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Romney with 100% of the polls will be sworn in as our next president on Monday! I don't like to blog politics, but this is too important to miss. It appears in a clean sweep 'never been done before' in the history of America, Republican candidate, Mitt Romney has taken 100% of every poll taken today. Due to this accomplishment, he will be sworn in as 45th President of the United States of America on Monday morning in a ceremony beginning 7am, well in advance of the upcoming November election and the swearing in ceremony in January. Why waste taxpayers money holding an election? Current President Barack Obama, his wife Michelle and their & pets have been notified by Secret Service to pack their bags as 'checkout' time is 11am. Congratulations Mitt on an unprecedented job... we knew you could do it! In the mean time, Barack has been on the phone to a few friends locating a place for him to say. Some inside sources reveal they have found an abandoned factory once owned by Bain that will serve as a "shack-up" until he can arrange some public housing on the outskirts of Chicago. . |
If America is that blind and become that misled to believe in a man who spends hours talking and saying nothing. but Certain segments of America would do anything they can to dis-acknowledge the works Obama has achieved. Romney's style is to try and preserve what the Confederates lost many years ago and his aim is to re-resurrect the Confederacy. He has already told people on three distinct occasions that he does not have any regard for the poor, be it poor whites or poor minorities. America has always found failure under Republican leadership, and Romney is the nail in the coffin if this nation is unfortunate enough to be blind and unaware enough to put this man in office. But the Confederates never gave up after the Civil War, the confederate Democrats simply took over the Republican party and they have been pushing their Confederate Agenda every since. In this nation, the same public services that many complain about, the real numbers tell many things, white Americans utilize public service 4;1 over minorities and others. If Romney gets office this reality will flare up, and the crap will then hit the fan, when people take the blinders off and realize how an what he is taking away from them. Right now people don't care because they think his policies will only take from Minorities, but when the Poor whites rise up only then will people take off their blinders. It's just like health care, it passed only when white Americans no longer found themselves with jobs during the Bush Era and by the time the reality hit, they also found they did not have health care and it was no longer paid for by the company. Then white American began to support health care reforms. If it takes the devastation of the lower middle working poor and the dire poor whites to be faced with these losses before they see the truth, then if it comes to that, at that time, America will then find its revolution. It will only be then that many liberal whites won't accept being bullied by non liberal whites. All during segregation it was the racist and bigoted racist who intimidated the liberal whites, and even today there are many whites in many areas who won't speak up, because they fear reprisals from non liberal whites and the many violent factions which exist under this cloud. But at some point the liberal whites will loose the fear of these non liberals and racist.. then the battle of the nation will erupt into something unimaginable. Today, we continually see Republican right loves a fight, where as liberal Americans love diplomacy. Romney son wants to fight Obama, because he can't digest a black man talking face to face and not swallowing Romney's stuff. For 2 years Romney has been trying to win based solely on a "slam Obama campaign, but he has said nothing of how he can do anything. then he has the audacity to talk about attack ads, when his whole campaign is an attack program. But again it is the denial mentality, where the habit is to be an assault master, and then deny it as being such. When many come to time to retire and get that $6000 voucher for medical care and find out the actual cost is 14k to get medical coverage, only then will they realize when they find out their Social Security has been privatized and their pension funds again looted and crashed, and it takes their wake up to the fact the Wall Street Criminals have gambled away their social security.. when such destitution hits, only then will segments of America wake up. As usual, when its too late to do anything about it. It normally take flat devastation before white America acknowledge and realize the same things minorities have said for decades. But when it hits the white homes, suddenly they see and only then will they began to realize. It's such a trip that over 8 Years Bush Policies crashed everything, and suddenly people expected a black president to wave a wand and make it go away. but none stopped to think about the obstructionist Republican right, and the Republican wealthy who stashed their money off shore because they refuse to see success to this nation by the policies of a black man. but this society has never been one to be honest about its racism, nor about the mindset that feed it. the habits are so ingrained, until some can't see it when they do it, but they try and justify their actions away, but their heart felt ideals have not vanished in a great many of the edicts of the Jim Crow groomed society. many people are blind to the fact we are no more than two generations removed from the policies of Jim Crow, which today many who were born in the era are in their 50's today, but many have children who are in their 30's who were taught and raised by the ideals and ideologies of the Jim Crow era parents.. We have politician's who speak equality for the microphone, but they have a biased concept of people behind closed doors. Romney got caught with his spewing with the 47% comment, it only re-stated his comment that he does not care about the working poor and the challenged in this society. America is probably due for an uprising and if Romney is placed in office it is sure to get one. but this time it won't be a single ethnic march in the streets it will be a color blind under class who have been robbed by every means, and time will find many cities in turmoil of every sort. If he is in office the International conflict will hit a pitch never before seen, and it is quite likely when america comes out the other side it will be a greatly diminished nation. Bush busted the debt clock, then clearly stated that it may be 10+ years before America can or will balance a budget, but people selectively forgot that .. but the typical Republican process is to utilize selective Amnesia.. it simply is the method of coping by denial and then a denial that they are in denial. When Obama got Bin Laden, he did it just the way he said he would, not with a broad ax, but with a scalpel approach. he did not spend a trillion on war to do it, he used a precision team, and did what Bush blew up two countries and could not do and cost us Trillions, while the nation itself crumbled from coast to coast. but again, selective Amnesia would never allow many to acknowledge that point and fact. But the best hope for America is to insure that not only does Romney does not get in office, but to remove as many current day mentality Republicans from office as possible. That is where the best hope for this nation truly exist. Bush and McCain was telling American's that all was fine and that we were financially sound, all the while the nation was in the middle of the greatest economic crash since the 1930's, until the dust nearly blinded them, they were in denial of what everyone else saw vividly.. when the dust settled America was financially devastated. This is the true realism of Republican smoke and mirror programs.. and if at this time in this nation another Republican is put in office, they will only finish knocking this nation down to feed their greed.... but if that is what it takes for people to wake up, then it is what it might take to get people to start to think and respect the humanity of others. REMEMBER, it was republican who said they would do everything possible to impede the works of President Obama, they did not care what damage they did or do to America, their whole mission as they claim was to "Take back their so called "My country",, which means, turn it back to white rule.. and they have been UN-relenting in that aim and mission. This nation grew because of its slave policies, and it can't seem to change its spots... it has sough slaves on foreign soil, because the Confederate policy was to insure that poor whites become nothing more than share croppers and that minorities remain extracted from economic equilibrium. The Confederacy was about a plutocracy, and Romney is true to heart a Confederate Plutocrat. who seeks to become a Monarch.. he wants to be the Boss of American, when America was designed to have a President, not a Boss.
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Gee, chat, it is fun to see who rises to the bait. Lmao
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Let's be nice here. The blog was intended as a sarcastic response to those who give hourly updates to polls. We all know polls change like the wind. What counts is the election... and in some cases the peoples vote matters little when the electoral college decides, or in the case of tampering with voting equipment, recounts and possibly decisions by the courts... how good is your vote then? Anyway, let's hold 'who will win the election' until voting day.
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daily polling benefit no one but the media, they get to create drama for the pundits sitting around the table to get paid.. I personally think at this point, anyone who is unaware of the issue and don't know who they are voting for , probably should not vote.. but they have the right either way. Polls are telling us that x number of people have not been paying attention as life moves along. this certainly is not about a drama moment in a debate, it is about what will take place over the next 10 or more years.
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I find it amazing how these pollsters, can claim 'entire" States" for candidates, what a dis-service to the people who don't aspire to the red, or the blue of particular states,..
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From what I see, this is a VERY close race... some say it 'comes down to Ohio' to determine a winner.