chatillion 71M
2286 posts
7/30/2014 9:44 pm
4 things you should NOT do in China...

You should NOT spit in public.
You should NOT smoke in public buildings.
You should NOT litter.
There was another thing...
Oh, that's right. You should NOT take photographs in public places.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
7/31/2014 4:10 am

Actually it was a guy in Walmart who pointed it out to me. He made a gesture to the sign on the wall and said "No picture."

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
7/31/2014 8:24 pm

No picture of the store.
I saw live fish in tanks... someone's dinner waiting for them to choose.
Walmart in America only has dead fish on ice. Very different here.

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
8/1/2014 6:59 am

No pictures in the store. I was filming the live fish in tanks at the time.