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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
6/26/2021 9:37 pm
What took you so long??

I consider myself as bait for bogus profiles collecting views and lists from women half my age. Not saying how, I found one new member to have information very different than the profile says and figured like all the others it would be a before I was in her sights and be hotlisted.

Amazing, it took 3 days. not offended by this and maybe it's a sign of the times that there is a decline in dating site activity.

I know administration is taking much longer to close fraudulent profiles that I've been reporting. Sometimes they are still active weeks after I send the documentation to support my claims.

There is something to consider... if they closed every bogus profile, new membership would be half what it is now and that isn't good.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
6/26/2021 9:39 pm

The suspect profile has a wide hip woman in pink!