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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
9/17/2018 3:23 am
deceptive sales tactics...

I'm shopping for a condo and called the realtor from one of the listings I'm interested in. She apologized as the property was sold and neglected to notify the website to remove the ad. I'll file this under unprofessional laziness.

Some realtors have other listings and bait people with really good ones that just happen to have been sold... but if you are interested, they have others that are somewhat more expensive than the one that hooked you in. I'll file this under deceptive sales tactics.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
9/17/2018 3:24 am

I've got another... Maybe you've tried to bid on a foreclosure the very first day it gets listed only to be told another offer was accepted... that's because they have to list the property but insiders already have deals in place before the listing hits the internet.

Mulan_CN 40F

9/17/2018 5:26 pm

It's very common in China
things in the real estate ads are fake.