chatillion 71M
2286 posts
9/23/2012 1:26 pm
An iPhone a day keeps the profits away...

Apple released the iPhone5 and millions clamored to be the first to order one.
Have you noticed, the price of Apple products are more than their (Blackberry, Android, etc.) competitors?

That means that wireless services have to wait longer to begin making profits on the iPhones than other phones. In theory...

Let's say you buy an HTC android phone that costs your carrier $250 and you are paying the difference of the promotion of $100. You sign a 2-year contract with penalty for early cancellation. Apple charges more, so the carrier could be paying as much as $400. They don't turn a profit on the phone until longer into the term of the contract. Consumers are paying $200 to secure a 16gig iPhone5 now.

Got to be a tweak... Why would any company want to sell iPhones if it took longer to make a profit? Because... services (that often are included with other phones) are extra with the iPhone. That's really where they make a profit. Unlimited texting and video e-mail (chick-ching) GPS (chick-ching) Data plan (chick-ching) protection-pack (chick-ching) parental controls (chick-ching) not to mention 100+ gadgets and applications already on the market (chick-ching)

So dig deep if you want to have the latest in Apple Technology.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/24/2012 4:51 am

I simply can't get on the bandwagon... I don't play games on phone, I only use text when it is a necessary thing to send one, when talking is not the most convenient thing, all of them will receive e-mail, and all of them work well to talk, they all play music, and they all store pictures.

I think people follow anything that is a fad..
Now imagine if they started talking positive about the national economy, then people would suddenly feel positive about the economy and as a result it would grow astronomically.

Psychological melodrama, sell products and moves nations.
I use a carrier that cost $50 a month, with everything included. I'm not one who likes talking on a cell phone unless I need to do so.
I think cell phones have become people's new status symbol and many treat is like their security blanket or security teddy bear. it is like the centerpiece of so many peoples lives.

I don't see a need to twitter everyone telling them what I'm doing, and there is no such thing a 1000's of friends, as the illusion of Facebook's psyche on people. Today, one is lucky if they find one or two 'good friends'.

but again, people post many things on these social media, and now every government and policing agency monitors these things as a first options, and build psychological profiles of the people and what they say and how they use it.
The 'likes" on Facebook is one of the biggest marketing survey programs imaginable. and people have not figured it out.

Good post, you wrote, in he crazy world of carrier's and phone producers.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
9/24/2012 5:30 am

Beyond... thanks for your comment. You have (in my opinion) targeted social networking for exactly what it is... a waste of time.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/24/2012 5:45 pm

I just finished writing a Cell phone policy for those who drive company vehicle, " do not use them while driving'.
I have to address emergency responders, but I will do that verbally, the general policy is" do not use phone while driving".

Unfortunate as it is the state does not have a 'do not use policy', they however have law's against texting while driving, and they strongly suggest the usage of hands free devices.

I have to develop some material which stand against cell phone use while driving. the challenge is finding the right medium to promote the campaign.

I will use posters, and I will use company e-mail, to send bulk messages to all employee..
It is really insane that people still don't get it, " stop texting while driving", and why not let your voice mail catch the call, and answer it when you get to your destination.

I have absolutely "0" problem, not answering my phone just because it rang. I don't allow a cell phone to dictate my time and certainly not to consume it.
I wear two phone, one personal and one for work.. I don't like it because its to me 'cumbersome" but I don't allow them to govern my day.

when I worked for the school system, I did not answer my phone until I found a location to pull over and stop.

As to the social Media, it's really pathetic, that people are so obsessed with facebook.. it kind shows how our of touch with daily reality that people are. No wonder Obesity is the new fad, and people doing crazy stuff is the general format... where everything either matches a song, or one of the bazzar commercials on the television.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/24/2012 5:48 pm

    Quoting  :

Exactly ! and I most certainly agree.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/24/2012 5:50 pm

I just finished writing a Cell phone policy for those who drive company vehicle, " do not use them while driving'.
I have to address emergency responders, but I will do that verbally, the general policy is" do not use phone while driving".

Unfortunate as it is the state does not have a 'do not use policy', they however have law's against texting while driving, and they strongly suggest the usage of hands free devices.

I have to develop some material which stand against cell phone use while driving. the challenge is finding the right medium to promote the campaign.

I will use posters, and I will use company e-mail, to send bulk messages to all employee..
It is really insane that people still don't get it, " stop texting while driving", and why not let your voice mail catch the call, and answer it when you get to your destination.

I have absolutely "0" problem, not answering my phone just because it rang. I don't allow a cell phone to dictate my time and certainly not to consume it.
I wear two phone, one personal and one for work.. I don't like it because its to me 'cumbersome" but I don't allow them to govern my day.

when I worked for the school system, I did not answer my phone until I found a location to pull over and stop. the new job I have, I still don't spend my time focused on a cell phone.

As to the social Media, it's really pathetic, that people are so obsessed with facebook.. it kind shows how our of touch with daily reality that people are. No wonder Obesity is the new fad, and people doing crazy stuff is the general format... where everything either matches a song, or one of the bazzar commercials on the television.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
9/24/2012 9:19 pm

Four years ago, Blackberry held the market for corporate cellphones because they were reliable, had a 'real' keypad and were strong on e-mail. The audio on a Blackberry was full and clear. Trends toward touch screen and downloadable applications literally killed Blackberry's share of the market.
I owned 2 Blackberry phones and changed because 'I wanted to' and not because anything was wrong with either model... actually I have both of them and use one for my alarm clock that gets me up in the morning! Sad but true.
Too many times, I've been let down when my calendar lost an appointment. I tried using gmail as a backup of my system but that didn't work for me. Paper & pencil will always be better suited for my job when making notes, appointments or reminders. Typing on a screen is much too slow.
I will say I enjoy listening to music on my drive home from work piped through my Bluetooth headset. I often select a YouTube full album from bands dating back to the 70's
Hahaha... giving away my age again!

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/25/2012 5:12 am

I use a blackberry as my personal phone, I tried the touch screen, but did not stay with it, I actually like the blackberry it does what I need it to do, besides, when I go walking, I use to carry and Ipod, but now I have music on my blackberry, and I can walk and listen to music and still have my phone without carrying two units.

I don't see a need to change units everytime something different is advertised, long ago, I stop letting the delusions of advertisment dictate to me. the same with computers, I use to upgrade and upgrade and a computer guy once told me, that as long as my unit does the things I use it most to do, don't waste my money changing until there are major upgrade,...

So I wait until processor speed takes a great lead, but even then if I don't see a need where I'd actually benefit from the general programs operating any faster, I won't just up and change.

Advertisement has a great impact on people. I prefer 'REPAIRABLE THINGS" over disposable things.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
9/26/2012 5:23 am

Yahoo reports, sales of the new iPhone topped 5 million on it's opening week.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/29/2012 6:11 am

Eventually automobiles will come factory equipped with the jamming device, which by right should operate when the care is engaged in Drive or Reverse. there is little need for the use of the phone while driving, We made it for generations without a cell phone.
We as people get caught in fads of every sort and the fad of texting and cell phone.
I've even seen people playing games, people have been noted by others to see drivers using digital pads, it has long been a reality that people even read various types of papers while they drive.

An automobile in general is designed to meet minimum Federal Standards, maybe people should consider what the term means. "Minimum Federal Standards" - High end automobiles are enhanced to a higher standard but none are designed to be crash proof, nor are they designed with the potential nor a ability to provide 100% assurance of survival in a crash mode.
many crash test are done up to 40 miles per hour. some have test done at lower speeds.
there are crashes within the crash, one is the body is moving at the same speed, so the car crashes, then the body crashes, and then the internal organ of the body crash. this also is compounded when something is equally moving face to face at equal or greater speeds.

Once in LA a woman passed me and I was going 80, she passed me as if I was not moving, all the while applying her eye liner.

Whether there will ever be a removal of these acts from the lives of people when they get behind the wheel.. probably is not very likely any time soon.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
9/29/2012 10:27 am

I didn't see it first-hand, but I'm told someone was playing Bagpipes and driving!