touch213 69M
6/3/2005 11:51 am
"Cold Charm"

appearing in facial form with much of what is considered... charm and appeal...
appearing in body form what is nice and alluring in physique.. yet
without the heart that matches what the external can show..
life has such paradoxes.. many may pursue.. but to find .. so much less is found than a desire could think to want..
even less.. of what social exchange can do to reach the depth of the closed heart..

"It is to be wise in ways".. that bring one to walk on !!...for if the heart is not open and the outer shell of person, has not the warmth of being.. "naturally.."

then seek not to buy, temp or taunt.. for there may be nothing but a warth of negatives that could spring forth.. demands, that are unreal to even themselves.. and conditions that can consume one's time and life.. that go on endless.. enslaving the fools that fall prey..

some take delight in being such ways, some feel high society snobbish in such ways of being, and some put themselves to be worthy of what does not exist.. such as their search for prefection of person..

high fashion and high style pursurer's are also high maintenance..and change with the seasons new line of commercialism.. many have found torment of self, in purusit and desire of such.. and find life bitter and empty.. in a continual purusit..that reveals nothing is enough..and the one desired is less interested in being desired, only pursued..

Cold charm ...
is the fools gold .. of appeal...

and one must know the acknowledging the "coldness" that comes forth in responses, sometimes as sarcasm, rudness, and one-up's.. on any and everything.. as they continue to pose a challenge about the simpliest of things.. and blatentness in the manner of being non-responsive..that conveys the "Coldness of the charm..."

How such does speak much.. beyond what illusion so thought of what the delisuion of .. Charm implies..

Charm that is .. brought forth from a beauty.. glows of such...and it's beauty is "spirit filled".. with the embracing of life and loving's many graces..
such Charm.. is delightful in the person who possess it.... so naturally elegant .. in the uncluttered naturalness of it's appeal.

touch213 69M

6/13/2005 7:01 am

some bangs.. some pings and some pains..and defenses come forefront..sometimes making charm so cold.. to protect a heart that could be with much warmth..
who can take the time to seek the warmth of a cold charm.. for hope there may be a warm heart beneath..

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/22/2010 8:54 am
