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touch213 69 M
762  questions
why don't these people do something. - 5/3/2009

why are they sitting on the butt doing nothing ??

(from news) The cave tucked in the remote Saudi mountains near the Yemeni border was clearly a way station for Islamic militants, Saudi police say, pointing to the stock of guns and ammunition, nooks for holding hostages and cameras for filming them.

It even had buckets of sugar, rice and flour, as well as boxes of charcoal, ...

5 response(s), 5 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
what do you think ? - 5/3/2009

do you like the idea of "multiple wives" ?

1. Why 2. Why Not

14 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
how much power does a woman have ?? - 5/2/2009

After watching, the unveiling of Soujourner Truth's statue...

and Cicely Tyson, gave the rendition of one of her speeches..

"she said , if women had the power at the time of Adam and Eve - "by making a fool of Adam" to turn the world upside down, Maybe they have the power to turn it right side up? by being honest with man. ??? " do you think that ...

4 response(s), 4 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Is life Backwards ? - 5/1/2009

maybe society has twisted so much, until it has made life backwards.

maybe it should be older men, with younger women: "why", 1.younger women like to do things, they like to try things, and they like to have independence and be interdependent in certain things. 2. Older man is more settled and more likely to be home after work, he is more stable in his earning, and ...

8 response(s), 5 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Fuzzy Math... - 5/1/2009

INSIDE WASHINGTON: Taxpayers to get rude surprise INSIDE WASHINGTON: Millions of couples, retirees may have to repay some of Obama tax credit Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press Writer On Thursday April 30, 2009, 6:55 pm EDT Buzz up! Print.WASHINGTON (AP) -- Millions of Americans enjoying their small windfall from President Barack Obama's "Making Work Pay" tax credit are in for an ...

19 response(s), 1 vote
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Can conservatives be evolving? - 4/29/2009


A.. Back off and let those men who want to marry men, marry men.

B.. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.

C.. Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.

D.. In three generations, there will be no Democrats.

22 response(s), 4 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
What do you prefer -or what do you think ?? - 4/26/2009

when dating: or choosing a mate

[For Men}

1. Do you prefer a woman who share sex without a lot of rituals ? 2. Do you prefer women who play hard to get, and have a lot of pre-requisits ? 3. Do you think, the longer she waits to share sex, means she is honest? 4. Do you think the longer she waits to share intimacy is more part of a script ?

5 Why do you think ...

9 response(s), 1 vote
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Post just vanished - 4/25/2009

Well I see one post just vanished.. its not good, when a question is posed, and commentary comes and the post disappear.. why post it if it can't bear the commentary that follows ? or did the computer system just wipe it out ?

do people expect canned response? do they have an expectation of response?

amazing.. life is always interesting ... and things just vanish or do they ? ...

4 response(s), 0 votes
BlueToWonder 61 M
7  questions
A SIMPLE ANALOGY - 4/23/2009

A SIMPLE ANALOGY from a Texas Tech University professor:

An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said OK, we will have an experiment in this class ...

25 response(s), 3 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Cost of living - 4/20/2009

I think some foreign countries may be developing a far better cost of living base than in this country, not just in the ability to have a quality of life to enjoy their city and surrounding, but to maintain the basics. Many places where people are accustom to living on less, may fare far better than many western places, where the standard of living is based on "What professional people earn". the ...

3 response(s), 3 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Who wold have thought... - 4/17/2009

APRIL 7, 2009 DHS released a report to law enforcement agency claiming a growing threat of right wing extremist although they state in the report that there is no credible evidence that anything threats are evident. They also use a German based study to support there fears. Pointing to Tim Mcveigh as an example, they fear attacks against the government. The document is not meant for public ...

13 response(s), 14 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
what will it take - 4/16/2009

before people put efforts to share without a lot of bargaining, and thinking themselves too good for others ??

If there was not such thing as money.. do you think women would be better people ?

If there was not such thing as money.. do you think men would be better people ?

3 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
do you think anything will change - 4/11/2009

do you honestly think anything will change , in the nature of women ?

1. As long as some know they can bargain, barter and sell- and its been going on since time began, do you think it will change ?

2. Do you think the cycle of the nature of (some)women making relationships filled with contention will ever stop ?

3. Do you think there are any women, who do not ...

7 response(s), 5 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
has anyone noticed - 4/8/2009

has anyone notice: The more crazy the world gets in the category of women, attaching wild whimsical conditions and criteria on se#ual sharing, .. the more insane the world become.

15 response(s), 3 votes
Klaus00371 58 M
1  question
What's the better choice. Own or "married" - 4/6/2009

After 50 years of living "straight out" and not thinking about family, I'm missing something now. FAMILY and ! Specially since my dad passed away some years ago, I'm getting those thoughts. In my early 20's I had a time thinking about family. My girlfriend got pregnant, but had a miscarriage. Since then, no thoughts about family any more. Now I'm 50 and think about the options. 1)[...

8 response(s), 6 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
neat women - 4/4/2009

of all the things I see of many women, one thing I think that is always outstanding.. "neatness"... seems no matter where I go, its only the neat women who catch my attention.. I'm not talking about name brand clothing and all that stuff, but simply neat, dressed up or casual..

I don't know about others, but to see women who are not neat is not very appealing to me.

what about ...

6 response(s), 1 vote
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
Ghost in the machine - 3/29/2009

TORONTO ‒ A cyber spy network based mainly in China has tapped into classified documents from government and private organizations in 103 countries, including the computers of Tibetan exiles, Canadian researchers said Saturday.

The work of the Information Warfare Monitor initially focused on allegations of Chinese cyber espionage against the Tibetan community in exile, and ...

3 response(s), 15 votes
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
Why was Roland's question removed? - 3/27/2009

Anybody have any ideas?

5 response(s), 1 vote
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Guess now, many see what was denied before ?? - 3/25/2009

For years the discussions have circled around our Global Monetary System - during, Early 2008 the Nordic Regions would not accept the dollar in the daily business operations, and tourist were forced to convert their money to the regions currency- they had lost faith in the dollar because of its volatility; Prior to the Bush Administration, Our Dollar was still globally preferred, and demanded. ...

6 response(s), 2 votes
joejoe17 62 M
7  questions
How do I get a visa in hong kong ... - 3/22/2009

Fiancee visa or a marriage visa or a Immigrant visa...would like to here from all of you oky, .

Thank You my friend's

1 response(s), 2 votes
antoniejoll 39 M
1  question
Joey_B The devil himself - 3/22/2009

Since i am blocked by that self righteous freak, i thought it is only fair to share my view on that devil.

A few facts:

Joey_B claims to be a good Christian

- He swears like the devil - The bible preaches forgiving, Joey_B only talks about revenge and "the right moment to attack" - Descent women are not on this site he said, he forget that it is the reason why he is on ...

12 response(s), 22 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Wow, what happens when you leave for awhile!!! - 3/21/2009

I have been busy on some remodeling and it looks like WWIII has eruppted Where is all the good will? I like to see some good debate and even heated but some of this is kinda nasty and personal.

How about a short quiz?

Name that quoter:

1. We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution ...

3 response(s), 3 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Fine women and a good feeling - 3/20/2009

there is something amazing about watching women...

What a masterful creation - "the human being"... there is some natural allure that happens between male and female, whether you want to pay attention to it or not. What is created naturally between man and woman, as a natural allure, cannot be matched by any other combination in this life.

people may ...

2 response(s), 4 votes
WeHaventMetYet 58 M
1  question
FRANK, CANDID, HONEST, & TRUE!!!!!! - 3/19/2009

My name is Frank, I live in Boulder, Colorado. I have been on this magazine page for a short time, I have been $hit on by a few of your so called respected responders, I've been blocked from making any comments on their posts, after they ran their stupid mouths about me from the inception of my first post. This will be a sample which I just read, but couldn't respond because they are cowards, ...

8 response(s), 13 votes
valentinebabe 61 F
18  questions
How to Call a Police -- True Story - 3/19/2009

How to Call a Police -- True Story

George Phillips , an elderly man, from Meridian, Mississippi, was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. George opened the back door to go turn off the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing ...

5 response(s), 7 votes
BlueToWonder 61 M
7  questions
An explanation of Credit Default Swaps - 3/16/2009

An explanation of Credit Default Swaps

Heidi is the proprietor of a bar in Norfolk. In order to increase sales, she decides to allow her loyal customers - most of whom are unemployed alcoholics - to drink now but pay later. She keeps track of the drinks consumed on a ledger (thereby granting the customers loans).

Word gets around and as a ...

4 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
it matters more than you think - 3/13/2009

yep.. people claim love and the cycled pursuits of fantasy, they even seek out romantic melodrama.. but what is the end result " bedroom activity and a bedroom mate".. within that circle, its simple.. food, water, shelter and a mate".. the rest is nothinb more than what kind of food, what kind of water and how do you like your shelter, and it changes from mate to mate, so then people want money, ...

16 response(s), 9 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
poor economy is good for Love - 3/8/2009

I think the poor economy may make people think again about love, the world had got so much into status items, and material measurement, until people were rejecting each other based on who owns this or that, and what peoples bank accounts looked like, and what name brand place they could be jet set flaunted to.

It got so bad, that people became more hookers and johns, rather than men and ...

7 response(s), 8 votes
TechMan_1000 61 M
1  question
What is reall bad for you? The break up or the Junk Food - 3/8/2009

So you are on the phone and you cannot understand why the perosn on the other end. Tells you goodbye forever. They tell you it was just all a mistake and now the pain begins to fill your heart. Broken you feel outside yourself. If you are at work you want to be home. If you are at home you want to be outside. You crave. Just one more stop for ice cream. Just another piece of fried chicken. What ...

4 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
What do you think about AIG - 3/8/2009

I don't know what others think, but I think once it is somewhat stable, the move will be to unwind its spider web, and dismantle it, piece by piece... it is nothing more than a collusion of corrupt contrivances. It never should have been allowed and would have been allowed to become the money eating monster it is, if we had managed to have regulations and actually enforce them.

this is ...

1 response(s), 4 votes