Bobz56 72M
86 posts
7/20/2013 10:11 am

Ok, it's been years now. Amazing. As you see, I don't post much. My profile was turned off for a year or so. Was "in a relationship". Nice woman from Bejing. Here is the story. She is very nice, attractive, cheerful personality. She has a very good job. Says makes a lot of money. Great! I don't have to worry about her asking me for some. After a few weeks of emails, she says, Hey! how about I come to visit you in the U.S.? Somewhat taken aback, I declined her offer. I told her that she hardly knew me, and I her,

Staying connected. OK, I'm no genius, but I know how to use the internet. Can video chat, text, skype, whatever. She doesn't like these things and doesn't want a computer in her home. But her is getting a degree in IT management. So we never IM or video chat. Just attach pictures to email. Nothing wrong with this, but hey, it's 2012 already! I buy phone cards that pretty much never get used.

Also she would almost never set a definite time to talk. Just call anytime, I can always talk to you, she says. OK, I try that when I think she is free. This didn't work too well. In a meeting at work, out to pick up her . On the way somewhere. One of my criteria for an internet relationship, once established that it is serious not just fun friends, is to set up times when we both set aside to talk. Ya know, like a date kinda thing. Something we would do if we lived near each other. I bacame discouraged.

So, our emails and talks on the phone drifted into longer times apart. She told me she called my phone, but hated leaving messages on a machine, so I never knew she called. I stopped responding to emails.

Time drifts by and about a year and a half later, I sent out Happy New Year emails to my friends. I still think of her as such. She writes back... "Where have you been! I tried calling so many times!" Really? Why not just send me an email if can't get hold of me? So we start chatting again and she says, OK now we have known each other for over a year, how about I come to visit you, she asks. This time, I say sure, why not. For you see, in my mind, I was about 95% sure it would not happen. But why not play along. Now if you have read my other blog posts, you may know I have been to China. I have helped people from China come to the U.S., so I know the visa process really well. But we are back to our usual hit and miss communication. She writes and says she has hired a "Top" visa advisory service that "guarantees" getting a visa to the U.S. Why not just ask me? What kind of visa are you getting? No visa is guaranteed. Whatever. So then she needs me to send over a formal invitation to visit in the U.S., an income statement, and such things. So I fed ex overnight. ($$) When will she come? Sometime in late June. OK, I'll ask my boss for vacation time. She says, No, don't do that till I have a visa. Interview day happens. Her visa application is denied. Why? She says she got flustered and told them she was coming to visit her boyfriend. Exactly what the Visa officer does not want to hear. He does a background check to see if I have a habit of importing Chinese women. Great! The visa service is apparently not happy with her too, since she didn't tell them the trip was to visit a "boyfriend". We decide not to have a second interview. I'll come there instead.

Things deteriorate from this point. However, she did send me nice things from China. Very unusual. A nice table cloth. A nice Chinese silk jacket and scarf, tailor made to my size. She said it was very expensive and there was a receipt in the package for $960.

She wants me to come to live in Beijing for a few years till she retires. So I begin to make plans to end my life in the U.S. She starts to remodel her home in Beijing, and I hear from her seldom, except for text messages on cell. Then I get notice that I will be laid off from work. The place where I have worked for 8 years is closing down and jobs moving overseas. My plan to work a lot of OT and save up money to move evaporates.

God, I would have really liked to talk to her about this, since I am in shock and now the future looks sort of dim. I ask her in an email if we can talk. Get a short email back; she says, don't worry, just move to Beijing and she will take care of everything. But after that, communication from her drops down to almost nothing. She is too busy working on her home. Then she emails me, she is being transferred to the UK. Sorry, bye. Removes my friend link on QQ.

And thats it. The end.

Was she a nice person? Yes, she seemed so. When we talked always cheerful, upbeat and nice, great positive attitude. Why my seeming reluctance? Experience and a gut feeling. Of course that could be wrong. All good. Life goes on, does it not? And of course, I wish her well.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/20/2013 11:53 am

Strange story.... but life is full of them....

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
7/21/2013 11:48 am

Life can certainly be full of strange stories.

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
7/31/2013 5:11 pm

Thank you for your comments ifyoubuildit. Absolutly right.