(Deb )
1171 posts
8/14/2008 5:32 pm

Last Read:
9/4/2008 12:48 am

Losing The Battles But Not The War

Yesterday my ex's realtor put a "For Sale" sign in my yard. I cried almost all day. Nothing I can do about that except get a good paying job quick and refinance to get his name off the loan before it is sold. If I can't do this then my ex will probably take all profit from the house sale for back support I owe.
Also today in the mail I got an order for a contempt hearing because my ex feels that I should already have a good paying job so he can take my money for support. My small paying job isn't good enough for him. And why I'm paying him support doesn't make sense as he makes so much more than me.
Anyway, I could get jail time or fined if I lose the hearing next week.
This doesn't make sense either because I have a job. I pay 55% of my income to support, which means I make $3.82 before taxes. That's not even minimum wage.
I have been seeking a higher paying job all year. I got one briefly in April but had to quit because staff members were molesting my students and they fired the principal instead. I didn't want to be associated with their mess and quit. I still kept my second job though.
I have copies of the cover letters I'd sent since January at several places about town. I have the copies of a few rejection letters. I've interviewed twice this month already. I tried to request of the Court that I be allowed to have custody of my and be able to move out to find a higher paying job. I got weekend custody.
When I couldn't find a job here, I started up my own business. I'd advertised for bachelor's level workers. I got resumes from about ten.
I had the place picked out, all the paper work done and I'd had the tax ID numbers from the Federal Government. I was then referred to the local government who then proceeded to tell me that I couldn't start my own business because there were too many psychological wrap-around services in the area.
This week I got a "Special Allowance" from Welfare to get a suit, fix up my car and get clearances to work with for the year.
But my ex says that since I have a Master's degree (he does too) that I should be making at least $34,000 in this small town and that I'm not doing enough to find a good job.
Well, if I do get fined, how the heck am I supposed to pay more towards support. And if I do get jail time, I'll not be able to get clearances to work with , so I'll never be able to get that higher paying job he wants me to get. He is a miser and has been torturing me via the courts since 2000.
Well, I'll just go to court and present all my evidence that I have been trying hard to find a higher paying job in this small town and it's surrounding areas. Funny thing is as the Defendant in a Domestic Relations case I have no right to a free attorney. He however does.
But that's all just money. My tell me that they don't want to go with him during the custody exchanges. I think even they can see that he is a miser. My keeps telling me that she's afraid of him. My is starting to say he hates his dad. I told them that they still have to love him. Well, I can't order anyone to love. Maybe the court can.

(Deb )
1846 posts
8/20/2008 4:17 pm

Go, my dad is in the hospital. I don't think I'll be having any kind of frank discussions about anything there. As to legal advice, after my ex takes out 55%, I can't afford an attorney. The hearing is tomorrow, I'll let you know how I do. I rounded up all my paperwork proof yesterday and today. I also went to the library to look for more jobs on line. Anyway he wins the battle: by torturing me by having me go to court, or by having me jailed or fined. But like I said, I've won the war. The kids want to be with me. Yesterday, my daughter told me that she's almost 12 and can tell who she wants to be with and she wants to be with me. Actually, she's almost 11, but it's still comforting.
As to the sign, I don't have to do anything this week, lol, as my road is closed for water pipe repair. No one can see it.

(Deb )
1846 posts
8/25/2008 3:54 pm

Well, I didn't get jail time or have to pay a large fee. The Judge dismissed my ex's case. He did tell me however that I have thrity days to find a lower paying job for more hours. Between thirty and fourty hours to be exact. Here's the thing that doesn't make sense. My ex took me to court a couple of months back because he felt that my lower paying job at thirty hours was not enough for him and he wanted me to have a higher paying one. Then this month he tells the judge that he wants me to find a lower paying job with more hours instead. Can you tell he's been diagnosed with a mental disorder?

mojo10002 58M
392 posts
9/2/2008 4:55 pm

I honestly admire you, Pup.
