chatillion 71M
2262 posts
6/12/2016 3:21 pm
Faux Library...

I remember watching a music documentary with Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page and in the background is a library. Bookshelves filled with... books. I've built lots of libraries for , but none of my own. I have 2 small bookshelf cabinets, but they are mostly filled with boxes of software and technical manuals. Nearly everything I read now is online.

I don't need a library... really, I don't and one good reason why I rarely go to the public library is the smell. Yeah, that funky moldy small that comes from books that are 20+ years old.

So, my answer to having a library without the expense of buying lots of books (and reading them) actually, I'm sure there are yard sales and places where people actually give away books, but my real answer is a faux library.

I'm prepared to get 20-30 books and photocopy them. Move the order around and photocopy them again and again, maybe do some Photoshop image editing so it looks as though I have hundreds of books. I can tape all these copies together on the wall and POOF!

There is is... my faux library.