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Blogs > chatillion > My Blog |
Spending a million bucks to look like a million bucks... I have some wealthy who know a healthy diet and exercise doesn't always 'hold back the years' and they resort to a little 'nip & tuck' to maintain their youthful appearance. Many years ago, I was assigned to work on a project for the new offices of a famous plastic surgeon. It was reported his first scheduled in the new facility was actor Leslie Nielson. This happened shortly before he filmed The Naked Gun movie. Good surgery is when people say you look terrific and scratch their head wondering how you look so fine and they don't. I know a local designer who really wanted his money's worth and they pulled his face tight... like a bongo drum! It was so strange, people often talked about it. A boss I worked for was Scottish and had the trait of 'Jawls' where his cheeks drooped and eyelids also had excessive skin. Maybe you've seen the real-life woman obsessed to look like Barbie, where the young woman had a Blepharoplasty... literally tightly pulling the skin around her eyes. Frightening to think someone so young would spend so much on looks... considering she was beautiful to start with. The Scottish boss had a with the same traits/characteristics and after graduating high-school had surgery to remove his baggy eyelids. The surgeon trimmed the extra skin at the fold line/wrinkle in his eyelids. Surgery... success. He claimed excessive exercise made sweat drip into his eyes causing irritation. After surgery the problem was greatly reduced. Not every surgery comes out as expected. There are photos of botched facelifts in many places on the internet. I used to say, when turn 60 I'm going to have my 'bags fixed' it's been with me as long as I can remember, including baby pictures. I've heard all excuses why I have them... lack of sleep, allergy, hereditary. instead of a trip to a plastic surgeon, I took a trip to China. Anyway, plastic surgery is so far down on my do list I'm not thinking about it anymore. Thanks for reading my blog... ! |
I think so far I'm aging well, except during the military they damaged my teeth with overly excessive dental PRACTICING ![]() ![]() What I'd prefer is "vitality" increased strength and stamina and I'd love to have more "flexibility". And a very solid bank account ![]()