.

But why don’t I put the wishes upside down, first the world, second the country, last but not least, the family n self. The world is the biggest universe, then a country,a family, a person. If the world’s in bad shape China will not in good. If China not good, so does my family and myself.

Why I always choose the sequence from individual, small unit to big union? Can I change it next time when I pray? I guess I cant.

Because I am ….ha! What do you think?

Encl. Abbrv. news
China shifts focus to poor with 'New Deal'
Source: Chinadaily.com (AP)
Updated: 2006-03-11 09:58
BEIJING (AP) _ Chinese government have launched their most ambitious initiative in decades, promising billions of dollars in social spending and farm aid this week to help the 800 million people in its neglected countryside catch up with its booming cities.

The blueprint unveiled at the meeting of China's parliament rivals U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's job-creating New Deal of the 1930s in scale, and is aimed at easing mounting tensions over the growing gap between China's rich and poor.
But Beijing faces daunting challenges making it work in the countryside, where control over local leaders is limited, abuses are common and anger at corruption and land seizures is rising.
The plan for a "new socialist countryside" promises new schools, hospitals, roads and other aid to the countryside, where many people are as poor as ever while a small elite have prospered from two decades of economic reform.
The programs are the starting point of what the ruling party has said will be an effort lasting at least a decade to shift development resources to the countryside.
"China is now standing at a new historical starting point," Premier Wen Jiabao said Sunday in a speech to parliament delegates.

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