chatillion 71M
2265 posts
4/5/2015 6:38 pm
Soy Bean Sprouts...

We were grocery shopping at the Asian market yesterday and my wife asks which bean sprouts I wanted. Puzzled for not knowing I had a choice...

Years and years I've been eating bean sprouts and not once was it questioned what kind of beans were used in the making of bean sprouts.

I don't have an answer and I suppose I could search this... but my other choice (yesterday) was bean sprouts and soy bean sprouts. I didn't read the label as it's probably soybean (one word) sprouts.

They (soybean sprouts) are physically larger than bean sprouts so I chose them and a good choice it was. When stir fried, they don't get soggy like regular bean sprouts. The head is larger and has more texture when chewing. Also, they have more flavor.

So there you have it! my first experience with soybean sprouts.