chatillion 71M
2262 posts
7/7/2018 6:09 am

I usually talk to my brother every week or so. He travels in business and makes it to Florida to visit a few times a year. I knew he was coming, but not exactly when. I did have a 4 day weekend planned and heard a car door in the driveway this morning.
He rented a Toyota Yaris for the weekend... small car. Actually it's just over 'can of tuna' size, but the weight, handling and power for a minicar wasn't bad for a $16,000 entry level vehicle.
I've seen a bunch of them on the highway, often used for delivery service or company cars with lots of advertising wraps. Great on gas but my fear would be how it stands up to side impact in an accident.
While we were eating lunch, my brother mentioned he wanted to go to the local college library. He's looking for an engineering book that's been out of print and figured it was at the library here as they have a good engineering department.
I prefer to do internet research... and found there are 20+ libraries in the United States that have the book in their collection. One source says it's been digitized, but unavailable as a downloadable PDF (or other book format) as the copyright to this work hasn't expired.
So... it's was a good day as my brother has a direction to go to and his next step is to see if the book is available for purchase or if he can get his local library get the book on loan from a library who actually has one.

Thanks for reading my blog !

chatillion 71M
1570 posts
7/7/2018 6:11 am

Yeah, that's a lot of work for an engineering book. Business related, It must be an important book.