chatillion 71M
2294 posts
9/29/2012 10:40 am
Cellphones and driving...

Some funny comments to my other blog. Maybe cellphones and driving deserves a blog of it's own. I notice people who are holding a cellphone to their head while driving tend to be preoccupied with their conversation and they drive as if it's a video game. They have no fear to tailgate and change lanes without signalling.
No joke, this is a serious problem.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/30/2012 9:05 am

its a madness that has overtaken the mindless people in society who think their car is a protective bubble... they have forgotten that the main occupation while driving is to drive and pay attention to managing the car within the roadways and the acts and activities that involve safe navigation along the roadways to reach a desired destination.

Adding the maddening distraction of a cell phone, means nothing more than one has changed the Risk Factor, and made the conversation more important than their life and the lives of others, and they have put their destination as a secondary priority, because the risk change they have infused into the process has diminished their resolve of focus to get to their destination.

There are many people now who can't go 30 seconds without flipping their thumb up and down the screen as if the cell unit is the most important thing in their lives. There are people who engage a lot of mindless chatter, just be on the phone because it makes them feel important and functional, when they are actually achieving nothing more than increasing their distraction level and multiplying their chances of being a detriment to others and themselves.

Cell phone has demonstrated the aggressive nature of people, who impose themselves upon others with incessant calls, they push their rudeness to talk in others peoples ear while in check out lanes and they endanger others, which includes, the seniors, the children and other individual of all spectrum's, by their selfish consumption with their obsessive compulsion to use and absorb themselves with cell phone.

We have more economic chaos because people make flash bang deals over these cell phone and go off on a ego high, about a slap stick decision as if they are a power brokers, when all they are doing is self glory chasing madness that discounts more than they consider.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/1/2012 4:59 pm

These people in this website are non responsive to almost everything, no wonder it has become nothing but a picture viewing delusion site.
I won't not be surprised if they don't just grab a lot a pictures from their multiple sites and post them to create the delusion that the sit is populated.

because if it is populated these have to be the most massive group of non responsive people imaginable. This site must attract people who's minds are frozen and their lips are zipped shut, and their fingers are arthritic to the point they can't type and think at the same time.