chatillion 71M
2262 posts
11/16/2014 3:57 pm
I don't know SQUAT about Chinese toilets...

In my last blog, I made a joke about my girlfriend and Asian squat-style toilets. I've heard that some people do the same thing on Western-style toilets. Most of my readers got the joke, but one reader took offense to it. Since it was intended as light-hearted comedy, no apology should have been necessary... but I did say I was sorry. Comedy is like that. Quite often when someone is made fun of, it offends someone else.

Yesterday, I was at the flea market buying a case for my new cellphone and I asked the saleswoman if she was from Trinidad. Detecting her accent... she replied yes and asked if I knew anyone from her country. I told her a coworker was from Trinidad. I added the woman loved spicy food and kept a small bottle of hot sauce in her purse so she could spice up her foods when going to eat American style. The saleslady commented it was very unusual for that to happen and she hopes I didn't think all Trinidadians carried hot sauce.

That said... I don't think all Chinese squat on Western-style toilets.

I love internet research, so I did some 'Google' and found there are enough people doing it to warrant instructions (in restrooms) of the correct way to use a Western toilet.

I'll say this up-front. It's done as HUMOR... if you are offended I'm truly sorry.

Attached are some real photos found on the internet that people have posted online.

chatillion 71M
1570 posts
11/17/2014 4:18 am

You have voiced your opinion... again. Thanks for the comment.