mojo10002 58M
42 posts
9/13/2007 4:10 pm
How POOR are YOU ? / How RICH are YOU ?

How poor are you? or How rich are you?

A question we would love to be able to ask someone, but an absolute taboo. We usually get around this by asking about their Job, but more often than not, the person will tell you themselves, not directly, for that's taboo too, but by the way they dress and talk, the company they keep, the car they drive and the house they own.
Sometimes, its your lucky day and they even go to great lengths to drop little hints like; where they went on holiday or how many times a year they go to Barbados, how hard it was to get their into such'n such a school or how ridiculously expensive gardners are nowadays etc, etc......
After you've managed to free your face of that ridiculous glued smile and you've had time to evaluate all this juicy information, we are really non the wiser of their wealth....for there is the question of cash-flow.....damn!!

But determining a persons wealth is much easier than you may think and it doesn't involve theassistance from Private detectives, tapping their phone lines or hacking into their Internet bank long as you know three critical factors, you can do it now;


1 Are they happy at home?
2 Do they have good friends?
3 Do they enjoy their work?

If you can tick all three, they're richer beyond your wildest dreams.

So maybe the question, "How rich or poor are you?" is justified as a taboo, because the reasons to the answer are Sacred and Pure


(S W)

9/14/2007 1:00 am

A person who is materially rich could be a poor one spiritually if he/she didn't know how to enrich his/her inner spiritual world, maybe even lonelier and more isolated compared with those who is not rich but carefree.

The best status is that we can manage to gain a balance between material richness and spiritual richness.

mojo10002 58M
392 posts
9/14/2007 1:50 pm

Very nicely put, HappyBird, "A balance between material richness and spiritual richness". At first it may seem like a balancing act on a tight rope, but I'm sure with time, the rope will get thicker and the path wider

You're one very wealthy, HappyBird
