chatillion 71M
2281 posts
2/2/2013 10:42 pm
Oh, they're Indians? Thanks a lot Columbus...

Columbus had a great idea. The world is round and sailing West would bring a shorter trade route to the Far East. He reaches land and realizes the people there aren't Chinese... So, thinking he landed at India he calls them Indians and the world follows with this discovery.

One small glitch... IT'S NOT INDIA COLUMBUS... you missed it by an entire continent.

The people there are Americans. Indians are on another continent.
Because of this, we have to define "what" Indian we are talking about... India Indian or American Indian.
Let's not forget, many India Indians migrated to the island on Jamaica and (naturally) they are defined as Jamaican Indians, not to be confused with Aztec Indians of Mexico and Central America.

Oh, Columbus... what were you thinking?

Thanks for reading my blog.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
2/5/2013 4:43 pm

Columbus seem to have got quite a few things wrong, even his claim of discovering America, when fact is there were already people living here .

The native Americas were far advanced in the humanity regards, because they did not kill any animal they did not eat, unless it was self defense. the Natives of this land also had a reference to God in everything, they uniquely identified God with all the natural forces.

lostmaverick 44M

2/5/2013 8:02 pm

"The native Americas were far advanced in the humanity regards, because they did not kill any animal they did not eat, unless it was self defense." Riiiight and those groups that performed human sacrifice were better in tune with nature too?

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
2/6/2013 4:35 pm

Identify the groups, because there has been groups on "every continent" that have engaged in human sacrifice?