Articles by 1974soulsearcher

1974soulsearcher 43 M
3  Articles
Honor   9/4/2005

By: Mark Frederick that's me <br> Do on to others what others do to you, learn to see things from every point of view, Wait that extra minute for patience is a virtue. <br> T

0 Comments, 129 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
1974soulsearcher 43 M
3  Articles
they say time will heal the hurt inside   9/4/2005

I've always heard that time will heal a broken heart, and the pain that comes with it, but I'd have to say prove it. I feel the hurt all the time when I think about everything that we did and share

0 Comments, 246 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
1974soulsearcher 43 M
3  Articles
Times of need: by Mark Frederick   8/30/2005

When the storm comes in and when the winds are strong, the red cross is always there to lend a hand to all no matter right or wrong, The salvation army is just a step behind, for they too always ar

0 Comments, 172 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score