chatillion 71M
2286 posts
4/9/2010 6:33 pm

The Chinese boy who sings like Whitney Houston.
浣犵湅瑙佷粬浜嗗悧锛 鎴戠‘淇¤繖閬嶅強鍥犵壒缃戙 浠栧湪涓ぎ鐢佃鍙拌〃婕斻 鏉ヨ嚜鍙版咕鐨勪竴涓勾杞荤殑鐢峰鍦ㄦ墠鑳芥樉绀虹珵浜夈
闂笂浣犵殑鐪肩潧骞朵笖鍚 鎴戝惉鍒版儬鐗瑰凹路浼戞柉鏁︺ 鏄殑锛屽畠95%鐨勫噯纭 浠栨湁涓绉嶆儕浜虹殑鎵嶈兘銆
鎴戝繀椤绘梾琛屽埌涓浗銆 鎴戝皢璇辨嫄杩欎釜鐢峰銆 鎴戝甫浠栧埌缇庡浗銆
濂逛笉鍙潬銆 鎴栬澶鐨勫彲鍗″洜鍚楋紵 鎴戜笉鐭ラ亾銆 浣嗘槸濂圭殑鑱屼笟姝i愭笎娑堝け銆 浜轰滑琚児鎭笺 濂规槸涓涓櫨涓囧瘜缈併 濂逛笉灏婃暚濂圭殑瑙備紬銆 濂逛笉鑳芥帶鍒跺ス鐨勫惛姣掋 鏈缁堬紝濂圭殑鑱屼笟灏嗚缁撴潫銆
鎴戞湁涓涓鍒掋 鎴戝皢绉熺敤涓浗鐢峰銆 鎴戜滑鑳藉幓鎷夋柉缁村姞鏂 鎴戝畨鎺3涓湀棰勫畾銆 浠栧皢鏇挎崲鎯犵壒灏笺 浜哄皢鏉ョ湅浠栧敱銆 浠栦滑灏嗗繕璁版儬鐗瑰凹銆 涓嶄箙锛屼腑鍥界敺瀛╂槸涓涓櫨涓囧瘜缈併 鎴戞槸浠栫殑缁忕悊锛屾垜涔熸槸鐧句竾瀵岀縼锛
I saw a video of a Chinese boy in a talent show. He has an amazing voice like Whitney Houston. Close your eyes and listen... he's about 95% accurate.
In the news recently, Whitney has cancelled some concert dates. I suspect is more drug related problems. I really don't know. But, I think I should go to China to find this boy who sings like Whitney... I can abduct him and bring him to Las Vegas to sing. I'll book him for 3 months there and he will become a millionaire. Since I'm his manager... I'll be a millionaire too !!
Poor Whitney, her career will soon be over.

Anna2683 66F
3397 posts
4/9/2010 8:52 pm


鐖辨槸鎭掍箙蹇嶈愶紝鍙堟湁鎭╂厛锛 鐖辨槸涓嶅珘濡掞紱鐖辨槸涓嶈嚜澶革紝涓嶅紶鐙傦紝涓嶄綔瀹崇緸鐨勪簨锛屼笉姹傝嚜宸辩殑鐩婂锛屼笉杞绘槗鍙戞掞紝涓嶈绠椾汉鐨勬伓锛屼笉鍠滄涓嶄箟锛屽彧鍠滄鐪熺悊锛涘嚒浜嬪寘瀹癸紝鍑′簨鐩镐俊锛屽嚒浜嬬浖鏈涳紝鍑′簨蹇嶈愩傜埍鏄案涓嶆鎭傦紙鍦g粡鏋楀墠13锛4-8锛

Love is patient, love is kind {and} is not jealous; love does not brag {and} is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong {suffered, } does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails; 锛圔ible 1Co13:4-




chatillion 71M
1569 posts
4/10/2010 12:17 am

Anna, 鎴戠殑缃戠粶鏃ヨ瀹屽叏鏄菇榛樸 鎴戞病鏈夐偑鎭剁殑鎰忓浘銆

my blog is purely humor. I don't have evil intentions.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
8/27/2012 3:57 pm

Whitney died this year. drowning in a bathtub. she had a mixture of drugs in her bloodstream, however that wasn't the cause of death.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
9/2/2012 11:23 am

Similar to the Michael Jackson tour?

Singers and dancers perform to honor Whitney.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
9/2/2012 4:57 pm

xixihaha, the boy's name is Lin Yu Chun. He is from Taiwan.

Sorry you cannot get YouTube in China.
I'm listening/watching a video of him performing "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. He can reach all the high notes without straining his voice! After his performance, a woman interviewed him. Breifly, both spoke in English. He said "Yesterday I was a chubby boy, now everybody is looking at me"

There is no question Lin Yu Chun will have a successful career!