Articles by CheekeyMonkey

CheekeyMonkey 50 M
4  Articles
Dating Safely - KNOW thy SCAM   12/6/2006

Dating Safely without being Scammed I have been disturbed by the number of people I've met in just a week of joining AFF who have pointed out to me that

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CheekeyMonkey 50 M
4  Articles
Simply Live life....or live life with PASSION?   12/4/2006

The choice is startlingly simple. To follow the path of laziness, least resistance and least learning or to actively follow a life of passion and maximum learning?
The answe

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CheekeyMonkey 50 M
4  Articles
What makes a woman SEXY to you?   11/28/2006

to me, apart from the obvious physical aspect, the sexiest part of woman would be her ability to engage my mind, challenge me, and when appropriate, laugh from her belly, loudly!
I also fi

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CheekeyMonkey 50 M
4  Articles
Just Walk Away forever or be friends?   11/27/2006

In the past, I have always been strong enough to walk away from a relationship when it was over and never look back. This means no contact forever in any shape of form and

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