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ROCK hand gestures... I cannot recall what cool cultural sign Americans made prior to the 1960's 'peace sign' but I do know that singer Ronnie James Dio popularized the 'sign of the horns' when he replaced Ozzy Osbourne (who used to give a peace sign) in the heavy metal group Black Sabbath. Ronnie wasn't the first to do this and stated it publicly, however people remember Dio's Apotropaic Magical symbol said to ward off evil spirits. (excerpt quote from Ronnie James Dio) "...It's an Italian thing I got from my Grandmother called the MALOCCHIO. It's to ward off the Evil Eye or to give the Evil Eye, depending on which way you do it. It's just a symbol but it had magical incantations and attitudes to it and I felt it worked very well with Sabbath..." 40 years later, It's gone 'cross culture' and appears in many selfie photos, movie stars appearances and especially photos of hip-hop artists. |