shenglihua79 42 F
2  Articles
我希望成爲亞洲交友中心最受歡迎的美女   7/6/2004


0 Comments, 406 Views, 14 Votes ,3.62 Score
layin88 56 F
7  Articles
网恋的最完美的结局---我所愿!   7/4/2004

网络是一个虚拟世界 我们可以在虚拟的网络世界放飞我们难以实现的梦想 !网恋这一情感方式 似乎已渐渐被人们所接受 但必竞是镜中花、水中月 经不起风浪的考验的 能够相知、相爱、相恋的很多 但相惜、相守的却少之甚少! 网恋的最完美结局就是______步入结婚的礼堂!

0 Comments, 182 Views, 27 Votes ,2.29 Score
okashiigaijin 78 M
5  Articles
take a joke   6/25/2004

when in a relationship one should be able to take a good joke. i learned this first hand since several of my relationships were a joke.

0 Comments, 693 Views, 12 Votes ,3.33 Score
silvertiger4u 40 M
1  Article
During kissing   6/17/2004

Here's How: <br> Set the scene. Make sure that the mood and time are right. Start off with a normal kiss, not too firm, not too aggressive. Closing your eyes is optional. In mid kiss, gently open your mouthRelax! Take a deep breath and let go of any tension in your neck and shoulders. Put your arms around the person you want to kiss. and softly nudge the ...

0 Comments, 123 Views, 19 Votes ,4.71 Score
manfred_l 60 M
5  Articles
Lottery   6/10/2004

I asked my wife (when I was still married), "If you won the Lottery, would you still love me?" ...... she said, "Yes, but I would miss you"

0 Comments, 52 Views, 45 Votes ,6.88 Score
manfred_l 60 M
5  Articles
Goldfish   6/10/2004

One day Timmy is in his back yard digging a hole. His neighbour, seeing him there, decides to investigate. "Whatcha doin?" he asks. Timmy replies, "My goldfish died and I'm burying him." "That's an awful big hole for a goldfish, ain't it?" asked the neighbour. Timmy shouts back, "That's because he's inside your f*cking cat."

0 Comments, 463 Views, 31 Votes ,6.69 Score
manfred_l 60 M
5  Articles
Beer is dangerous   6/10/2004

I think that the findings of unbiased, indisputable, scientific experiments should be made public ! The other day scientists suggested that considering the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer, men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption. The theory is that beer contains female hormones (hops contain pyhtoestrogens) and drinking ...

0 Comments, 302 Views, 69 Votes ,5.41 Score
ChinaLady39 56 F
2  Articles
Humour is very important between lovers   5/23/2004

I love to make friends with people who have very good sense of humour. Humour can make you relax; human can give you joy; humour can make you both feel closer... So I like humour, and I do try to have good sense of humour.

0 Comments, 159 Views, 44 Votes ,4.27 Score
manfred_l 60 M
5  Articles
The Wish,   5/23/2004

A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. All of a sudden, he said out loud, "Lord, grant me one wish." Suddenly the sky clouded above his head and in a booming voice the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish." The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I want The Lord said, "Your request is ...

0 Comments, 50 Views, 84 Votes ,8.87 Score
lesbianChina82 41 F
11  Articles
a joke   4/24/2004

One day, a little boy wrote to Santa Clause, "Please send me a sister." Santa Clause wrote him back, "Ok, send me your mother."

0 Comments, 319 Views, 67 Votes ,4.65 Score
okokyes888 39 M
5  Articles
男女恋爱方式   4/22/2004

男人的眼睛靠辐射,而女人的心靠传导。   男人追求女人,是迅猛出击,但结果往往雨过天晴,女人追求男人,则缓慢渗透,却可以滴水穿石。 <br>   男人考验女人的办法是远走高飞,女人考验男人的办法是约会迟到。 <br> ...

0 Comments, 193 Views, 48 Votes ,6.63 Score
Jovay 39 F
4  Articles
當兵ㄉ幽默~   4/19/2004

要當兵去了 收到兵單,附上一張復興號的車票 幹!免費的車最好少坐 不是要去當兵,就是被抓坐警車 我是最後一批大專兵(1596梯次) 10/16當天上午,到高雄火車站報到,是大頭兵專車 月臺上,一片生離死別的氣氛 有的槌子、和馬子抱的緊緊的、好像要去參加神風特攻隊一樣 ...

0 Comments, 71 Views, 26 Votes ,3.89 Score
forgotmine 43 F
1  Article
Beautiful & Dumb   3/24/2004

A conversation between MAN and GOD <br> MAN: God, why do you make women so beautiful? GOD: So that you'll love 'em, . MAN: But why do you make 'em so dumb? GOD: So that they'll love you!

0 Comments, 168 Views, 58 Votes ,4.51 Score
Doc_Holiday 60 M
3  Articles
Women Quotes   1/11/2003

Þ Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs. <br> Þ Clothes aren't sexy. Women are. <br> Þ Even if you understood women, you'd never believe it! <br> Þ Good sex means being told, "Stop and I'll kill you!!!" <br> Þ Women and cats do as they like. Men and dogs get used to it. <br> Þ Love is blind. Lust has 20/20 vision. ...

0 Comments, 120 Views, 189 Votes ,6.67 Score
Doc_Holiday 60 M
3  Articles
Life Quotes part 1   1/11/2003

Þ We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse. <br> Þ Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. <br> Þ I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol <br> Þ If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. <br> Þ Death is life's way of telling you you've been fired. <br> Þ Score, and they will ...

0 Comments, 167 Views, 81 Votes ,7.27 Score
Doc_Holiday 60 M
3  Articles
Life Quotes part 2   1/11/2003

Þ Age is mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. <br> Þ Adventure without risk is Disneyland <br> Þ The light at the end of the tunnel is at the wrong end. <br> Þ Even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat. <br> Þ Murphy was an optimist. <br> Þ Go ahead, jump! 100, 000 lemmings can't be ALL wrong. <br> ...

0 Comments, 557 Views, 58 Votes ,7.29 Score
ddsclub 46 M
1  Article
What's your friend doing behind you??   1/16/2002

A walks by their parents room at night and hears these noises, ah aha ha!!!, the knows never to go into the parents rooms but can see in, she she's mom on top of dad jumping up and down. Then he goes to sleep. In the morning, the asks mom, mommie what were you doing last night, I walked by and heard you screaming and then saw you jumping up and down on daddy, mommie says "I'm helping ...

0 Comments, 90 Views, 78 Votes ,4.52 Score
TennisTutor4u 68 M
1  Article
A Life Sentence   11/25/2000

A woman awoke during the night to find that her husband was not in bed. She put on her robe and went downstairs. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of him. He appeared to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall. She saw him wipe a tear from his eye and take a sip of his coffee. <br> "What's the matter? Why are you down here at this time ...

0 Comments, 373 Views, 185 Votes ,7.05 Score
LeonCloud 37 M
1  Article
The Cruise   10/24/2000

A guy goes to a travel agent and books a two-week cruise for himself and his girlfriend. A couple days before the cruise, the travel agent calls and says the cruise has been canceled, but he can get them on a three-day cruise instead. <br> The guy says "OK, " and goes to the pharmacy to buy threeheadache pill and three condoms. <br> Next day, the agent calls back and ...

0 Comments, 298 Views, 42 Votes ,0.54 Score
boa13 53 M
6  Articles
Viagra is for men.   6/9/2000

Men eat Viagra to "stand" up to their women. Women eat Niagra to become a wet as a waterfall.

0 Comments, 176 Views, 33 Votes
Ilovesummer2000 69 M
1  Article
Which one to pick?   6/8/2000

A young man is having a date on the weekend and goes to a pharmacy to get some condoms. However he's having a problem making up his mind, which package to buy and decides to consult a pharmacist. So, he explains that he will be spending a weekend with his date and asks the pharmacist to recommend him which package to buy. <br> "Here, young man, take this 3-pack. One for Friday night, ...

0 Comments, 130 Views, 16 Votes ,2.98 Score
boa13 53 M
6  Articles
Talking while having sex   5/7/2000

-My wife always like to talk to me while having sex, so everytime she get´s it, she gives me a call.

0 Comments, 374 Views, 27 Votes ,1.66 Score
boa13 53 M
6  Articles
The dead priest   4/7/2000

Wife says: Honey! The priest that married us has been killed. Husband replies: I am innocent.

0 Comments, 239 Views, 15 Votes ,1.29 Score
BrandonScott 47 M
31  Articles
High school sweetheart.   4/3/2000

2 high school sweethearts went together for five years and they graduate they were admitted to the same college but on different campus. Both vows to be faithful and write as often as possible. However, a month pass and the girl wrote less and less. Finally, she admitted that she wants to date around. Her ex is persistent and write more email and call more. She is very annoyed and decided ...

0 Comments, 383 Views, 29 Votes ,4.44 Score
BrandonScott 47 M
31  Articles
pickup lines   4/3/2000

Man: Haven't we met before?Woman: Yes, I'm the receptionist at the V.D. Clinic. Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before? Woman: Yeah, that's why I don't go there anymore.Man: Isthis seat empty? Woman: Yes, and this one will be too if you sit down. Man: So, wanna go back to my place ? Woman: Well, I don't know. Will two people fit under a rock? Man: Your place or mine?Woman: Both. You ...

0 Comments, 172 Views, 26 Votes ,3.67 Score
BrandonScott 47 M
31  Articles
The best love story.   4/3/2000

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment.When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richnesswas passing by ...

0 Comments, 183 Views, 42 Votes ,6.85 Score
BrandonScott 47 M
31  Articles
Attempt love making   4/3/2000

TO MY DEAR WIFE, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times.I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every tendays. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: <br> 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be asleep 22 times you ...

0 Comments, 1688 Views, 56 Votes ,4.38 Score
BrandonScott 47 M
31  Articles
Labor Pains   4/3/2000

Once a woman was in labor; she was having a really tough time dealing with the pain. The doctor came to her husband and her and told them of a new experimental drug that allows the woman to transfer 25% of the pain to the father. The husband feels really bad for his wife so he decides they will try it. The wife takes the pill and a few minutes later the husband says, "I don't feel a thing. ...

0 Comments, 117 Views, 55 Votes ,6.37 Score
BrandonScott 47 M
31  Articles
Young couple   4/3/2000

A young couple, just married, were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As Emma undressed for bed, the husband (who was a burly bruiser) tossed his pants to his bride and said, "Here, put these on." She put them on and the waist was twice the size of her body. "I can't wear your pants", she said. "That's right!", said the husband, "and don't you ever forget it. I'm the man who ...

0 Comments, 309 Views, 15 Votes ,4.36 Score
BrandonScott 47 M
31  Articles
comment   4/3/2000

Tips on love, from those who should know. All questions were answered by , ages 5-10.WHAT IS THE PROPER AGE TO GET MARRIED? "Eighty-four, because at that age, you don't have to work anymore, and you can spend all your time loving each other in your bedroom." (Judy, "Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife." (Tom, 5) WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? "On the first ...

0 Comments, 106 Views, 23 Votes ,4.65 Score