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Blogs > chatillion > My Blog |
BASS BASS try to BASS BASS sell you BASS BASS something BASS BASS... Digital FM radio has been coming over the air waves now for a generation and the fidelity is CD quality. If you have a high-power sound system, especially one with a sub woofer, you can feel the low notes when you crank it up... actually, you don't need to have it very loud to hear the bass... sub sonic bass that is, often below human hearing. Yeah... you can feel the vibrations and see things rattle, but it's not musical. It doesn't take much wattage to make your rearview mirror buzz to the point where you cannot see anything with it! My car comes with a standard radio. It doesn't get loud enough to make the drivers of cars next to me turn their heads to see where that sound is coming from. Since my last car was 13 years old and it wasn't noticeable when the music had low bass. It is now... to the point I wonder who is mixing the sound on commercials because the bass is louder than the announcer who's job is to sell you something. It's totally distracting trying to hear through the bass. Rather than get annoyed, I turn the volume off for a minute or two avoiding all commercials. Hey... it works for me! |
John, is it on everything or only commercials? My radio plays music normally, but the bass on commercials is enhanced and overpowers the voices of the people doing the advertisement.