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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
4/24/2019 4:13 am
Please fix the Popular Member Photos page...

Twice, I reported the Popular Member Photos page isn't working correctly.
Photos aren't updating.

I'm not the only one who noticed this. Yes?

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
4/24/2019 4:13 am

Sometimes, the link doesn't work.

Lily20145 61F
887 posts
4/24/2019 5:15 am

why bother ?


chatillion 72M
1612 posts
4/24/2019 7:30 am

Do you want a dysfunctional website?

XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
4/24/2019 7:41 am

It is already a completely dysfunctional website. It won't even let me update my own preferences. I change what I want, hit save, exit and come back to the same old settings. Nothing changes.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
4/24/2019 9:35 am

Send a message to customer service, they've actually fixed things from time to time.

Lily20145 61F
887 posts
4/24/2019 1:18 pm

astonishingly how much you devote to this website even though you are not looking or fishing anymore. I can disappear anytime if I can't log back in, I don't really care about all those features because I am not using it.


im4asianladys 65M
22 posts
4/24/2019 4:32 pm

This site is basically worthless, you have to have a hole in your head to pay for this site! It's embarrassing.

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
4/25/2019 1:28 am

Same photos for 10 years or more!

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
4/25/2019 3:30 am

WIKI: FriendFinder had not turned a net profit since at least 2008; They sold off Penthouse.. On November 13, 2016, it was reported that a database of over 412 million accounts, including usernames, e-mails, and passwords, had been breached and leaked from several FriendFinder Networks websites.
So I imagine if they have any programming/IT staff they are volunteers. Well maybe not volunteers, but surely unpaid

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
4/25/2019 4:54 am

If a member hasn't changed their profile photo in 10 years... that should say something by itself.

I know photos on the front page didn't change but clicking VIEW ALL was working and (until 3-4 weeks ago) the photos haven't updated showing new activity.

XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
4/28/2019 10:17 am

    Quoting  :

"Caucasian thirty year old chicks with magazine quality photos..."

You forgot: Who are always Christian and of Mixed Race.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
4/29/2019 7:36 pm

I like those "Am God fearing" women...

XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
4/30/2019 5:58 am

"I like those "Am God fearing" women... "

Oh! Yes. I'd forgotten that one. I once talked to one and told them that religion was a non-starter for me. I got a quick reply, "Oh! I would gladly give up my religion if you would promise to marry me."

A TRUE believer, that one.