PassionateAsian 49 M
1  Article
Safety on the Net   1/20/2001

I am a guy and tried the internet meeting situation several times. I have met people offline from chatting on the net as an experiment to satisfy the common question of who is on the other side of the computer. I think women should be more careful than they are. <br> I always make it a point to meet at a public place so that the girl would feel comfortable. There is one girl that ...

0 Comments, 75 Views, 11 Votes ,5.04 Score
boa13 53 M
6  Articles
Safest sex.   5/7/2000

The safest way of having sex is when the girl takes it in her mouth.............................namely the word NO.

0 Comments, 107 Views, 42 Votes ,2.00 Score