touch213 69M
7/23/2006 4:51 pm
some pretty pictures

There are some pictures posted that are simply "pretty"... at least to me.. there is just that look that is interestingly very nice to look at..

I know it does not denote anything of actualy knowng of the person.. but for the visual satisfaction, there are many whom looking at is wonderful.

we all know tht some .. who are very pretty can be very nasty individual in many variety of way and even can have the worst disposition of anyone imaginable.. But as for looking and just seeing the variations of charm.. it's something wonderfull.. to view some faces and some bodies..

it does seem somewhat preplexing, that some of the women who are beautiful in appearance, who have probably been pretty all thier lives..have such a difficult time finding someone, and even harder time keeping someone.. that has always been a curious and interesting factor..that sometimes makes me want to avoid some of the very very pretty ones.. but that depends on their manner.. some are very pretty and very rude and very sarcastic and I've encountered some who.. have an idea that the world is made to serve them.. and some who could not stand a disagreement on the slightest thing.. without, going ballistic.. but maybe those things are the pitfalls of having a very pretty appeal..maybe it's groomed, because so many people have been "yes" people around them simply because they are pretty.. maybe they have been pampered beyond points of normal reasoning, and maybe because some in their enviornment, are too quick to give, pay and promise them anything, just to have them around.. either way.. under such things.. the pretty one comes out the over-all looser, because their enviornment and, their response to it.. is far from.. rational in the big picture of a give and, take world..of much.. that only .. honesty can show it to be of it's realness thru being truthful..

but.. again.. pretty is pretty, and nice to look at..
ocassionally.. it's nice to see the pictures..
I've seen a few unforgettable pretty faces.. since i've been on the site.. and a few unforgettable pretty bodies..

but, I guess still the most unforgettable one's over-all.. are the truthful and honest people.. who share in the openss of being so.. those are the truly " beautiful people"..

touch213 69M

7/25/2006 4:45 pm

if it were of ease .. for people to trust the hearts of each other, but they too must trust the minds of each other..
it is the mindset that make the love have a foundation that the heart can then flourish to be of it expressiveness.

it's the mindset that.. will carry the relationship thru it's change and remian with a mental value to keep it positively growing..

many speak of the heart, but few speak of the mind.. and it is the mind that .. we come to love that makes ways for the heart to express it's unabashed honesty..

for the heart can render and reflect passions evenin situations of untruth and dishonesty.. but the mind that can rationalize and reason and understand things, to keep the heart pointed in the direction that it can be of a demeanor to inspire much..

I've seen some women who have beautiful minds, that are not clouded with.. vain things, nor is it consummed in manilupative things.. it foucuse on how to make , have and behond beaufitul things,..that are purely in the realm of feeling... that connect with the soul's search for .. good and harmonious things that propell what is love to soar..

touch213 69M

7/25/2006 7:21 pm

    Quoting caragh92:
    Again, Physical attraction is the very basic level of acceptance for new encounters. To build a long-term relationship, sharing the common values of life and vision of the future are far more important than outside looks.

    The bottom line is that if you don't feel comfortable with the looks of the person, it may be impossible to have a start for building a relationship.

    I am amazed about your great productivity of blogs, comments, posts, and I wish you the best for finding the significant one.
you make a very distinguised point, I do care that the person whom I choose is appealing to my eyes, and even the manner that she handles herself is of an appeal, as well to the nature of her demeanor. Each person should see the beauty of the one whom they choose to be equally so in their eyes as well as in their mind.
I find that the mental expressive of women, really set the exterior of appeal to it's highest point of enhancment.
I think you are of an appeal that is very memorable, and it's much of an attribute to it, when you speak writing that talk of the warm relations you have with your son, it shows an inner side of you.. as too, I've read writing that you've posted that shows you sense of humor, and you openess of mind to life and factors of living..

volume is not really a challenge for me, although I don't pursue volume, it's just the urge to be responseive to things I read that inspire, a thought.. .. what's a bigger challenge to me, is to get my finger's to hit the right keys I miss the critical alphabet at the most non-opportune time .. Thank you.. for the kindness of acknowledgment.