400 posts
11/25/2013 9:48 am

Last Read:
11/26/2013 12:26 pm

Joke of the day,I don't know his name, but...

Quosimoto had rang the bell in Notre dame every hour during the evening for years without a break. He asked the head priest if he could have a holiday. The priest told him yes if he could get someone to fill in for him during the week.

Quosimoto asked all over town and only one young man was willing to take on the job.

Quasimoto took the young man up the bell tower and explained how to ring the bell. However the rope had to be repaired so he told the young man to just give the bell a push with his foot but to be careful to step back when the bell swung back to avoid being knocked out of the bell tower.

The young man on the first night did a good job ringing the bell by kicking with his until the midnight tolling. He forgot to step back when the bell swung back and it smacked him in the face and knocked him to the ground and knocked him unconscious.

A crowd gathered around him and someone asked if anybody knew the man. A woman in the crowd said " I don't know his name but his face rings a bell."