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PHOTOSHOP... 你的照片是真实的还是伪造? PHOTOSHOP - are your photos real or fake? Photoshopped is a generalized term to describe the of editing digital images. The name comes from the photo editing software Photoshop. Although not the first program to offer digital editing, Adobe Systems Incorporated, makers of the product Photoshop, is certainly one of the largest. Photoshop是一般化的专有名词。 这描述编辑数字式图象。 名字来自这张照片(编辑软件Photoshop)。 虽然并非提供数字化的编辑的第一个计划,Adobe"灰度粘土"系统合并,产品Photoshop的制造者,当然是最大的中的一个。 Prior to computers, the term for photo editing was called airbrushing or... airbrushed. I was a when I became familiar with the term. Airbrushing referred to the (post production) technique of altering photos (and sometimes negatives) to achieve something different from a photo that wasn't originally captured by the camera. The term airbrushing is often used to describe the flawless centerfold beauties in Playboy Magazine. Large photographs were 'altered' by Artists using tiny (airbrush) sprayguns and painting out unwanted blemishes from the photos. Scars and stretchmarks (not disguised by makeup and lighting) could be eliminated giving the illusion the subject was perfect. I studied Graphics Arts in High School (three well spent years) and part of the course included photography, where some of the techniques taught showed us how to mask out bad parts of a photograph, make corrections for poor lighting and de-emphasize unimportant parts of a picture. Dating back to the 50's, 60's and 70's... it was very common in advertising, to take a photo of a model in a studio and (using a razor or scissors) cut the model from the photo and paste it into a background relevant to the theme of the product you wanted to sell. It was (and still is) too expensive to drag thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment to the beach for a photoshoot when you could take a few studio shots and superimpose the model into some already made Hawaiian surf background to sell suntan lotion. I used to prepare artwork for catalogs... by hand. Page by page, using a photocopy machine, scissors and lots of 'white-out' now, it's all done on computer. |
Computers for me are both a hobby and a tool for business. I need them for my design work, correspondence, accounting, internet... and of course, photo editing. I don't claim to be a photoshop expert, not even close... but I've altered pictures for people, usually in good taste and with positive results. I knew a woman who came here 20 years ago from Cuba. She had an 8x10 wedding portrait of her parents that was torn halfway through. I scanned the photo, 'repaired' it in Photoshop and printed it on photo quality paper. She cried tears of joy to be able to put the replacement on display. I knew a young couple who had a young baby. Like many, they were struggling to pay bills. The husband couldn't afford a dentist to fix a rotten front tooth. Anyway, we were at a Christmas party and I took a clear shot of him, his wife and their baby. I 'repaired' the tooth and e-mailed them the photos... I hope my small effort made his family photo album look better.
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There are a few women at Chinese FriendFinder using the EXACT same backgrounds to their photos. One has a pose with a fancy silver & brown dress. The pose and the garment are very unmistakable, but 4 different women have this photo with their faces Photoshopped to this dress! Another, is a woman getting out of her car. It's a very specific pose and she's wearing a white coat with black trim. I've see different faces on this at least 3 times. 鍦ˋFF浣跨敤鐩稿悓鐨勭収鐗囪儗鏅湁涓浜涘濂炽 涓鏈夋湁涓浠舵兂璞″姏妫曡壊鐨勬湇瑁呯殑涓绉嶅Э鍔裤 濮垮娍鍜屾湇瑁呴潪甯告槑鏄俱 4鍚嶄笉鍚岀殑濡囧コ鏈夎繖寮犵収鐗囥 浠栦滑鐨勮劯鏄杩欎欢鏈嶈鐨凱hotoshopped锛 鍙︿竴涓紝鏄湪濂圭殑姹借溅闄勮繎鐨勪竴鍚嶅濂炽 瀹冩槸涓绉嶉潪甯稿叿浣撶殑濮垮娍銆 濂规绌夸竴浠剁櫧鑹茬殑澶栧銆 鎴戞湁鐪嬭涓庤繖寮犵収鐗囦竴璧风殑3鍚嶄笉鍚岀殑濡囧コ銆
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鐖辩殑鐪熻皼 鐖辨槸鎭掍箙蹇嶈愶紝鍙堟湁鎭╂厛锛 鐖辨槸涓嶅珘濡掞紱鐖辨槸涓嶈嚜澶革紝涓嶅紶鐙傦紝涓嶄綔瀹崇緸鐨勪簨锛屼笉姹傝嚜宸辩殑鐩婂锛屼笉杞绘槗鍙戞掞紝涓嶈绠椾汉鐨勬伓锛屼笉鍠滄涓嶄箟锛屽彧鍠滄鐪熺悊锛涘嚒浜嬪寘瀹癸紝鍑′簨鐩镐俊锛屽嚒浜嬬浖鏈涳紝鍑′簨蹇嶈愩傜埍鏄案涓嶆鎭傦紙鍦g粡鏋楀墠13锛4-8锛 Love is patient, love is kind {and} is not jealous; love does not brag {and} is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong {suffered, } does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails; 锛圔ible 1Co13:4- 鍦g粡閲戝彞涓庢偍鍏卞媺锛 鎰跨绁濈浣狅紒 鑰剁ǎ鐖变綘锛屾効涓荤绂忎綘锛
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Anna... 鎴戠湅瑙佷綘鎵瑰噯娆洪獥鐨勭収鐗囥 鎰熻阿浣犵殑鎰忚銆