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Castilian and The King of Lisp Many years ago, I worked with a cabinetmaker who came here from Spain. He had a distinct lisp when he spoke in Spanish, but the lisp wasn't apparent when he spoke English. The other Spanish speaking workers told me "He's Castilian" They went on to say, a thousand years ago, there were two prince brothers who were given land by their father (the King) to each begin a Kingdom of their own. One of the brothers spoke with a lisp, As the story goes, the followers of the 'Lisping King' all adopted a lisp out of respect for the King. Well, I did some internet research on this and the results were NOT what I expected. Instead of finding something to substantiate the story... I found suggestion that it's folklore (urban legend) with nothing really factual. Although I didn't get a true explanation, I'll consider the lisping king story to be false. So... let's talk about another King. Jay Leno. NBC's former King of late night comedy... Jay's got a lisp... a really pronounced one at that. Didn't someone tell him about it when he was a ? I guess all his teachers ignored it. It surprises me someone didn't say to Jay's parents "Jay has a lisp. We want him to go to speech therapy for 3 days a week for the next 2 months. After this, he will speak like any normal ten year old." What went wrong Jay? I think the teachers really did send a note home and you crumpled it up and tossed it into the trash bin. He entertained millions of TV viewers and not one person suggested you've watched 'way too many' Looney Tunes cartoons of Sylvester the Cat and now you sound just like him. Who do you think you are Jay? Mel Blanc or sssumpthin' Oh... just a thought. Maybe Jay is really Castilian. |
Sorry to strike a nerve with you Evan... do you have a lisp?