tml1963 60M
83 posts
11/10/2011 6:10 am

I've been to college a couple of times but never graduated. I've found I learn more from getting inot thr work force and actually doing everythnig hands on, instead of sitting in a class room and learning about theories how how thnigs Might work.
I do think a 2 year degree can be a good thing at this point in my life. I'm sorry I wasn't able to do this 20 years ago.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/11/2011 5:41 pm

I went to school taking many classes.. the same scenario was, 'the teachers always had one phrase '"We have not go to that yet', 'we will get to that and discuss it more later... IT NEVER HAPPEN, they never got to it. when it came question and answer time, I responded, many times no one else did, and over time, it became, a script of the instructor, to say' Ok, let's give someone else a chance. My response was, I did, you ask three time, and then I waited for someone to say something, so, after they did not, I'd answer. It was a drag!!

The point I'm making is.. one first and foremost must learn how to learn... before they entreat upon applying the principle of learning to anything.
Therefore the perspective and dimensions of what is sought to be learned then has a caption to fit within, and digesting information is quick, as well as exploring and applying for performance and functional advancement in application.... is enhanced.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/11/2011 7:06 pm

Don't handicap the creativity of your mind by thinking that a degree is the only validator for ones self confidence in being aware and with gained information. People forget a degree was never meant to mean anything more than a person has indulged a course of study.
Remember, be it a lawyer or others, what is the phrase of the declarative position? "They are PRACTICING that craft.

Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency.
Carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly.

We probably would not have a computer today, if Gates and Jobs had stayed in college and tried to develop it based on a professor script. They would more than likely be told the theory won't work.
But what they did was go indulge to get information from people who had found various elements which help advance their ideas.. and they explored the potentials within their concepts, the pursuit to study is essential to the development of the human mind. it can be engaged by many means.
One need today, to learn the principles of a craft/function, learn the laws within the governance of the elements which you want to function, and thus it gives way to the spectrum of their principal capabilities. Within the principle of what is the desired outcome is the variables which help one factor it for performance.
Let no one tell you want can't be done, nor let anyone diminish the creativity and the drive to develop. Remember: the uncommon is only uncommon until it become common.

Most of the Universities today gain their credibility, by their R&D ( research and develop) explorations. Other gain their reputable standing by the nature of organization they have, which people expound on systems, sociological interactions and the broad array of cultural entertainments. It's a place where people indulge the engagement of discovery by and within a guided program.

Terminology is a valuable asset, because one has to learn the language of a category of function, then they can communicate effectively within the discussion with positive prespect of subject, to gain respect of subjects matter and composition.

Today, we have many people who have the common sense trained right out of them.
God made the world simple, but; to appreciate the true simplicity one must have high regard for the complexities which compose to make simplicity. otherwise they are apt to take much for granted. when such happens they become confounded by the variables and the interactions of variables.
thus Chaos is then highly possible. But to learn to make structure within chaos is to be of regard of and unto the variables and adhere to the principles - but be of mind what is the aspired objective desired to be achieved.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/11/2011 7:28 pm

The problem with this situations is the Human Resource people are dictated to by the University, as a means to secure employment to those who've paid into the institutional grooming programming. Corporation invest money in University; University structures itself to feed the corporation as a cooperative pairing. By the time the graduates are done, the corporations nature has evolved and changed in product, management and performance and the graduate is then and often times less equipped to deal with the elements that went into the change. so they become "numb" to the human factor. then they are put into some form of internship or OJT. unfortunately this is too often in a decision making position. We see the result of that process by the systemic failure of the global corporate systems.

Many people spend 4 or more years trying to appease the professor and trying to impress the professor. some become self inspired and actually learn and stay current, but many just follow the flow, until by the time, they graduate, they have mastered the art of "political correction" with raw prespect. but they may not have gained the element of positive prespect of the sake of respect, for the variables they were exposed to.
so we have many who graduate and they can tell you want a whole host of dead authors and playwrights said. but functional common sense applications and human regard seem to dumbfound them.

They follow what the script says, and claim a degree is a required element.

what should be the required element is functional skill and aptitude to perform the functions in a broad encompassing awareness and perspective acknowledgment .


tml1963 60M

11/11/2011 10:52 pm

thanks everyone for the advice. I'll keep all this in mind as I make a desision on what direction I choose next.

gangama 55M

11/12/2011 10:25 pm

Most degree holders can't even find a job in their chosen profession,all those years spent reading endless text books,for what?

so enchanting she delights the soul

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/13/2011 6:38 am

Many never even look for a job in the field they have chosen. The degree becomes no more than a "Get a Job Certificate".
I've seen more people with English degree being managers and directors of departments that have nothing to do with their pursued degree for being a English teacher.
Even people who have degree's earned in the 1960's and 1970's.. long before technology took hold, still ride those degree, even though some never updated their backing to support that degree having any relevancy to current information and modification of change in systems.

University now is a BUSINESS, they sell degrees, and most of them are all about how much money they make. Even when it comes to sports programs, Why should a University make as much money as Pro sports but they don't pay the players ? It's criminal.. Every player should have a Trust Fund set up in their name, and given 4 years education, not based on if they get cut from the sports program, but the Minute they are awarded the scholarship, it should be for 4 years, because they may get hurt in the first game they play. And every game they play there should be funds deposited in their trust account, and it should be no less than $20,000.00 per player, It's criminal the schools make this kind of profit from every sport, but they still want to not pay the players, and do not want to attribute that money to lowering over all tuition.
People are too afraid to inquire when they idolize something, so people should stop idolizing university, and start asking the honest questions.

Why is the coach being paid 100,000's of dollars or millions, Why are professors hailed as some guru but never steps into a classroom? It has become the biggest sham system imaginable.

It should be limited in cost to students, to not much more than what it requires to pay the teachers salary, there is enough money made from sports and investments profits to pay for facility maintenance and new equipment, there is enough money made from sports to pay the office staff and many other job holders. Most of the land and buildings has been paid for more than 100 years ago. There could be the logic of giving students various campus task as part of the offset for lower tuition.

The old system of the elite child who gets 4 years to engage play time mixed with a bit of study, is not functional. We graduate more people who have spent 4 years without any active responsible engagement with anything but books. They come out with an over inflated sense of entitlement.
It is ludicrous for any company to bring in a graduate and put them over experienced workers.
You will never see a person graduate from medical school and be given the sole care over any patients health... so why would we allow it in any other aspect of society.

The result of the habit has crashed the world economy and destroyed company after company... because none of these students know anything about the actual function within the labor environment, nor the variables of what the workers deal with in relation to family, and how all that interacts with the jobs they have been doing for many years.

Sadly, some of these same people are put in position to write policy. So we've seen a destruction of policy that respects people, in every type of business that exist. This is what we get as a result of turning the society over to 'degree riders"..