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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
8/8/2015 6:30 am
The cost of using Windows 10...

A good portion of the industry is switching to Windows 10.
The 'cost' of this free upgrade is immeasurable.

Think about this...
Every month Microsoft releases updates. While I loathe doing updates, I realize some are important. Two years ago, I had a perfectly good computer start to become unstable shortly after an update. I rolled back the last batch of updates but the machine became worse. I was forced to clear Windows back to it's factory state costing me hours of valuable time. I'm an independent contractor for the company and use my own equipment linked to their network servers. When something goes wrong, it's on my dime to fix it. All the 'employees' sit back doing nothing (getting paid) waiting for the IT guy to repair or replace their computers.

One computer in the office is running Windows 10 and last week, I got to spend 2 or 3 minutes 'clicking around' and agree it's a pretty interface.

I read that already a small portion of the upgrades didn't take and users are left having to reinstall their original working system.

All week though, it's been dozens of web articles about W10 including the good, bad and Why The Fuk did I upgrade...

I scanned a few horror stories to see, another one I warned people of is the 'no longer free sh*t' that used to come with Windows.
Something as simple as Solitaire has advertisements (read: nag screens) but you can make them disappear if you upgrade to premium for a monthly subscription fee. Yeah, pay for something that was always free.

This is just like my Android phone. The app is free but you constantly have to maneuver around landmines of advertisements... or pay for the premium version.

Other free programs have a trial version... just waiting to expire.

Just remember, if you allow your valuable data to be stored on a free service, they could easily change their terms of service and legally hold your data ransom until you pay the upgrade.

I'm rethinking that new (in the box) computer with Windows 8 on it that I planned to install W10 and experiment with... Now is not the time.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
8/8/2015 12:29 pm

Go back a generation...
Let's say you purchased MS Office, installed it and used it in the same computer for 4-6 years. If your needs didn't change that initial investment will continue to work. That explains why so many XP users aren't willing to change.

I was shopping for Adobe Photoshop and couldn't justify the expense. It's a good thing I didn't need Photoshop and 'make-do' with lesser photo paint programs.

The lure of having the latest product releases sounds fine when you are a professional and require high-end specialized software. Purchasing subscription (or net based) software fits a budget when you cannot afford pay $800-$1,000 at one time to buy the disk based program.

So what's the problem? They have you by the cojones and crying to pay their subscription fees.

Paying for software AND the subscription to be able to use it, is a double-whammy.